Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm which is motivated by ants foraging behavior. Due to its favorable advantages, ACO has been widely used to solve several NP-hard problems, including edge detection. Since ACO initially distributes ants at random, it may cause imbalance ant distribution which later affects path discovery process. In this paper an adaptive ACO is proposed to optimize edge detection by adaptively distributing ant according to gradient analysis. Ants are adaptively distributed according to gradient ratio of each image regions. Region which h…

Tuna fish image classification is an important part to sort out the type and quality of the tuna based upon the shape. The image of tuna should have good segmentation results before entering the classification stage. It has uneven lighting and complex texture resulting in inappropriate segmentation. This research proposed method of automatic determination seeded random walker in the watershed region for tuna image segmentation. Random walker is a noise-resistant segmentation method that requires two types of seeds defined by the user, the seed pixels for background and seed pixels for the obje…

Pada penelitian ini dilakukan suatu eksperimen pembentukan formasi pola dengan menggunakan Robot LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Pembentukan pola ini dilakukan secara bertahap dimulai dari pembentukan formasi pola yang lebih sederhana menuju kepada formasi pola yang lebih kompleks. Dalam penelitian ini, diterapkan konsep pembedaan peranan dalam pembentukan formasi pola poligon. Konsep pembedaan peranan ini diterapkan dengan menggunakan persamaan periodik. Selain itu, persamaan pembedaan peranan dibuat dengan fitur terbebas dari kondisi awal dari nilai variabel pembeda. Pembentukan formasi pola pada penel…

Abstract Malocclusion is a clinical symptom, in which the teeth of maxilla and mandible are not located at the proper location. If malocclusion left untreated, it can lead to complications in the digestive system, headache, and periodontal disease disorders. Malocclusion problems involving abnormalities of teeth, bones, and muscles around the jaw are obligation of orthodontic specialists to treat them. The treatments can be varying based on the type of malocclusion, including tooth extraction and tooth braces. To know certain degree of malocclusion experienced by the patient, an assessment met…

Most of the document summary are arranged extractive by taking important sentences from the document. Extractive based summarization often not consider the connection sentence.  A good sentence ordering should aware about rhetorical relations such as cause-effect relation, topical relevancy and chronological sequence which exist between the sentences.  Based on this problem, we propose a new method for sentence ordering in multi document summarization using cluster correlation and probability for English documents. Sentences of multi-documents are grouped based on similarity into cluster…

Abstract Heart disease is the number one deadly disease in Indonesia. One of the main causes of fatality is the late detection of the disease. To avoid escalation of mortality caused by heart disease, we need early detection and monitoring system of heart disease. Therefore, in this research we propose an early detection and monitoring system of heart disease based on ECG signal. The proposed system has three main components: ECG hardware, smartphone, and server. Since the proposed system is designed to classify heartbeat signal, heart disease symptom can be detected as early as possible. We u…

Kehandalan dari sebuah sistem pengenalan aroma tidak hanya tergantung pada kemampuan perangkat sensor melainkan juga tergantung pada sistem pengenalan pola yang menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan. Struktur jaringan syaraf yang sederhana memiliki performa yang buruk untuk memisahkan berbagai campuran aroma. Kombinasi antara teori fuzzy dan jaringan syaraf tiruan digunakan karena teori fuzzy dapat menangani masalah data yang samar-samar sedangkan jaringan syaraf tiruan mempunyai kemampuan untuk pembelajaran yang bagus. Algoritma LVQ digunakan sebagai proses pembelajaran dalam sistem karena algor…

Everyone must have the ability to endure the heart and lungs of the body, especially for activities in physical activities. For sports students, the ability of heart and lung endurance is an important asset in carrying out activities, not only to support activities in lectures but also to support activities outside of lectures. This study aims to measure the level of cardiovascular endurance. Tests and measurements were carried out using the 1.2 km running test. The sample to be studied is sports education students class 2019, Indonesian technocrat University. This research is a survey analysi…

Sports Activity is related to achievements that is inseparable from some factors and one of them is physical fitness. Following the physical fitness by the members of Futsal Club Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is unknown. This research aims to reveal the level of physical fitness of the members of Futsal Student Activity Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, with 29 members involved. The data collecting technique uses the instrument of TKJI that consists of 5 tests that are: 50 meters Running Test, Push Up, Sit Up, Vertical Jump, Run 1.2 Kilometers, the data analyzing technique of this research us…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi latihan anggota UKM Taekwondo Satria Teknokrat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif.  Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota mahasiswa yang mengikuti UKM Taekwondo Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia yang berjumlah 23 orang anggota dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dalam bentuk skor persentase. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi latihan masuk pada kat…

Physical fitness is one of the important components in doing any activities. The sport activity is closely related to the achievements that cannot be separated from several factors and one of them is physical fitness. Related to this issue, the physical fitness of basketball club members in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia has not been known yet. Therefore, this study aims to measure the physical fitness level of basketball club members in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia. This study is a qualitative descriptive study by surveying basketball members. The subject of this study is 30 members of bask…

Training activity is related to an achievement which cannot be separated from many factors and one of them is training motivation. The level of motivation possessed by the members of the Archery UKM at the University of Teknorat Indonesia has not been clearly described during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the aim of this study is to determine the level of motivation for training in Archery UKM This research is a descriptive study using the analytical survey method. The subject of this research is the Archery UKM of Technorat University of Indonesia, with a total of 15 members. The data collectio…

This reseach study is aimed to investigate leg length and leg power towards penalty kick result of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia’s students majoring in Physical Education batch 2019. Moreover, this study is intended to figure out the impact of leg length and leg power towards penalty kick result. The method used in this study is a descriptive correlational method by having 20 students as a sample of the analysis. The result of this study shows that the correlation between leg length and the accuracy of penalty kick is 56,25% and the value of correlational coefficient between leg stren…

This research aims to find out students' interest and how much support from the school to support junior high school extracurricular sports activities in Pringsewu Kota District, Pringsewu Regency. The research method used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis technique. In this research instrument using a questionnaire or questionnaire (Questionnaires). The results of the study were obtained with good categories as a whole as many as 65 students with a total percentage of 93% in the category of extracurricular sports activities and 14 students with a total percentage of 20% in…

The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of learning facilities and infrastructure of Physical and Sports Physical Education in junior high schools in Pringsewu, 2019. The method of the research used by the writer is qualitative methods, because it describes the availability of learning facilities and infrastructure of Physical and Sports Physical Education through the number of facilities and infrastructure that is available and is needed in learning. Data collection is done by using documentation, observation, and questionnaires. The research instrument that is provided in the…

Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengenali bagaimana pertumbuhan motorik kasar anak pada usia 4- 5 tahun dimasa pendemi Covid- 19, 8 indikator digunakan untuk deskripsi motorik kasar anak dengan usia 4- 5 tahun. penelitian ini menggunakan metode evaluasi dengan instrument yang berbentuk angket dan disajikan dalam bentuk google form yang disebar melalui media sosial. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan disajikan dalam kuantitatif deskriptif yaitu diagram, dengan subjek orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 4-5 tahun.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai dari Delapan  indikator yang tertinggi adalah …

The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of basic skills back roll using aids in class III students of SD N 1 Beringin Raya  Bandar Lampung city in 2019. The method used in this research is the Classroom Action Research method with two cycles , where in each cycle using different actions. The first cycle with the use of part-time learning, and the second cycle with the use of teacher assistance.The subjects in this study were students III of SDN 1 Beringin Raya, Bandar Lampung City, totaling 17 students. Data collection was taken from tests in the form of observations of t…

ABSTRACTThe objectives of this study were to analyze incubation period of biofungicide extract to controlDrechslera oryzae pathogen on rice in vitro. The research was conducted from August toNovember , 2016 at Departement Budidaya Pertanian laboratory, used randomized completelydesign, with 35 treatment and 3 replications. Eight of biofungiside were used in this study,there are lerak fruits, siam weed leaves, taya leaves, gelinggang leaves, meniran, roots andtegari stem, galam leaves and 5 incubation periode (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 week) . The results showed that0–4 week incubation periode of lera…

ABSTRACT Liquid organic fertilizer is able to provide nutrients from leachate extract (liquid) as a result of changes in worm metabolism, growing media or residual worm feed as a result of the composting process. This study aims to determine the interaction between feed type with worm colony weight as well as the influence of worm weight and type of feed on the quality of L. rubellus compost liquid organic fertilizer. The research was carried out at the experimental field of the Department of Agriculture and in the analytical laboratory of the University of Palangka Raya using completely ra…

ABSTRACKThe purpose of the research to study the effect of growing media composition on plant growth palmoil in pre nursery. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namelythe composition of the planting medium with a mixture of fertilizer Petroganik (M) with 6 treatments,namely : M1 (3 kg of alluvial + 1 kg of manure + 1 kg of sandy soil), M2 (3 kg of peat soil + 1 kg ofmanure + 1 kg of sandy soil), M3 (3 kg of alluvial + 1 kg of manure + 1 kg of sandy soil + 0.25 kg oforganic fertilizer), M4 (3 kg of peat soil + 1 kg of manure + 1 kg of sandy soil + 0.25 kg of …