
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui efektifitas teknik self-regulation learning dalam mereduksi tingkat kejenuhan belajar siswa, terutama di SMA Insan Cendekia Sekar Kemuning Islamic Boarding School Cirebon. Self regulated learning merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki setiap siswa sebagai dasar kesuksesan belajar, problem solving, transfer belajar, dan kesuksesan akademis secara umum. Self-regulation learning adalah usaha untuk memonitor, meregulasi, dan mengontrol aspek kognisi, motivasi, dan perilaku Ketidakmampuan siswa dalam mengelola self regulation learning akan menim…

Institusi pendidikan sebagai institusi yang selalu berkembang seiring dengan denyut nadi perkembangan zaman tampaknya tidak terlepas dari dampak globalisasi ini. Arus globalisasi juga melanda pondok pesantren yang merupakan institusi pendidikan tertua di Indonesia. Namun demikian, pondok pesantren terus berupaya mengikuti dan mengimbangi irama dan alur perkembangan globalisasi. Pendidikan pesantren dapat dikatakan sebagai modal sosial dan bahkan soko guru bagi perkembangan pendidikan nasional di Indonesia. Pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan tradisional Islam…

Penelitian ini membahas dilema penafsiran ayat pemukulan istri (an-Nisa,4: 34) yang dihadapi kitab dan buku tafsir Nusantara yang mainstream.Dilema redaksi perintah dalam ayat ini dan perlunya pembatasanpemukulan istri, yang sudah dibahas tafsir-tafsir klasik, masih diulangbegitu saja dalam kitab-kitab dan buku-buku tafsir Nusantara tanpa adaperkembangan tafsir yang signifikan. Khusus mengenai ayat pemukulan ini,tafsir Nusantara yang kontemporer sekalipun, masih tidak beranjak daripendekatan yang oleh Abdullah Said (2006b) disebut sebagai tekstualisatau paling jauh semi-tekstualis. Pendekatan …

This study aimed to describe the Graduate Program IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon, the dynamic development of programs and institutions. This study used a qualitative approach, data gathering methods such as depth interviews, observation and document study. Sources of primary data in this study is the program staff, program development documents and institutions of Graduate Program IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon. Secondary data sources are other documents that are not directly associated with developing Masters IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon. The results of this study are: 1) Graduate Program IAIN…

Artikel ini mendeskripsikan tentang kemampuan pemecahanmasalah matematika melalui penerapan pembelajaran multipelintellegensi. Artikl ini diangkat dari hasil riset untuk mengetahuikecendrungan kecerdasan yang dimiliki dalam menganalisisperbedaan antara kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika berbasis multipel intelligensi. Obyek kajiannya adalah mahasiswa Jurusan PGMI Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon pada mata kuliah matematika. Dengan metode kuantitatif, kajian ini setidaknya menemukan beberapa kesimpulan, (1) kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika melalui penerapan pembelajaran be…

Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif penulis menemukan data yaitu bahwa bekam menurut masyarakat pesantren Darussalam Eretan Indramayu yaitu; pertama, termasuk sunnah Rasul saw., kedua, khijamah adalah suatu bentuk pengobatan menggunakan benda tajam untuk mengeluarkan darah dengan alat seperti cup, tanduk, gelas dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan alasan adanya pelatihan bekam di pesantren Darussalam Eretan Indramayu yaitudi antaranya; 1) Menanamkan perbuatan nabi kepada santri, 2) Mempermudah para santri untuk berobat, 3) Tidak perlu ke dokter, 4) Tidak perlu membeli obat-obatan kimia, 5) Memb…

Salah satu bentuk kegiatan perekonomian yang dilakukan oleh manusia adalah perdagangan. Dapat dikatakan bahwa perdagangan merupakankegiatan paling tua yang dilakukan oleh manusia dalam mencukupikebutuhan hidupnya. Aktivitas perdagangan merupakan kegiatan yangtidak asing bagi umat Islam. Bahkan jauh sebelum Islam lahir, kegiatanperdagangan telah maju pesat di kalangan orang-orang Arab pra-Islam.Karena salah satu aspek penting perekonomian masyarakat Arab praIslamadalah perdagangan.Mereka telah lama mengenal perdagangan bukan saja dengan sesama Arab,tetapi juga dengannon-Arab. Bah…

Study of the pathogenicity of gumboro virus (very virulent Infectious Bursal Disease virus, vvIBDV) oflocal isolates was performed in broilers. The chickens were grouped into four: i) infected with vvIBDV; ii)vaccinated with commercial vaccine + challenge with vvIBDV; iii) vaccinated using locally produced vaccine+ challenged with vvIBDV; and iv) control group (unvaccinated animals). Pathogenecity was analyzedbased on the sequence of infection; the distribution and degree of gross pathology and histopathologylesions on bursa Fabricius, spleen and thymus in relation to the presence of the antig…

In efforts to eradicate rabies disease, vaccinations have been carried out targeting so-called rabies carrier animal such as dog andcat. Mass rabies vaccination has been done by the government of Bali annualy, in every sub-village at vaccination post or at every household. Minimum vaccination coverage to protect the threatened dog population from rabies is 70%. To determine whether the vaccinated dogs have protective antibody against rabies, this study have been done to find out the immune response of dogs after rabies vaccination in Buduk village. Sera were collected using random sampling in …

This study aimed to figure out the prevalence and risk factors of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) infection in commercial layer farm in Blitar District. Blood samples and questionnaires were taken during December 2014 to February 2015. A total of 264 sera samples were collected from 22 commercial layer farm. Based on serum plate agglutination test, 26 sera samples were MG positive that were indicated an infection prevalence was 9.85%. The highest SRR value for MG infection was occurred in Bakung Subdistrict (SRR = 2.5). Based on Analysis of multivariate logistic regression showed that a very sig…

The purpose of this study was to determine total and differential leukocyte of layer after vaccinated with Newcastle Disease (ND) and Avian Influenza (AI) combination vaccine. The research was conducted on commercial layer breeding in Denbatas Village, Tabanan Sub-district, Bali. This study used 30 layer samples. Vaccination was done with ND-AI combination vaccine which was a combination of ND vaccine strain Lasota with AI vaccine subtype H5N1. ND-AI combination vaccine was an inactive vaccine. Chicken was vaccinated at 18 weeks of age before laying eggs. Vaccination was done with one dose (0.…

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the viability of mice and hamster embryos developed in Kalium Simplex Optimized Medium amino acid (KSOMaa) and Hamster Embryo Culture Medium-6 (HECM-6) medium. Female DDY mice were superovulated by injection i.p. of 5 IU Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropine (PMSG) and 5 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropine (hCG) in 48 h interval, hamster (Phodopus campbelli) injected by 2.5 IU PMSG and 2.5 IU hCG 48 h later. Then females were mated with fertile males. Eight-cell embryos were recovered at day 3 after natural mating. The mice embryos were cultured in …

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The research on the potency of Momordica charantia as lowering blood glucose has been carried out.The fruit was extracted by 70 % ethanol at room temperature. The extract was then partition with NHexane.The filtrate of partition was purified with thin layer chromatography. Three months old of whitemale rats (Rattus novergicus) with approximately 200-250 grams in weight were used as Bio-indicators.This study used a randomized block design (CRD) consisting of eight treatment groups (each treatmentconsisted of five rats). Rats were injected with streptozotocin to get hyperglycemic condition. The …

Malassezia is dimorphic yeast found normally in the animal healthy skin. Malassezia can causehealth problem in pet animals, such as dogs, cats, and other domestic animals. Varies according itsvirulence, Malassezia can cause skin changes characterized by severe pruritus, yellowish erythema andscab, greasy skin, bad odor with hyperpigmentation and lichenification in the face, paws, and neck bottom,as well as belly. Laboratory diagnosis can be performed either by microscopic examination of nativepreparations, or molecular biology. Treatment of Malassezia’s infection can still be made using…

The aim of this study was to identify the gentic profile of Malay pangolin (Manis javanica) and originpatterns of confiscated specimens.  Tissue samples of Malay pangolin were collected from several confiscatedmaterials in Tangerang, Medan, and Lampung. Wild collections tissue were also conducted in Lampungand Sukabumi. The study was conducted using  conserved Cytochrome b (Cyt. B) DNA mitochondria(mtDNA). The results showed that based on nucleotide base lentgh of 420 nt, confiscated pangolin wasdistributed in three clades and two groups. Haplotype variations was high, consisted of 19 ha…

The aim of study was, to identify Clinostomum complanatum (Digenea: Clinostomidae) infectingfreshwater fish in Yogyakarta and Riau on the bases of their molecular profiles in the internal transcribedspacer region (ITS1). Samples of climbing gouramy (Anabas testudineus) infected by Clinostomum sp. wereobtained from Kali Progo River, Yogyakarta. Whereas the climbing perch (Trichogaster trichopterus) wereobtained from the Sail River, Riau. Metacercariae of Clinostomum sp. found in the gills and visceralorgans were aseptically removed using needle, preserved in absolute ethanol. Molecular examinat…

The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is influence of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, procedural fairness to employee performance with moderation variable that is Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Source of data is primer using the questionnaire taken on the object of research of Bank Syariah Batam with the number of samples as much as 150 respondents of Bank Syariah employees. The research used quantitative descriptive analysis and processed data with SPSS 22 that is regression analysis and path analysis. The results show that there is a positive influ…

This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of service quality consisting of variable reliablility, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible to customer satisfaction PT. Sucofindo Batam simultaneously or partially. Population in this research is consumer of PT. Sucofindo Batam or consumers who have ever used the services of PT. Sucofindo Batam. The number of samples obtained using Slovin calculations A total of 80 respondents using Non Probability Sampling method. The method of analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 20…