Bank as a financial institution that has a role as a financial intermediary, has 3 functions: gathers funds from the excess funds, disburse funds on behalf of a shortage of funds and provide services to other services. Bank as a financial institution can help the party with disburse funds shortage of credit. Granting credit must also be accompanied by the appropriate policies of the Government.Credit that would have been realized had passed the stage of credit analysis undertaken by the bank. As for credit analysis performed by the bank includes principle 5 c. credit must be realized to every …
This research explains the motivation of China to invest in the field of textile Spain 2003 – 2007. Foreign direct investment or Outward Direct Investment (ODI) is one of the goals of a country to cooperate with other countries in the form of developing a product to provide working capital to the country concerned. One of the countries that actively ODI to another country is China. Spain is one of the countries that cooperate with China in the field of textile. According to Nicolas and Thomsen, in 2006, Spain is the third largest recipient of Chinese ODI stock among all EU countries. Th…
Dina Putri Utami (0701120080) Implementation Task Analysis Employee Subdivision Officer at the Office ofManpower and Transmigration Dumai, led by Dra. Sofia Achnes, M.Sc.The determination of the duties and functions of each unit of work that is within the District / City Governmentestablished by the Regent / Mayor of No. 15 of 2006, concerning the duties, functions and job descriptions as theexecutive element of the local government. Implementation of employee duties is a responsibility of an employee inorder to achieve success implementing a work activity that can take place efficiently and e…
ABSTRACT The development of the tourism sector has considerable strategic prospects , as one of the sources of local revenue if developed optimally it is relevant to what is mandated by Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government and Law No. 33 of 2004 Regarding Government Fiscal Balance and the Regional Center . In the law can be seen principally principle is set on the administration of local government that prioritizes the implementation of the principle of decentralization in the form of autonomy , real and responsible with regard to the potential and diversity of the region to achieve the p…
This research is a problem in any decline in consumer interest for buy a car Toyota Avanza, indicated by decline in sales by 2012 compared with 2011. As for the purpose of this research is to know the implementation of pricing and consumer interest against Toyota Avanza car on PT Agung Automall branch of Soweto as well as to know how the implementation of pricing products of consumer interest buying a car on PT. Supreme Avanza Automall branch of Soweto. Results of the study concluded that implementation of the Avanza car pricing on PT Agung Automall located on Soweto area Branch agree, which m…
Ayun budak is one of tradition in Bangun Purbaâs society wich is full at purposes andrelegius value. The main purpose of this procession is expression of gratitude to god becausea new family member is born. This gratitude is expressed in song lyrics that is sing.This Ayun Budak procession is always delivering aqiqah at a new born child so thatcutting hair, tepung tawar baby with his/ her parents are always beginning this procession.Then, a baby is put in a swing and rock him/her.while singing soft and melodious song. Thesinging is bigger than usual and decorate with paper, ribbor or colou…
Mental health is one of the psychological phenomena found in many fields of life. Mental health is indicated by the existence of a condition that is psychologically prosperous. Individuals who have good mental health will be able to form and develop themselves into productive and effective individuals. The factors that affect mental health are factors from the family and school environment. Families contribute an important role in forming mentally healthy individuals. If a family experiences disharmony, it has the potential to bring mental disability to the family member. Furthermore, the cond…
Learning is an important factor for students. The need to learn does not make students able to learn and understand the meaning of learning well. The academic flow could be a support in the learning process of students and students are able to study seriously and live the learning process. Based on the search for various sources, it is known that the aspects of flow consist of absorption by activity and fluency of performance. The results of this study could be used as a reference for students and educators to increase learning success and education quality
This study aims to determine the condition of psychological well-being for college studentsin the accounting education study program at Indonesia University of Education. The instrument usedin this research is the scale of psychological well-being. The subjects in this research is 79 collegestudents in the 2018/2019 accounting education study program. The results showed that 38% of collegestudents had low psychological well-being, 46% of college students had medium psychological wellbeing and 16% of the college students had hidgh psychological well-being. The results of this researchcan be use…
This study aims to determine the condition of gratitude for new students in the geography education study program at Indonesia University of Education. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. The instrument used in this study is the scale of gratitude. The subjects in this study were 78 new students in the 2018/2019 geography education study program. Data analysis in this study used descriptive statistics with percentage techniques. The results showed that 14,1% of students had high gratitude, 47,4% of students had medium gratitude, and 38,5% of students had low grati…
The purpose of this study is to understand the self control that exists in adolescentsregarding resolution and factors. There are two factors that influence self control, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors with age and external factors depend on the environment. The use of this paper is to develop a theory of self control and become a reference for future researchers.
The purpose of this study is to understand how important resilience as positif adaptation. This paper focuses on describing resilience, especially about definition, dimention, factor, and instrument resilience. There are four dimentions that can help people to build resilience. These four dimention are determination, endurance, adaptability, and recuperability. Resilience is influenced by individual, family, and social environmental factors. The results of this study can use to become a reference for the future researchers.
This study aims to describe the students? body shame in class X students at SMAN 5 Cimahi. Body shame is a person's shame in one part of his body and this often occurs during puberty in early adolescence, because in early adolescence many changes in body shape began. This study uses a survey method. The population in this study were students of SMAN 5 Cimahi with a total of 341 people, 150 male students and 191 female students. The sampling technique in this study is nonprobability sampling, so that the sample in this study were all students of class X SMAN 5 Cimahi. The results showed that th…
The task of development is a task that must be completed properly by each individual. The task of development is always in the individual life phase. The task of development that should be priorized is the task of the development of the final child because in it contains the discovery of his identity so that it will affect adolescence and adelt life later. Based on the search for various sources, it is known that the developmental tasks are so many depending on the psychological figures that make it and are influenced by environmental factors. The results of this study can be used …
This study aims to examine the impact of instrinsic motivation and metacognitive awareness on students academic achievement. The study first tries to investigate whether there are any correlation between intrinsic motivation and students academic achievement and also the correlation between metacognitive awareness and academic achievement. The study then goes to search whether intrinsic motivation and metacognitive awareness when they are combined together have impact on student?s academic achievement. The sample of this study consist of 387 Senior High School students. The data co…
The majority of drawing and drawing activities are liked by children because of the shape or color they like, but with increasing age and environmental influence not a few who are not interested in drawing or seeing pictures, because they are considered not useful or not too important compared to subjects in school. After a deeper study, it turns out that drawing and drawing save many benefits for the development of children. Among them can help motor development, the development of various intelligences and, no less important, can make children happy, especially if they can get support from t…
PT. Betawimas Cemerlang merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang percetakan. Salah satu faktor penunjang dalam proses produksi adalah kegiatan perawatan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tersebut. Perawatan mesin yang dilakukan PT. Betawimas Cemerlang berupa preventive maintenance, yaitu tindakan yang bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengurangi terjadinya downtime pada mesin. Namun, pada kenyataanya kegiatan preventive maintenance yang dilakukan oleh PT. Betawimas Cemerlang belum terlaksana dengan baik sesuaidengan yang diharapkan, yaitu: mesin tidak mengalami kerusakan, terutama pada saat…
PT. Gapura Angkasa merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menyediakan pelayanan ground handling di Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta. Salah satu aktivitas ground handling adalah loading-unloading. Pada loading unloading tersebut, sebagian besar kegiatan masih dikerjakan secara manual. Bila tidak tepat, kegiatan tersebut dapat mengakibatkan cidera pada pekerja, terutama cidera pada sistem muskuloskeletal. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis postur kerja para pekerja loading-unloading dengan metode Ovako Working Analysis System (OWAS) dan menghitung Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) serta p…
Produktivitas merupakan bagian yang mempengaruhi kemajuan dan kemunduran suatu organisasi. Produktivitas yang baik tentu mampu meningkatkan performa dan kinerja perusahaan. Permasalahan produktivitasjuga merupakan salah satu kendala yang dihadapi oleh PT. Baja Kurnia. Pengukuran produktivitas produksi yang berdasarkan pendekatan fungsi produksi Cobb Douglas memperoleh hasil indeks efisiensi produksi yang sebesar 5.059,384 pada tahun 2009-2012. Perubahan produksi elastisitas output dari input pada PT Baja Kurnia memperoleh hasil α sebesar 0,409 dan β sebesar 0,275 pada tahun 2009-2012. Pe…
Industri penyepuhan perak memiliki potensi pencemaran limbah yang cukup tinggi. Limbah yang dihasilkan berupa limbah cair dan limbah padat, sisa penyepuhan. Usaha penyepuhan perak milik H. Slamet Mulyono belum memiliki pengolahan limbah, limbah yang dihasilkan tersebut dibuang langsung ke dalam septic tank. Usaha pengelolaan lingkungan perlu dilakukan dengan cara reduksi limbah (waste reduction) dengan metode green productivity, sehingga diharapkan dapat berpengaruh terhadap perbaikan kondisi lingkungan danmeningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Adanya pencemaran pada perusahaan dengan jumlah l…