This study was conducted at 45 students of SMAN 1 Cerme with aged between 15-16 years old. Students were divided into 3 groups. the type of research used quantitative with quasi-experimental approach. Instruments of this study were test of leg strength and leg power using Leg Dynamometer and Jump MD. The research design used matching only design. Data was anlyzed using ANOVA. The results of the research was found that training program side hop over barrier with dumbell and hexagon with dumbbell significantly increase at leg strength and leg power (Sig. 0.000
Forehand Groundstroke in a tennis game is a stroke that aims to defend or attack. To master the Forehand Groundstroke technique, the authors tried two training methods, namely the method of stroke to wall training and pair stroke training. The purpose of this study was: to find out the difference in influence between stroke to wall exercises and paired stroke exercises on Forehand Groundstroke skills in tennis. Referring to the purpose of the study and to prove the hypothesis, the author uses the experimental method. The population consisted of students from the field tennis UKM in UNSIL, Tasi…
1). The hybrid learning model is the process of learning which is the mixture of face to face and on line learning models. 2). Theadvancement of the learning result and the mastery of skills on the soccer lecture series in the faculty of education and teacher training of UMS. 3). The students enthusiasm in takingthe lecture series using the hybrid learning in in the faculty of education and teacher training of UMS. The method of research applies the steps of Borg and Gall up to the seventh steps in small scale.Data is taken from the questionnaires and tests. Data analysis is inthe form of desc…
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui berapa besar persentase Implementasi kurikulum 2013 berpengaruh positif dan negatif terhadap sikap Profesional guru Penjasorkes Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kecamatan Rengasdengklok Kabupaten Karawang. Sikap guru adalah tingkah laku yang cenderung menetap pada diri seorang pengajar dalam melakukan tugas-tugas yang terkait dengan kependidikan termasuk tugas mengajarnya. Pelaksanaan perubahan kurikulum yang terjadipun sukses tidaknya pemberlakuan kurikulum tersebut tergantung pada sikap guru dalam penerimaan pembaharuan tersebut sebagai ujung tombak me…
The results of the study show that organizing is still lacking because the trainer also doubles as an administrator, the coach should focus on fostering the athletes while stewardship is managed by someone else, from good facilities and infrastructure the training can run well, so the training methods provided by the trainer will go smoothly. Funding at SSB is still lacking, because it only relies on monthly fees, the trainers who train SSB have no training license but rather train from the experience gained as a player or as a Sports Coaching student. The training program of the seven SSBs is…
Pencak silat merupakan salah satu mata kuliah teori dan praktek. Mengingat media dan aktivitas pembelajaran yang menunjang untuk terlaksananya aktivitas perkuliahan yang mengarah pada ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran belum memadai dan tidak terlalu banyak. Diperlukan kreativitas seorang dosen untuk mengembangkan sumber belajar pencak silat berupa teori dan praktek dalam bentuk buku ajar yang mengarah pada peningkatan kompetensi bidang pencak silat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan buku ajar teori dan praktek pencak silat untuk mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani, kesehatan dan rekreas…
Clean and healthy life behavior is all health behavior that is done on the awareness so that family or family members can help themselves in the health sector and play an active role in health activities in the community. Physical fitness is the ability of a person to perform daily hard activity easily without feeling tired, and still have residual or reserve energy to enjoy leisure or another purposes that can be used at any time. The purpose of this research is to understanding about relationship between clean and healthy living behavior with a level physical fitness of X class students in S…
This study aims to develop a common communication between swimming trainers and students then poured into a method or procedure that can be used to overcome water phobia in early childhood, namely CST (communicative Swimming Training) method. CST method has 11 steps or steps that can be followed to overcome water phobia in early childhood. This method is given in a communicative manner in the form of seduction, using good words, firm and accompanied by basic swimming techniques to be used in children who experience water phobias. The effectiveness of this method is evidenced by the decrease in…
Psikologi olahraga diamalkan untuk membantu atlet agar dapat memperlihatkan prestasi puncak, dan bagi atlet berbakat agar bakatnya bisa dikembangkan sebaik-baiknya tanpa hambatan dari faktor-faktor yang ada dalam kepribadiannya. Penampilan atlet dalam kompetisi sehingga mencapai prestasi yang optimalmerupakan perpaduan berbagai faktor, diantaranya faktor fisik, keterampilan motorik, teknik dan latihan.Disamping itu faktor psikologis seperti kepribadian, motivasi, percaya diri (The Confidence), merupakan faktor-faktor penting yang perlu diperhatikan oleh pelatih maupun guru pendidikan jasmani. …
The extenders commonly used for cryopreservation of spermatozoa are based on animal products such as egg yolk. Egg yolk contains cholesterol, phospholipid and low density protein which prevent the formation of ice crystals and protect the integrity of plasma membrane during cryopreservation process. Furthermore, egg yolk increased the risk of microbial contamination and related to the possible transmission of zoonotic agents. Soybeans are the products of vegetable protein is often used as an emulsifier in the production of food for humans and serves as a protection from the cold shock as well …
ABSTRACTSorghum utilization for foods and industries from semi-finished materials (milled grains, flour, starch) should be based on the character of physicochemical properties. This is supported by results of research that each sorghum variety has physicochemical properties and different functional bioactive compounds. This is a first step for selecting sorghum varieties appropriate with desired products. There are many technology innovations of industry and food products, including liquid sugar and bioethanol from sweet sorghum stem. To promote sorghum as prospective food and industry diversi…
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir muncul penyakit zoonosis yang menyebabkan kematian pada manusia. Penyakitini menular secara alamiah dari hewan ke manusia. Untuk mengantisipasi merebaknya wabah zoonosis diperlukanpemahaman secara menyeluruh mengenai penyakit atau infeksi tersebut. Tulisan ini menyajikan gambaran umumzoonosis di Sumatera Utara dan upaya pencegahannya. Berdasarkan agens penyebabnya, zoonosis digolongkanmenjadi zoonosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, parasit, dan yang disebabkan oleh jamur. Kejadian zoonosisyang pernah ditemukan di Sumatera Utara adalah toksoplasmosis, bruselo…
Cultivation of ornamental plants and vegetables faces various problems that inhibit efforts to increase plant production. One of the most important constraints is disease incidences, i.e. wilt disease (Fusarium spp.) on carnation, damping off (Rhizoctonia spp.) on chrysanthemum, bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) on Solanaceae, and club root (Plasmodiophora brassicae) on Barssicaceae. One of environmentally-friendly control methods is application of antagonistic microorganisms. The purpose of this paper is to inform prospects of the use of microbial antagonists as biological control agent…
Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae (Xoo) is an important bacterial disease and very destructive to rice plant. BLB decreased rice production from 20%-30% up to 80%. Host-plant resistance is a cost-effective and environmentally safe approach to reduce yield loss. However the development of new rice variety by conventional selection would take several years. The genetic improvement in rice production considered as a vital program in order to ensure national food security. The availability of corresponding molecular marker makes it more precision and efficient by r…
Perbaikan genetik gandum melalui program pemuliaan di Indonesia diawali dengan mengintroduksi galur-galur elit dari berbagai negara yang dinilai cocok dengan agroekosistem tropis Indonesia karena Indonesia tidak memiliki plasma nutfah lokal. Keragaman genetik yang luas sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan varietas gandum tropis. Program peningkatan keragaman genetik gandum yang sudah berjalan ialah pemuliaan melalui persilangan dan mutasi (biji dan variasi somaklonal). Jenis gandum yang dapat ditanam di lingkungan tropis Indonesia ialah Triticum aestivum pada ketinggian > 1.000 m dpl. Pengem…
Teknik mikropropagasi memegang peranan penting dalam konservasi dan manajemen koleksi tanaman. Beberapa tanaman obat (langka dan potensial) di Indonesia telah berhasil diperbanyak melalui kultur jaringan dengan tingkat multiplikasi relatif tinggi. Media dasar terbaik untuk mikropropagasi tanaman obat ialah Murashige dan Skoog (MS) dan untuk beberapa tumbuhan obat menggunakan media dasar Driver and Kuniyuki Walnut (DKW), Anderson, dan B5 (Gamborg). Untuk memperoleh faktor multi-plikasi yang tinggi, zat pengatur tumbuh yang umum digunakan ialah benziladenin (BA), kinetin, dan thidiazuron serta a…
ABSTRACTCocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is an important estate crop commodity which plays a role in national economy for creating jobs, farmers income, stock-exchange sources, and agro-industry development. This article discusses cacao farming bioindustry in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, as eco-friendly, efficient, value added, and competitive farming system. The main benefit is derived from plants as a source of livestock feed and increasing plantproduction due to utilization of compost as fertilizer. While the benefit from livestock can be generated from livestock waste as organic fertilizer and …
Ketahanan pangan merupakan salah satu tujuan pembangunan pertanian. Selain itu, ketahanan pangan adalah bagian dari ketahanan nasional. Garut merupakan sumber bahan pangan lokal yang memiliki potensi dan perlu dilestarikan guna mendukung ketahanan pangan. Tanaman garut adaptif terhadap kondisi lingkungan, mampu tumbuh pada lahan marginal atau di bawah tegakan tanaman hutan. Hasil umbi garut berkisar antara 9-12 t/ha dengan kandungan pati 1,92-2,56 t/ha. Umbi garut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku industri pengolahanpangan, yaitu pati dan emping garut. Umbi garut bermanfaat bagi keseha…
Setelah terjadi ledakan populasi pada Maret-April 2011, ulat bulu dinyatakan sebagai hama potensial tanamanmangga di Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Ledakan ulat bulu di Probolinggo telah dikaji melalui pengujian di laboratoriumdan observasi di lapangan. Terdapat empat spesies ulat bulu yang menyerang tanaman mangga, yaitu Arctornissubmarginata, Lymantria marginalis, Lymantria atemeles, dan Dasychira inclusa. Serangan ulat bulu terjadi disembilan desa dan kerusakan terparah terdapat di Kecamatan Leces, Tegal Siwalan, dan Sumberasih. Tingkatserangan hama ulat bulu berkisar antara 0?20% dari total popu…
Bio-briket dari campuran batubara dengan sekam padi dengan menggunakan bahan perekat tepung kanji serta bahan imbuhan berupa kapur dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa kualitas bio-briket yang dihasilkan masih rendah yaitu emisi gas hasil pembakaran, daya rekat, kandungan abu masih tinggi dan sulit penyalaan pada awal pembakaran. Untuk mengatasi problem ini, maka perlu dilakukan dengan jalan mengoptimasi rasio campuran bahan perekat, kapur dengan batubara-sekam padi. Pada penelitian ini dipel…