Sebuah pekerjaan pada lingkungan tertentu merupakan sebuah stimulus bagi seseorang, yang terkadang mampu menjadi penyebab terjadinya kecemasan berlebihan dan menjadi benih dari bibit stres kerja. Hal ini dapat terjadidipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan, tempat kerja, kegiataan organisasi dalam perusahaan, dan dari diri sendiri (personal). Untuk menghadapi dan mengurangi kejadian stres, maka perlu dukungan dan perhatian dari pihak perusahaan dengan adanya bimbingan atau konseling serta kesadaran diri sendiri dengan perhatian terhadap kebutuhan diri sendiri seperti jenis makanan, dan waktu istira…
Industri rumah tangga Bakpia Pahtok 25 adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan makanan khas Yogyakarta. Hasil produksi berupa bakpia yang memiliki dua varian rasa, seperti kacang hijau dan kumbu hitam. Industri tersebut memproduksi bakpia dalam jumlah yang banyak sesuai dengan permintaan pelanggan. Dalam menghadapi ketatnya persaingan Industri bakpia di Yogyakarta, perusahaan harus berjuang keras untuk meningkatkan penjualan bakpia agar memberikan keuntungan yang maksimal. Hal yang perlu dilaksanakan adalah melakukan perbaikan serta analisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal perusa…
PT. Sapta Sentosa Jaya Abadi adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan crude palm oil (minyak kelapa sawit). Perusahaan tersebut memiliki beberapa stasiun dengan pembidangan khusus. Salah satu stasiun tersebut adalah Loading Ram. Stasiun tersebut adalah stasiun penting yang berfungsi menyortir buah kelapa sawit. Stasiun Loading Ram menerapkan penerimaan karyawan lepas atau harian yang setiap dua minggu sekali dilakukan pergantian karyawan baru. Karyawan menerima upah berdasarkan jumlah output bongkar kelapa sawit dan waktu pengerjaan tanpa tambahan bonus. Peninjauan kembali sistim p…
Pekerja kuli gendong di Pasar Beringharjo masih menggunakan cara manual dalam melakukan pekerjaanya yaitu mengangkat dengan tangan kosong dan dengan bantuan kain gendong. Dalam melakukan aktivitasnya pekerja membungkuk dengan posisi leher mendongak ke atas, tangan pekerja juga terpelintir saat mengangkat beban dan pekerja membawa beban diatas berat beban yang diijinkan. Hal ini merupakan sikap kerja yang tidak ergonomis, yang akan menyebabkan risiko kerja untuk pekerja misalnya cedera otot, keseleo dan kelelahan berlebih. Pekerjaan ini dilakukan berulang kali dalam satu hari dan akan diakumula…
PT. Adi Satria Abadi Divisi Sarung Tanganmerupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur yang memproduksi khusus sarung tangan Golf dan Driver. Salah satu penentu kemajuan suatu perusahaan adalah sumber daya yang dimiliki. Perusahaan atau suatu badan usaha merasa bahwa tanpa ada sumber daya yang bekualitas, tujuan perusahaan tidak akan tercapai. Perusahaan hanya menjadikan karyawan atau sumber daya yang di miliki sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan bukan sebagai individu yang mempunyai kebutuhan pengakuan atau penghargaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjela…
Kondisi postur kerja di PT. Adi Satria Abadi pada karyawan yang berada pada bagian produksi khususnya divisi penjahitan masih banyak posisi kerja karyawan yang bekerja dalam kondisi yang tidak ergonomis dan dapat mengakibatkan cidera, terutama cidera pada sistem musculoskeletal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis postur kerja pada operator bagian penjahitan dengan menggunakan metode OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System), RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment), dan REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment). Analisis ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik atau buruknya post…
Academic demands including examinations are found to be the major contributor of stress development among students. Current research is purposed to investigate the prevalence of perceived stress level among Madrasah Aliyah students during examination week. This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional design applying quantitative method for data collection. With respect to the sample, 107 students form Madrasah Aliyah Pasirjambu, Kab. Bandung were proportionally selected from class 10 to class 12. To measure the degree to which particular situations and conditions happening in student’s l…
This paper tries to describe a historical development on Madrasah education system in Bangladesh. Bangladesh or formerly known as Eats Pakistan has significant contribution in spreading Islam in Asia. In education level, this major role played by thousands of Madrasah (state or private) in Bangladesh. While some people argued that the alumni of the Madrasah are inferior to the alumni of Western education institutions, the history proved that the alumni of Madrasah have substantial contribution in creating Muslim scholars not only expertise in religious teaching but also in secular sciences. Th…
For centuries, Muslim community has taken ‘ulūm al-ḥadīth for granted as a valid method in hadith verification; if a hadith is declared as an authentic hadith after examined using the method, then they will accept the hadith as an authentic one. Nevertheless, the traditional discipline has been criticised by various modern scholars who argue that traditional ‘ulūm alḥadīth is not a sufficient method to evaluate the authenticity of hadith reports. One of their reasons is that the traditional hadith criticism only examines the chain of narrations (sanad) of hadith reports and ignores…
The teacher should have a steady, stable, adult, wise, and authoritative personality competence, be an example for learners, and have a noble character, but in reality, his personality competence is still low and still far from the personality that teachers should have. The authors offer an alternative solution with the Islamic psychology approach that is Tazkiyatun nafs that can be used as a basis of teacher personality strengthening. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach and literature or library research. The essence of tazkiyatun nafs tends to talk about the soul (an-nafs). I…
Muhammadiyah was established as the masterpiece of "The Enlightenment". This organization is emerged a Negari Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat where becomes the center of Javanese’s culture and civilization. Yogyakarta is a land of civilization untouched by the Dutch colonial and even recognized sovereignty as a sovereign state. However, the people still believed supersititous (takhayul and khurafat) and still performed bid’ah at that time and these attitude became their identity. Therefore, the biggest deram of the Kyai Dahlan, the founder of Muhamamdiyah is to create the ideal Islamic society w…
This paper discusses the problem of ISIS’s Qur’anic interpretations regarding the implementation of sharia law and the concept of jihad. It is essential to address this topic because the self-proclaimed Caliphate have claimed that their barbaric actions such as indiscriminate killing of civilians, plundering, and declaring other Muslims as apostates are based on Qur’anic verses. They also consider these actions as part of the jihad to uphold sharia law. This paper argues that there are two main problems in ISIS’s Qur’anic interpretations, namely (1) cherry picking Qur’anic verses t…
Some of challenging features faced by the Arabic language learners are lack of linguistic vocabulary, psychological motivation, the scarcity of cognitive and social materials, and the difficulty of practicing second or foreign languages among learners. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a search for elements and sources that help the leaners to face those difficulties. The researchers believe that the daily remembrance (dzikr) of the Qur’anic verses, the prophetic traditions, and the invocations (du’a) that Muslims deal with in their daily lives can be among the specific sources of Ar…
Muḥammad Saʻīd Al-‘Ashmāwī and Muḥammad Shaḥrūr are well known as contemporary Muslim thinkers. This article tries to map their contemporary ideas on Islamic jurisprudence. The main data of this research taken mainly from the works both of Al-‘Ashmāwī and Shaḥrūr. In particular, the paper tries to analyze Al-‘Ashmāwī‘s ideas on sharia, politics, hijab, marriage and divorce. On the other hand, the ideas of Shahrour on al-Qur'an, Sunnah and Fiqh, the theory of borders, pluralism, the commandment, inheritance, hijab, marriage, divorce, dowry, politics, and imamate are al…
Money politic or vote buying in the election is something has plagued all the societies that claimed the application of democratic form in governance. The minority is able to monopolize the votes of the majority in their favor using financial sufficiency, political promises and the issues of mass media. This phenomenon can lead to bribery, perjury and treason that have negative impact on the economy of Indonesia. The researcher used analytical method to explain various aspects of the phenomenon of buying electoral votes and its impact on the economic life in Indonesia. The researcher finally f…
This is a literature study on Hassan Hanafi's response to the hegemony of Western civilization by using hegemony theory of Gramsci. One of the responses discussed in this research is the discussion of Occidentalism. Hanafi introduced the notion of Occidentalism as a study of the West from the eyes of the East. He acknowledges that the West is a major entrant and also a source of scientific knowledge in our consciousness. Therefore, the West occupies a very important position. Such an important position according to Hanafi received less serious response by Muslim intellectuals. Hanafi's Occiden…
This paper is under in-depth investigation due to suspicion of possible plagiarism on a high similarity indexAn accurate estimated fingerprint orientation fields is a significant step for detection of singular points. Gradient-based methods are frequently used for estimating orientation fields but those methods are sensitive to noise. Fingerprints that perfect quality are seldom. They may be corrupted and degraded due to impression conditions or variations on skin. Enhancement of ridge flows improved the structure of orientation fields and hence increased the number of true singular points the…
The use of cryptography in the e-voting system to secure data is a must to ensure the authenticity of the data. In contrast to common encryption algorithms, homomorphic encryption algorithms had unique properties that can perform mathematical operations against ciphertext. This paper proposed the use of the Paillier and Okamoto-Uchiyama algorithms as two homomorphic encryption algorithms that have the additional properties so that it can calculate the results of voting data that has been encrypted without having to be decrypted first. The main purpose is to avoid manipulation and data falsific…
Pengenalan wajah yaitu membandingkan citra masukan dengan suatu database wajah dan menemukan wajah yang paling sesuai dengan masukan citra tersebut. Beberapa pendekatan untuk pengenalan objek dan grafika komputer didasarkan secara langsung pada citra-citra tanpa penggunaan model 3D. Karena dimensi piksel hasil transformasi berukuran besar kemudian dilakukan reduksi dimensi dengan menggunakan analisis komponen utama (Principal Component Analysis) yang juga dikenal dengan metode eigenfaces. Setelah citra pelatihan diolah maka akan dicari nilai rata-ratanya. Dengan penghitungan dari sampel traini…
Recently, extensive requirements have developed for ultra-wideband (UWB) technology that provides high activity and small size for use in small communication systems, remote sensing, and radar applications. Thus, we concentrated with high-resolution radar UWB antenna to cover Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) standard UWB range (3.1-10.6 GHz). The proposed ideal-size and low-cost finger-shaped patch antenna of 24 mm x 19 mm printed on 40 mm x 35 mm rectangular Taconic TLY-5 material was designed and established through experiments and simulations. Results show that the two cut no…