The Israeli-Palestinian conflict which is often found to continue for more than 7 decades is inseparable from the root of the problem itself, namely; designation of the Palestinian territories as a national home for the Jews which would later lead to Israeli independence in 1948. Referring to the Balfour Declaration 1917 under the British decision, the massive migration of Jews from Europe to Palestine was inseparable from the benefits that were gained by Western hegemonies in the West. the winner of the war at the time. This can be studied using a realism perspective which views the state as …
The title of this research is "Tegal Binangun Community Social Movement Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province". This movement is in order to maintain their administrative status from the demands of recognition of the Banyuasin District Government based on Law Number 23 of 1988 concerning Changes to the Regional Levels of the Palembang Second Level Region, Musi Banyuasin District Level II District and Ogan Komering Ilir Level II District. The purpose of this study was to determine the dynamics and patterns used by the community movement so that the demands and resistance of the Tegal Binang…
The title of this research is "Religious Identity and Social Movement Pattern (Case Study of Islamic Defenders Front in Palembang City)". This study examines the pattern of FPI social movements in the city of Palembang in upholding Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar and the impact of the use of the religious identity. This paper parses and discusses how the FPI in eradicating immoral place (Controling) and other social activities carried out by the Islamic Defenders Front in the city of Palembang and how the impact of the use of religious identity on the FPI social movement in the city of Palembang. The …
This article discusses the roots of religious pluralism of Sheikh Siti Jenar. As one of theprosecution of Islam in the land of Java, he had a thought of religious pluralism, which is themeeting point of religions on the esoteric landscape (the transcendent unity of religions), in termsof Islamic mysticism known as Wahdat al-Adyan. The author deliberately used pluralism touncover the thoughts of Sheikh Siti Jenar based on his teachings. The theory of religiouspluralism classification, which includes secular humanism, global theology, syncretism, andlasting wisdom, is used to determine the patte…
Hamas and Fatah are the two dominant Palestinian political parties that have the same goal of freeing Palestinians from Israeli occupation. But there are ideological differences between Hamas and Fatah, Fatah with secular nationalist ideology while Hamas with Islamic ideology. The difference in ideology is considered to be the cause of the lack of cooperation between the two to free Palestine from Israeli occupation. This paper seeks to answer the question of why Hamas and Fatah did not unite to free Palestine from Israeli occupation when both have the same goal, whether differences in ideolog…
The title of this research is "The Role of The Indonesian Militer In The Development of The Territorial (Case Study in Sungai Ceper Village, Sungai Menang District, Ogan Komering Ilir District)". TNI in the context of defending territory, assisting the tasks of regional governments based on Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI in the development of physical or non-physical communities, territorial development, community empowerment in territorial / remote / remote areas and improving the welfare of the community through TNI Manunggal Building Village (TMMD) program. The purpose of this res…
Issues regarding Trash is one of the main problems faced in every big city, including the city of Semarang. Formulation of Semarang Local Regulation Number 6 of 2012 on Trash Management aims to address the problem of waste from upstream to downstream. Policy formulation phase is the most crucial stage for the formulation of good policies that will creat a good implementation as well. Good Governance explicitly wants the need for an active role of the public and private sectors in the implementation and formulation so that it supports the establishment of policy networks. This research aims to …
Health is a major factor for a nation in order to carry out the construction. Air is essential for life, as a natural resource that is vital for life, then the decrease in air quality is very influential for the survival of humans and other living beings, so that air quality must be maintained. To protect air quality control measures against sources of air pollutants and to activities that have the potential to pollute the air, such as smoking. One of the efforts made by the government through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is a program No-Smoking Area. No-Smoking Area pro…
Human resources management is one of important things that need to be design to create competen resources who deliver the public service work. Promotion is one of part from human resources management. Province of Central Java having an open system of promotion at echelon III and IV and it calls as talent scouting system. The implementation of talent scouting at Central Java Province will be continue, so then the number of talent pool will be increase. In the other hand the number of promotion are less then the number of talent pool. This research is aimed to know the process of promotion using…
Qualified Affordable Education Policy is a policy made by the local government of Semarang city to alleviate student is unable to prevent dropouts and improve the quality of education . The government made some efforts to achieve policy objectives . Efforts are made comprised of BOS funding, budget provision of providing education, adequacy of teachers according to their respective fields, the scholarship application are less capable, the liberation of all costs for poor students , teacher certification and others. In the implementation of low- quality implementation of education policy there …
This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. This study will describe and analyze Implementation Adolescent Reproductive Health Services in Kota Semarang along with the critical success factors that influence it. This policy refers to Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health and Planning Guide, Formation and Development PKPR in Regency / City. Data collection techniques used through interviews, observation and documentation of information. The theory used is the theory of five precision of public policy implementation and implementation models belonging to G…
Setiap manusia mempunyai tujuan yang berbeda dalam hidupnya,karena pengaruh pengetahuan dan pengalamannya yang berbeda. Namunsetiap manusia akan sama dalam satu hal yaitu ingin mempertahankanhidup dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan itumanusia harus melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas tertentu. Manusia tentumemiliki kemampuan yang terbatas untuk mencapai tujuannya, manusiamemerlukan bantuan dari manusia lainnya. Untuk itu manusia harusbekerja dalam mencapai tujuannya atau berorganisasi.Manajemen sumber daya manusia sangatlah penting bagiperusahaan / instansi dalam mengelola, menga…
Abstract About 80% of the clean water needs that used by the peoples derived from groundwater, especially in urban areas, industrial center, and settlement that is growing rapidly, such as Semarang City. The problems of groundwater management in Semarang City is the usage of ground water which is generally inefficient and carelessly that can be seen from the number of artesian wells from groundwater with the uncontrolled water discharge or not even registered, one of the acts from government is to manage groundwater extraction permits by Dinas ESDM Provinsi Jawa Tengah. The goals of this resea…
The aid program poor students (BSM) supported by related to the low participation in education especially on the poor because of high cost of education either directly or indirectly. Then the government seek to students from the poor can continue to go to school without the obstacles in the fulfillment of the cost of schools by issuing a program that is help poor students (BSM) . This policy rests on a presidential regulation (Perpres) no. 15 years in 2010 on the acceleration of poverty reduction . The implementation of this research is to find out the factors influencing the implementation an…
Government as a public servant should also seek to participate in improving service quality. Government efforts in providing services, especially to elderly population with the establishment of Komda Lansia. Increasing the elderly population will surely have an impact on the intensity of services provided by the Komda Lansia. The quality of Komda Lansia service in providing services to the elderly can be known based on the performance level of Komda Lansia in providing services. This research was conducted at Komda Lansia, District Wonosobo, Central Java. This study aims to determine the quali…
Public services to the needs of the community. Public services in Indonesia, for example, licensing services. One form is the licensing service licensing service Building Permit (IMB). In Kebumen, to improve the quality of service licensing, formed the Integrated Licensing Service Office and Investment (KPPT and PM) Kebumen regency. Authors make the research on service quality in the licensing Integrated Licensing Service Office and Investment Kebumen regency, to determine the quality of service given IMB licensing Integrated Licensing Service Office and Investment Kebumen regency. Identify th…
ABSTRAK: Sekolah merupakan unit utama dalam pengelolaan proses pendidikan, disekolah itulah terjadi proses belajar mengajar, yakni proses pendewasaan yang melibatkan siswa dan guru sebagai komponen utama dalam pengembangan potensi anak. Disamping itu banyak komponen penunjang yang turut berperan terhadap kemajuan proses belajar anak di sekolah. penelitian ini di lakasanakan selama dua siklus mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi Hasil pembelajaran yang didapatkan menunjukan bahwa proses belajar IPS melalui tekhnik permainan dan display mampu memberikankeberhasilan belaja…
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berangkat dari kondisi siswa SDN 9 Duruka pada mata pelajaran IPS yang menunjukkan perolehan nilai siswa yang belum mencapai KKM khususnya pada materi persiapan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Metode ceramah yang diterapkan guru selama ini merupakan salah satu penyebabnya. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw. Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas mengajar guru, aktivitas belajar siswa, dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Prosedur penelit…
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Rumusan Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah melalui model pengajaran langsung dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 7 Kabawo Mata Pelajaran PKn? Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 7 Kabawo pada Mata Pelajaran PKn melalui model pengajaran langsung . Sedangkan Manfaat penelitian ini adalah : 1) Guru, untuk mengetahui tentang teknik pembelajaran di sekolah yang dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di kelas, sehingga materi yang diajarkan…
ABSTRAK Paper ini diringkas dari hasil penelitian yang menfokuskan kajian dengan rumusan masalah apakah pembelajaran mata kuliah pendidikan multi kultural berbasis kerukunan antar agama dan etnik dapat menguatkan kerukunan mahasiswa pendidikan sosiologi FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo?. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester genap tahun 2016/2017 semester III pada mahasiswa pendidikan sosiologi FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo. Jumlah mahasiswa sebanyak 42 orang. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori Classroom Action Research atau penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Dengan demikian prosedur yang dila…