ABSTRACT  The members of INA and PIR don?t give right to vote and be elected in general elections because there is worried about right to vote and be elected will be bringing on not neutral in general election, with the result that general elections principle is direct, general, secret, honest, and fair will not be achieved if right to vote and be elected is given. Although that worried still be able to debate in theoretical. It is becaused if right to vote and be elected for members of INA and PIR are given, so will not influence the vote result majority in general elections. The concept  to give right to vote and be elected  for members INA and PIR in general elections need to be implemented, because in the first general elections in 1955 the members of INA and PIR follow to vote and be elected in general election, and than there was not problem happen in thats time. Because of that  be alternative thought bargained  in this thesis; The concept  of  legal protection  for members INA and PIR in political freedom is looked from human right protection principle is given  freedom for members INA and PIR  to vote the candidates house representatives, house representative region, house representative people, President and Vice President with free without any pressures from the institution INA and PIR. And than  for the members INA and PIR propose their self as candidates the members House Representative, House Representative Region, House Representative People, President and Vice President permitted to be candidate as form of political freedom to every people Keyword: legal equality, political freedom, general election.

Published by Universitas Borneo Tarakan
Journal Name Jurnal Akta Yudisia
Contact Phone+6282188161481
Contact Name Afdhal
Contact Email afdhalmr1@gmail.com
Location Kota tarakan, Kalimantan utara INDONESIA
Website aktayudisia| http://jurnal.borneo.ac.id/index.php/aktayudisia|
ISSN ISSN : 25022253, EISSN : 26865963, DOI : -,
Core Subject Humanities, Education, Social,
Meta Subject Humanities, Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Social Sciences, Other,
Meta DescJurnal Akta Yudisiaaims to develop legal sciences with focus on providing original essay, legal commentaries, responses to article printed to the journal, both establishes and emerging academic and practioners. Jurnal Akta Yudisia published on January and July. It contains articles on doctrine and scholarship.
PenulisKurniawan, Basuki
Publisher ArticleUniversitas Borneo Tarakan
Subtitle Article JURNAL AKTA YUDISIA Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Akta Yudisia Vol. 3 Nomor 1
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DOI Number DOI: 10.35334/ay.v3i1.984
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