The objectives of study were to identify and assess the amino acid diversity of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene, genetic marker and characteristic of specific amino acid in Kacang and Ettawa Grade goat. Nineteen heads of Kacang goat (KG) and twelve heads of Ettawa Grade goat (EG) were purposively sampled. The genomic DNA was isolated by Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Geneaid) and amplified Cyt b using PCR method with CytbCapF and CytbCapR primers and was sequenced. The results showed that there were two specific amino acids that distinguish KG and EG goat with C. hircus and C. aegagrus and four specific amin…

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a pituitary expressed glycoprotein hormone that regulatesreproduction in mammals which composed of α and β-sub unit. The β-sub unit dictates its bindingspecificity with their receptor (FSHR). This study aimed to identify polymorphism of FSH β-sub unitand FSHR genes, and its effect to superovulatory response traits on superovulated cows. Study was doneon 32 cows including Angus, Friesian Holstein (FH), Limousin, Simmental and Brahman in CipelangLivestock Embryo Center. Cows used have been treated superovulation and mated by artificialinseminatio…

The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic analysis including heritability and further phenotypicand genetic trends of reproductive traits in Bali cattle. Reproductive traits studied were age at firstcalving (AFC), calving interval (CI) and pregnancy rate (PR). Data of reproductive traits were collectedfrom Breeding Centre of Bali Cattle, Denpasar-Bali at the year period of 2000-2007. To evaluate thegenetic analysis, heritability were estimated using the Mixed Model Least Squares and MaximumLikelihood procedure. The phenotypic and genetic trends were calculated using regression equation.Est…

This study was aimed to analyze factors and models of business sustainability of smallholder layer farms in Kendal Regency, Indonesia. Purposive sampling method was used to select 120 active layer chicken farmers in Sukorejo, Pageruyung, Patean, Limbangan, and Boja Districts as research respondents with the ownership of 300 to 10,000 birds. Research variables consisted of three external variables (social, economic, and institutional) and two internal variables (income and business sustainability). Closed questionnaires were used to collect data. The data were analyzed descriptively using Struc…

Ekosistem Mangrove merupakan ekosistem unik di pesisir sebagai pelindung daratan baik pelindung dari abrasi, intrusi dan sebagai habitat berbagai macam spesies. Besarnya fungsi mangrove ini akan sangat disayangkan ketika terjadi kerusakan karena akan berdampak ke berbagai aspek seperti matinya spesies, berubahnya garis pantai karena abrasi, masuknya air asin ke air tanah dan lain sebagainya sehingga perlunya pemeliharaan ekosistem ini. Pemeliharaan ini perlu dilakukan dengan pengenalan kondisi kawasan ini sehingga tindakan yang akan dilakukan lebih tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk men…

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran model POE melalui laboratorium riil dan laboratorium virtuil ditinjau dari aktivitas belajar dan kemampuan berpikir abstrak terhadap hasil belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2x2x2. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Plupuh Sragen. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara acak dengan teknik cluster random sampling terdiri dari dua kelas. Kelas eksperimen I diberi perlakuan menggunakan laboratorium riil terdiri dari 32 siswa dan kelas eksperimen II diberi perlakuan men…

This is the descriptive-quantitative research which aimed to know the student achievement on biology which specify in a view point of their learning method, motivation and EQ. Acceleration class program of 2nd grade student of SMA Negeri III Surakarta was the object of this research. Clustered random salmpling was used to collect the data, which was held by questionaire and documentation. Analysis of Variance was used to analyze the data.The result showed that any learning method was suitable for the student of acceleration programs, since we know that they have the more prominent academic abi…

Cilacap Mangrove Forest is the largest mangrove ecosystem in Java. Some differences in term of environmental condition are founded among that ecosystem, as a result of sedimentation, deforestation, industrial activity and conservation. Those differences could lead the difference of associated gastropod community in term of their diversity. The aim of this research was to know the diversity pattern of mangrove gastropod community of Cilacap mangrove ecosystem.Study site was divided into 5 station based on the dominant vegetation, mangrove conservation, the presence of polluting activity and acr…

ABSTRACT- This research is aimed to reveal some misconception in genetic in some senior highschool handbook. Twelve biology books for highschool published during 2006-2010 have been reviewed. All those books show particular pattern of misconception that caused by misunderstanding about particular Mendelian approaches, inappropriate analogy and terminologies. Those misunderstanding lead to the misconception in the concept of chromose structure, protein syntheses, cell division, traits and mutation. Such misconceptions can be fix trhough the application of representative biomolecular approaches.

The objective of this development research was to know: 1) a product- learning module based POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) with Roundhouse Diagram (RD) to empowering 10th grade student’s science process skills and student’s explaining abilities of State Senior High School 5 Surakarta; 2) the feasibility of module based POE with RD to empowering 10th grade student’s science process skills and student’s explaining abilities of State Senior High School 5 Surakarta; 3) the effectiveness of module based POE with RD to empowering 10th Grade student’s science p…

Halaman Depan, Dewan Redaksi, Pedoman Penulisan, Daftar Isi

In the classroom action research conducted has the goal that the implementation of the strategy learning model Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be used to enhance the activity and student learning outcomes. Implementation of classroom action research design was used classroom action research conducted by two cycles, each cycle consisting of 4 meetings, with research subjects Class XI AK 1 number of 40 students. Implementation of each cycle in the study consisted of four phases, namely: an action plan (Planning), action (acting), Observing and reflecting. Data collection activity of students in…

Perkembangan pembelajaran di abad 21, menuntut peserta didik memiliki kemampuan yang dapat menunjang dalam perkembangan zaman. Kemampuan tersebut salah satunya adalah kemampuan berpikir kritis. Peserta didik harus memiliki kemampuan ini agar dapat memecahkan permasalahan yang dihadapi misalnya masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Masalah pencemaran lingkungan merupakan salah satu bagian dari biologi. dengan mengkolaborasikan model pembelajaran SQ3R yang memiliki keunggulan untuk kerja sama antar peserta didik dan keaktifan peserta didik, diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi besar untuk peserta did…

Kenaikan penduduk yang cepat di negara yang sedang berkembang seperti di Indonesia membutuhkan penangan yang tepat, sehingga diperlukan berbagai cara untuk mengontrol kehamilan. Pengaturan fertilitas wanita salah satunya dilakukan dengan kontrasepsi oral. Kontrasepsi sintetik mempunyai efek samping bagi pemakaianya antara lain ketidakseimbangan hormon, hipertensi, meningkatnya resiko kanker dan kenaikan berat badan.  Berbagai tumbuhan mempunyai potensi sebagai antifertilitas, salah satunya adalah mete (Anacardium occidentale L)., terutama bagian kulit biji. Kulit biji mete yang dianggap seb…

Mathematics has been quite familiar in our daily life. In the field of education, Mathematics is regularly presented from the elementary up to the higher education level. Nevertheless, Math seems like a haunting danger for most children. The data from The Third International in Mathematics and Science Study shows that in 2012 the Maths intelligence of Indonesian secondary students ranked at 34 of 38 nations being surveyed. Thus, it is necessary to start introducing Math to children since their early age. However, Introducing and teaching maths for children will be obviously different with that…

The difficulty of finding a job with the level of education and low skills has its own problem in the society. It had an impact on changing the role of women. Not only required to perform internal functions as a wife, but also required to earn a living to support the family as a function of the external economy. One of the efforts that became Labor Women (TKW) as domestic workers in Saudi Arabia, because the income earned from the same job in the country is bigger. In addition they can also be all the pilgrimage (Haji), which will raise their social status in the community wh…

Children in their early childhood have their own world and charecteristic which are different from the adult’s. One of the difference is their language. Through the medium of language, a child is able to build his/her communication with other people (social skill). This situation can be achieved if the education principals of the children have been fulfilled and focused thoroughly. It is essential for parents and educators to comprehend their children’s golden age and to know further about the language development which their children should have in accordance with its steps.

The current trends in South Kalimantan has indicated that women moeslem scholars start to emerge from many religious gathering. Their roles as preacher cannot be neglected. This fact, furthermore, is representated in the form of their comprehension to their religion main guidance—Qur‟an and Hadith. From the context of Hadith, the comprehension of women moeslem scholars on the notion that tends to degrade women becomes significant to be investigated through interview and documentation technique, the writer utilizes descriptive method and fiqh al-hadist approach. It is found that the p…

Moslem recitals (pengajian) as an Islamic educational institution has a very long presence which until now are still survive despite the emerging modern educational institution. Its existance is inseparable from its significant role to modify itself, keep developing and to maintain its principle values. To uncover the survival of the institution, the writer has conducted a study that aims at describing the roles that have been done by Ar-Rahmah Sekumpul Martapura Recitals. Through a qualitative study method conducted in Ar-Rahmah Sekumpul, Martapura-South Kalimantan, it is ident…

In the informal education which takes place at home, parents have the central role to consistently educate and shape their children to posses positive traits. To anticipate today’s development of information and global cultural flows, a matrix of family education which is affiliated to the construction of children’s good character becomes urgent. It is hoped that such matrix of family education can be the instrument to filter information and culture. The model ideal family taken as the study sample is the choosen model ideal family that has been selected to represent South Kalimantan…