Neuroscience, are simply the science devoted to learning Neoron(nerve cells). Nerve cells make up the nervous system, both thecentral nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheralnerves (31 pairs and 12 pairs of spinal nerve head). A nerve cellitself is not the smallest unit away from the nerve cell, the smallestunit of nerve cells (neurons) are the synapses ie the meeting point oftwo nerve cells move and pass the information (neurotransmitters).At the level of molecular biology, the smallest unit is like genes(genetic studies). Generally, the neuroscientist focused on nervecells in the brain. In the Qur'an sense has a glorious position. It wasevident the word "reasonable" in the Qur'an is mentioned insignificant amounts. The word "reasonable" in the Qur'an is called49 times. All in the form mudhari deed '(a verb that indicates thecurrent and future), but one that is shaped madhi verb (a verb thatindicates the past).Although the Qur'an does not mention the "sense" in its form as' acertain part of the human self '(سفنلا ىف لاقتسم ارهوج), which becamethe source of the birth of any acts rationally, but the Qur'anmentions "reasonable" in its meaning as' activities reasonable use'(لقعتلا ةيلمع), the appeal that invites use of reason as the path to truth(لقعتلا), thinking (ركفتلا), watching (رظنلا), to understand and learn(هقفتلا), take the wisdom and lessons from each incident (رابتعلاا) andetc.

Published by Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an
Journal Name Manarul Qur'an: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam
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Location Kab. wonosobo, Jawa tengah INDONESIA
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ISSN ISSN : 14127075, EISSN : 26154811, DOI :,
Core Subject Religion,
Meta Subject Religion,
Meta DescManarul Quran adalah terbitan berkala ilmiah dengan nomor ISSN 1412-7075 (print), 2615-4811 (online) yang dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M) UNSIQ Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo, jurnal ini terbit sejak tahun 2001. Manarul Quran merupakan wahana desiminasi hasil riset dan kajian studi islam dengan fokus pada kajian dan hasil riset tentang Islamic Culture, Islamic Studies, Gender Studies. Al-Quran Studies, Islam and Science Integration, dan Al-Quran and Science Integration.
PenulisNoor, Fu`ad Arif
Publisher ArticleLP3M Universitas Sains Al Qur'an
Subtitle Article Manarul Qur'an: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam Vol 18 No 1 (2018): Manarul Qur'an
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DOI Number DOI: 10.32699/mq.v18i1.934
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