After four years of implementation of the Village Fund Program, although there were concrete results from the implementation of programs such as the establishment of various basic infrastructures in many villages, the number of cases of misuse of village funds by village heads showed that there were still serious problems in the governance of program implementation and accountability. In many cases, this is due to the ineffective participation of the village community in implementing the program. There is no community participation at all, or even if the community participate, their inability …

After 70 years of Indonesia?s independence, the development of Indonesia?s forestry remains complex and complicated. Forests, that have contributed significant economic growth, nowadays are facing some challenges. Many issues come across, such as deforestation, forest concessions? bankrupt, and land conflicts. Many experts claim that the underlying cause of these problems is related to the uncertainty of forest area and forest tenure. These problems do not only bring negative effects to society but also hinder other development agendas. Thus, Indonesia needs to reform its forest area and fores…

Developing countries implemented social policies after suffered by economic and financial crisis. Social policies, such as conditional cash transfer, non-contributory social insurance policy, and energy subsidy, were introduced to improve the well-being of the society. However, these policies potentially fail and prevent these countries to converge to be developed countries, due to low level of human capital formation, increased informal employment, unsustainable fiscal capabilities, the induction of ?pork-barrel politics? in the policy planning and formulation process, and reduced incentive t…

Pertumbuhan sektor industri non migas di Indonesia cenderung mengalami penurunan pada beberapa tahun terakhir (BPS, 2017), termasuk proporsinya terhadap total Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB). Terkait hal tersebut, program utama Pemerintah yang menjadi flagship untuk pembangunan industri adalah pengembangan 14 kawasan industri prioritas di luar pulau Jawa (Bappenas, 2015), dengan pertimbangan untuk pemerataan pembangunan industri sekaligus meningkatkan populasi industri besar dan sedang yang jumlahnya juga cenderung stagnan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir (BPS, 2017). Namun kebijakan ini belum diduku…

Kesenjangan wilayah di Indonesia dipandang relatif masih cukup tinggi, khususnya kesenjangan pembangunan antara Kawasan Barat Indonesia dan Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Di samping itu juga terdapat kesenjangan antara wilayah desa dan kota. Kesenjangan pembangunan antara desa-kota maupun antara kota-kota perlu ditangani secara serius untuk mencegah terjadinya urbanisasi, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan beban dan masalah sosial di wilayah perkotaan. Pada dasarnya kesenjangan pembangunan antarwilayah merupakan aspek yang umum terjadi dalam kegiatan ekonomi suatu wilayah. Terjadinya ketimpangan a…

Studi ini mencoba mengelaborasi model kelembagaan think tank pemerintah yang sesuai dengan Indonesia. Pendekatan studi ini kualitatif dengan melakukan studi best practices di Korea Selatan dan India yang mempunyai lembaga think tank yang berasal dari institusi perencanaan, yaitu KDI dan NITI Aayog. Adaptasi model KDI dan NITI Aayog diperlukan untuk merevitalisasi fungsi think tank yang sudah ada pada Bappenas. Kelembagaan think tank ini akan menjadi jembatan antara penelitian dan kebijakan (bridging research to policy) dan jembatan ilmu pengetahuan kepada kekuasaan (bridging knowledge to power…

This study deals with authorial and non-authorial affect in speech. The aim is to find out the types of affect, graduation and engagement. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The data were obtained through content analysis from speech transcript. The data was analyzed by using domain, taxonomy, and componential analysis. The result shows that there are 10 types of affects found in authorial affect, 13 types of affects found in non-authorial affect, and 10 types of affects found in authorial-non-authorial affect. Authorial affects and combinations are used more frequently than non…

Aside from their main responsibility as educators, English teachers certainly need to regularly sharpen the saw or keep improving their professionalism. These demand both understanding of theoretical foundation and practical applications of interconnected aspects of EFL teaching and learning. This paper reports a case of a teacher professional development program in reflective teaching, motivating and engaging learners, and ICT applications for language learning. These topics are chosen as they are considered essential for EFL teachers who strive for a process of building expertise. This two-d…

This research is about the difficulties in translating idiomatic expressions. It is aimed to find out about how students translate the idiomatic expressions, and the difficulties experienced by students during the translating process.18 English Education students were taken as the sample of the study by purposive sampling. The students were given translation test which contained idiomatic expressions. The students? translation results wereanalysed to know the accuracy level. The resultof accuracy level then leads to the analysis of students? difficulties in translating idiomatic expressions. T…

Teaching of writing has been an uphill task for teachers, as students find writing as the most difficult and boring task. Students are basically sitting quietly writing paragraphs after paragraphs on paper and hand it in at the end of the lesson. There is hardly any collaboration and cooperation among the students. Those who are weak in writing struggle to complete their work for there is barely any interaction or discussion among the peers.In the perspective of 21st century education, learning needs to be more interactive with teachers as facilitators, while students collaborate and cooperate…

This research aimed to investigate the EFL teachers? beliefs about teaching writing and their practices in Vocational School and to reveal problems and solutions in teaching writing. The research design used a case study. The subjects were four writing teachers who have been teaching in Vocational School. The data collecting technique used semi-structured interview, observation, and document analysis. Then, the data were analyzed using Flow Model Analysis. To ensure the credibility of data, it used data triangulation and methodological triangulation. The findings showed that the EFL teachers h…

Coaching is a type of professional development focusing on professional dialogue to build teacher capacity to enhance the success of learning and the quality of education in general. Coachee-centered coaching gives model to the coachees the implementation of learner-centered learning. This paper describes the model of presenting coaching materials through coachee-centered coaching dealing with the implementation of 2013 curriculum in EFL class. The study was designed qualitatively. The data were accessed from 6 teachers of English at State Islamic Junior High School in Semarang-Indonesia (MTsN…

Social media such as Facebook, BBM, Whatsapp, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, E-mail, LinkedIn, Edmodo, Blog, and Skype have significant impact on aspect of life, including English education. Teachers need to know not only social media use as a tool to enhance professional development,but also integrate social media in English Language Teaching (ELT) because the students who are Digital Natives are already familiar with social media and they feel quite comfortable with each innovation and changes. This study aims at investigating the teachers professional development as well as their perspectives…

This study aims to prove and examine the relationship between parents' attention to English learning achievement, either individually or together. The hypotheses tested were: (1) there is a positive the relationship between the jigsaw cooperative learning method and English learning achievement, (2) there was a positive the relationship between parents' attention and English learning achievement, and (3) there was a positive the relationship between jigsaw cooperative learning method and parents' attention together towards the English learning achievement. The research method used is survey me…

The objective of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of Strategy-based Reading Instruction (SBRI) and Reciprocal Teaching (RT) for teaching readingcomprehension. The research had been done in English Education Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University involving two classes of the fifth semester students. It is an experimental study that had been done by pretest-treatment-posttest. The reading comprehension test adopted from TOEFL and FCE was used to collect the data of student reading proficiency.The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential anlysis. The finding show…

The aim of this paper is to analyze how the female protagonist in Harpers novel entitled Iola Leroy, although a mulatto, embodies the spirit of black feminism. To carry out the analysis, feminist literary criticism is used as the frame of analysis linked with gynocriticism. Several concepts concerning black feminism including empowerment, solidarity and sisterhood are used to support the frame of analysis. The result shows that the female mulatto protagonist, who does not know that she has black blood, all of a sudden experiences real slavery. This harsh turning point on her previously comfort…

This research is related to Simultaneous General Election in 2019 which mainly focused on the research is to know the level of public trust in the General Election Commission (KPU) in carrying out General Elections and the factors that influence the level of trust that objectively referred to General Elections Commission (KPU) of Palembang City. In this research used the Mc. Knight theories of trust regarding the belief formation model was built initially before the parties had time to get to know each other through interactions and transactions. In the Mc. Knight theory, there are two concept…

The title of this research is "Political Marketing in Pilkada (Case Study: Victory of the Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya Pair in the Election of the Governor of South Sumatra 2018 in the City of Palembang)". This study examines the phenomenon of political marketing as a strategy in a campaign. This paper elaborates and discusses how the political marketing process carried out by the successful team of the couple Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya in Palembang City. The findings obtained from this study indicate that the political marketing process carried out by the success team of Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya…

This paper will parse and explain the role of media in the Election of the Governor of South Sumatra in 2018. The media to be examined is the local media namely the Harian Sumatera Ekspres (Sumeks). Harian Sumeks is one of the media that dominates readers in south sumtra province. With such a position, of course, Sumeks has influence in building opinions in society. The theory used in this study is the framing theory of Zhongdan Pan and Gerald M.Kosicki models, This theory in analyzing data operationalizes the four structural dimensions of news teks as a framing device, namely syntax, script, …

This paper explains and depicts the Politics of Bali Community Identity in the Mukti Jaya Village, Muara Telang District, Banyuasin District. This type of research is a study using a fact-based field case study approach in the field. The focus of this study is to find out how the Balinese group can be accepted and mingled, and even the existence of other migrant populations is recognized without social and cultural discrimination. This research wanted to know what processes and actions carried out by the Balinese group in order to get recognition and get their rights to be equal with other res…