This article discusses Indonesian welfare regime outlook by using citizenship framework. It is argued that transformation of Indonesian welfare regime from productivist characteristic to universalism has been disrupted by the discourse of communitarian citizenship and market citizenship that has become path-dependency of welfare configuration in contemporary Indonesia. This circumstance has become an endogenous factor that obstructs innovations and changes within an administrative body of universal social protection. By using evidences from Indonesia experiences, this article can be used…
AbstrakCSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) merupakan kewajiban sosial yang harus dijalankan oleh perusahaan yang berdiri di Indonesia berdasarkan berbagai undang-undang yang berlaku. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya program-program CSR yang diterapkan berbeda di tiap perusahaan, tergantung pada pemaknaan perusahaan terhadap konsep CSR. Hal ini berdampak pada implementasi program CSR dan modal sosial yang nantinya terbangun antara perusahaan dengan masyarakat lokal. Penelitian terdahulu, lebih banyak membahas mengenai evaluasi program CSR, namun belum menunjukkan dampak lebih lanjut dari hasil eval…
AbstrakProgram corporate social responsibility (CSR) pada industri ekstraktif di Indonesia, yang praktiknya menjamur pada era pasca-Orde Baru, dapat bermakna sebagai salah satu sarana pembangunan komunitas lokal. Namun, berbagai bentuk programnya hingga saat ini yang bersifat unilateral cenderung problematic karena sering kali kurang mewakili harapan dan kebutuhan komunitas lokal. Studi-studi sebelumnya tentang CSR pada industri ekstraktif yang unilateral dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua berdasarkan substansinya, yaitu CSR sebagai bentuk karitatif dan mandatoris. Studi ini menolak keduany…
Religious intolerance is spreading within the Indonesian institution of education. Previous studies have shown that the growth of intolerance is due to the state’s regulation and pedagogical apparatus. In contrast to the previous studies, I argue that the intolerance is related to hidden curriculum applied by the institution of education. Normatively, the hidden curriculum contains the value of religious tolerance. However, factually, the author found that there are practices of intolerance, through the formal and informal spheres in the school’s structure, within the hidden …
Big Businesses’ intrusion into the Indonesian independent music scene does not harm the authenticity of the independent musicians’s wlrks as long as creative autonomy still can be maintained. It is important to maintain creative autonomy to make sure that songs produced by these independent musicians remain political and reflective—represent the quality of a high culture. The commodification of Indonesian independent music scene by tobacco companies is an interesting phenomena to be explored because it condraticts the ideology of independent music scene—that is the Do i…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan modelboardingschool dan implikasi sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu madrasahdan relevansinya dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam. Metode penelitianyang dipergunakan ialah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan jenispenelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi,dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam sedangkan pengujian keabsahandata menggunakan teknik trianggulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa dengan melihat pengembangan modelboardingschool dan implikasi sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu madrasahmemiliki relevansi ya…
Sederhananya, pendidikan kita (Indonesia) ibarat kapal berlayar tak tentuarah dan tujuan. Muncul kemudian dari kekalutan ini aneka tafsir tentangpendidikan Indonesia. Semisal Pendidikan Karakter, Pendidikan BerbasisNilai Budaya, Sosial, Agama dan lainnya. Seirig perkembangan zaman,ide dan gerakan mencari solusi masalah pendidikan di Indonesia terustumbuh berkembang. Sejumlah peneliti, pakar dan praktisi pendidikanbahu membahu mencari ciri khas pendidikan di Indonesia. Berbagaimacam metode dan stratgei dilakukan dalam rangka mencari formulasipendidikan berkarakter khas ke-Indonesia-an. Ada berb…
Pesantren merupakan salah satu sistem dan institusi pendidikankeagamaan Islam tertua di Indonesia yang dalam sejarahnya telahmemainkan peran penting dalam membentuk kehidupanmasyarakat. Pesantren muncul sebagai basis pendidikan yangmenekankan keutamaan akhlak (imtaq), sehingga dapatmemberikan kontribusi moral dan kemanusiaan pada masyarakatIndonesia khususnya dan masyarakat dunia umumnya. Pesantrensebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang cukup unik karenamemiliki elemen dan karakteristik yang berbeda dengan lembagapendidikan Islam lainnya. Elemen-elemen pesantren yang palingpokok, adalah adanya p…
Pesantren tidak bisa dilepaskan dari sastra. Tradisi bersastra dipesantren sama tuanya dengan usia pesantren itu sendiri. Berbagaikitab yang dikaji di pesantren memiliki banyak ciri yang bisaditemukan dalam karya sastra, seperti bentuk-bentuk penulisanpuisi (nazam) dan prosa (natsar). Salah satu tokoh yang mengambilbagian dalam mengembangkan sastra pesantren adalah K.H.Achmad. Faqih Muntaha. Semasa hidup dan mengasuh pesantrenal-Asy’ariyah, Kalibeber Wonosobo, beliau banyak membuahkankarya sastra dan menyemarakkan kegiatan-kegiatan sastra dilingkungan pesantren yang diasuhnya. Sebelum w…
The concept of violence against children includes several things:Definition of violence against children (child abuse), other forms ofviolence against children (child abuse), elements of violence againstchildren (child abuse). Islamic education is an alternative educationto guide while also directing students toward the establishment of aprivate key (perfect man) based on the ethical values of Islam whilemaintaining good relations against Allah neighbor, herself and thesurrounding nature .. As for the prevention of violence against childeducational perspective of Islam, which must be implement…
Neuroscience, are simply the science devoted to learning Neoron(nerve cells). Nerve cells make up the nervous system, both thecentral nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheralnerves (31 pairs and 12 pairs of spinal nerve head). A nerve cellitself is not the smallest unit away from the nerve cell, the smallestunit of nerve cells (neurons) are the synapses ie the meeting point oftwo nerve cells move and pass the information (neurotransmitters).At the level of molecular biology, the smallest unit is like genes(genetic studies). Generally, the neuroscientist focused on nervecells i…
Munâsabah's knowledge (knowledge about relevance among oneletter or sentence with letter or other sentence) form a part of Ulumal Qur ’ an. This knowledge its enough position urgent in order tomakes entirely al Qur's sentence ’ an as one whole unity (holistik).As it were observable in one of Ibn Katsir's interpretation method; al Qur ’ an yufassirû ba ’ dhuhu ba ’ dhan , the one sentence position isconjugate sentence another one, therefore understands al Qur ’ anshall whole, otherwise, therefore will come in deep modelinterpretation which atomist…
The role of KSPPS Tamzis Bina Utama Wonosobo Branch onWonosobo district revenue through Mudharabah Financing,Discusses how mudharabah financing in KSPPS Tamzis, and howthe role of KSPPS Tamzis Bina Utama Main Branch Wonosoboregional income. Is a field research with qualitative approach. Datacollection through documentation and interviews. Data analysisusing descriptive analysis. Mudharabah financing provided byKSPPS Tamzis Bina Utama Wonosobo Branch to members of thewonosobo community from 2013 to 2017 reached approximately2,117 members. The revenue sharing from the financing ofMudharabah KSPP…
The reading of the Ijazah Sanad is one of the traditions in the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) world. Sanad is an effort tomaintain the scientific chain to be guaranteed and authentic directlyfrom the original source. Without a clear scientific chain, it is fearedthat learners do not reach the understanding intended by the writersof classical Islamic works such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, nahwu and so on.Ijazah Sanad is an effort to maintain the authenticity of Islamicteachings. Pesantren Maslakul Huda is one of the pesantren which isvery strong in maintaining this tradition. Especially when…
Fikih hadir bersamaan dengan hadir ajaran Islam yang kemudiandipraktikan di masyarakat. Dialektika fikih Indonesia sebagaihukum yang memiliki karakter dan ciri khas keindonesiaan, baiksecara tertulis maupun tidak tertulis dalam kitab perundangundangan. Sedangkan fikih masih dilekatkan denga trademarkbudaya dan tradisi Timur Tengah (Arab). Kondisi sosio-kulturaldan setting sejarah Islam di Indonesia, dinamika umat Islammodern yang bersentuhan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan memunculkan wacana dan pemikiran untukmembentuk fikih Indonesia sebagai bentuk pribumisasi ataukontekstualisasi hukum…
The victory of Jokowi-Ahok in 2012 Jakarta Governor Election was the result of integrated political marketing activity with prominent pull marketing factor. Jokowi-Ahok utilized optimally the power of media which is very effective in providing information for the people of Jakarta. This study aims to observe how far pull marketing was used with other elements. In political marketing, there are nine elements which become the important parts. One of these nine important elements is pull marketing, which has a significant role for Jokowi-Ahok. Based on the analysis of the data, it shows that pull…
Language is a symbol or emblem of the most widely used. primary means to express thoughts, feelings, intentions, and goals. This is done by using words to represent different aspects of reality. Language can represent a lot of facts, phenomena, and even something abstract that is around humans. No exception to the Qur’an, the holy book would not want to use language as a medium. In this study described how language functions with a series of words to express the essence, meaning, form, something that is not there, past, present, future, and other things that certainly can not be separated fr…