AbstrakKemapuan akademik mahasiswa yang berbeda, membuat ketertarikan mahasiswa tersebut terhadap bidang atau minat yang harus dipilihnya berbeda-beda. Dalam pemilihan minat tersebut dibutuhkan kriteria-kriteria penilaian untuk mendapatkan alternatif pilihan minat terbaik. Di program studi Teknik Sipil UNSRAT, terjadi beberapa masalah dalam penentuan minat tugas akhir seperti penilaian yang kurang objektif dari pihak program studi sehingga ada mahasiswa yang mendapat konsentrasi minat yang kurang tepat dan tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan akademiknya. Dibutuhkan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan p…

  Game merupakan salah satu aplikasi kategori hiburan yang populer di kalangan masyarakat saat ini. Dengan memainkan aplikasi game, pengguna dapat menyerap informasi yang terkandung dalam game yang dimainkan secara tidak langsung. Sulawesi Utara merupakan provinsi yang terkenal akan keindahan karang – karang beserta ikan-ikan yang ada di dalam perairan Taman Nasional Bunaken (TNB),namun sebab kurangnya media untuk pengenalan akan spesies ikan karang, spesies-spesies ikan karang yang ada di TNB kurang dikenali. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah game yang bertujuan…

Abstrak — Dalam perkuliahan, sebelum kegiatan belajar mengajar dilakukan ketua program studi atau dosen menyusun Rencana Program Kegiatan Pembelajaran Semester (RPKPS) dan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan perkuliahan dosen mengisi jurnal perkuliahan, jurnal perkuliahan ini menjadi acuan bagi kepala jurusan dan ketua program studi untuk memonitoring kegiatan perkuliahan dari setiap dosen. Dalam proses penyusunan RPKPS masih dijumpai adanya masalah dimana masih dilakukan secara manual dan dalam jurnal perkuliahan dosen, pengisian data masih belum dilakukan secara teratur sehingga proses monitor…

Pimpinan Universitas Sam Ratulangi atau Rektor Unsrat biasanya memiliki banyak kegiatan. Pengaturan kegiatan tidak mungkin dikelola dan dikoordinasi sendiri. Untuk itu pimpinan Unsrat memerlukan seorang sekretaris untuk membantu pekerjaanya. Informasi kegiatan pimpinan biasanya disajikan melalui media kertas ecara berulang-ulang sehingga kadang-kadang terjadi kelalaian pada pencatatan agenda yang disebabkan terjadi perubahan jadwal pimpinan secara tidak terduga. Kehadiran aplikasi mobile dapat membantu penyajian susunan agenda pimpinan dan dapat menjadi alternatif bagi permasalahan diatas. Dal…

Promosi pariwisata unggulan merupakan salah satu proses bisnis utama yang dilakukan Kantor Staf Ahli Gubernur Bidang Investasi Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Menggunakan teknologi Web 2.0 merupakan salah satu strategi efektif dalam melakukan promosi pariwisata unggulan provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Metodologi Agile Unified Process (AUP) merupakan salah satu metode pengembangan sistem informasi/aplikasi yang ringkas dan komprehensif, menekankan peran pengguna (user-oriented) dengan paradigm pengembangan berorientasi obyek (object-oriented). Portal Web yang dikembangkan dengan metodologi AUP menghasilkan a…

Kewirausahaan merupakan suatu usaha dan upaya yang beresiko untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dengan memanfaatkan segala potensi yang dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang baru dan bermanfaat. Indonesia sendiri merupakan negara yang memiliki sumber daya yang berlimpah, baik kualitas sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia yang ada. Berlimpahnya sumber daya yang dimiliki Indonesia sangat menguntungkan Indonesia dalam bidang ekonomi. Hal ini tentu belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena kurangnya pengetahuan akan pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Berwirausaha tentunya tidak dapat dilak…

Penunjukan dosen pembimbing skripsi di Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado saat ini dilakukan dengan cara menentukan secara langsung dengan mempertimbangkan kompetensi, fungsional dan pendidikan dari calon dosen pembimbing. Namun penunjukan dosen pembimbing skripsi secara langsung terkadang mengesampingkan jumlah bimbingan skripsi calon dosen pembimbing skripsi yang mengakibatkan kurang seimbang jumlah bimbingan yang dimiliki oleh setiap dosen dan kurang sesuai dengan tema skripsi yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa, maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang …

The objective of this research is to explore the effect of managerialeffectiveness, self-efficacy, job stress and work motivation on the performance ofmidwifery lecturer in Lampung Province. This research used a quantitative surveymethod. The data was collected with questionnaires and analyzed using path analysistechnique. population of the research study midwifery lecturer of province Lampungtotaling 167 lecturer, sampled 118 respondents sampling technique with proportionalrandom sampling method.The results of this research: the managerial effectiveness of adirect positive effect on performan…

The Competitiveness of a nation is determined by the quality of higher education, especially in the technological and innovation. Improving the quality of higher education related to the performance lecturer in the areas of education, research and publications, and community service. Lecturer performance improvement requires the competence and commitment of university leadership. A leader in university must make a good organizational climate especially education and training that engagement and developed in its members. This study aims to determine the impact of leadership on the performance o…

Purpose of the study to determine the effect of leadership style, empathy, and motivation of on the organization culture as the principal basis of Gorontalo city. The study object is the subject of elementary school principals as many as 55 people. Four variables of the data gathered through the research questionnaire instrument valid and reliable. Statistical analysis of research data using path analysis with significance in accordance with the output of spss 22.0 Findings of this study indicate that there is a positive direct effect of leadership style, the principal emphaty, motivation towa…

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational culture and incentive on job satisfaction and employees’ performance. The study was conducted in PT Avrist Assurance, using 211 employees as respondents. The sampling technique in this research is simple random. The analysis was performed with Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Lisrel 8.5. The study found that organizational culture and incentives significantly affect job satisfaction and employees’ performance. Moreover, job satisfaction significantly affect employees’ performance. The total effect of…

The growth of tea demand in Indonesia increased, while the national production was not sufficient. Therefore, import is increasing since Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) enforced with 0% tariff import. The cheapness of imported tea causing domestic producers must increase their competitiveness, including XYZ Company as the biggest green tea producers in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to: (1) to evaluate the internal and external environmental condition that affect value chain development of XYZ Co.; (2) to formulate alternative strategy for improve production efficiency and value…

The obyective of this research is to study the effect of emotional intelligence,job attitudes, work motivation on performance employee. The research was conducted at the Ithaca Resources Company Jakarta. It was using causal study method. The samples of this research were 90 personel of the Ithaca Resources Company that selected randomly. The research findings are: (1) there is a direct effect of emotional intelligence on job attitudes (2) there is a direct effect of work motivation on job attitudes (3) there is a direct effect of emotional intelligence on performance employee; (4) there is a d…

The purpose of this study to describe the relationship of competence and work environment with employee performance Department of Youth and Sports in the city of Gorontalo. This is a survey research design, to test the hypothesis of the study and interpretation of the relationship of independent variables with the dependent variable. Population and sample in this study was overall employee in the Department of Youth and Sports Gorontalo 47 people. The main instrument was a questionnaire. The results showed: the relationship competence with employee performance belong to the category of very si…

Nowadays investment instruments are growing. One of the investment instruments is mutual fund. Indonesian macroeconomic conditions affected the performance of investments, including on mutual funds. One type of mutual fund is balance mutual funds. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of stock index returns, return of USD exchange rate, return of JIBOR Interest Rate, and return of government bonds of Indonesia to the performance of balance mutual funds. Observation period is one year (2012), using daily data. Total balance mutual funds in IDX are 120, which meets the criteria of th…

Research examining the role of customer voice to encourage positive word ofmouth and marketing research cooperation in higher education service is scarce. This paper aims to examine the antecedents and consequences of customer voice within a higher education context. A qustionnaire was developed with item measures that captures the constructs in the conceptual model. A survey of higher education student was undertaken. The data are analysed with SEM. The result show there is a significant impact of prior complain experience and attitude toward complain on customer voice. And the customer voice…

This research was conducted to study and examine the influence of organizational culture and career development, job satisfaction and its impact on the performance of employees so as to know this, the researchers analyzed the data and test hypotheses specifically about the effect of work culture and career development to the level of employee satisfaction and its impact on employee performance. The object of research is done in service companies ritail Department Store in Kab.Klaten. To be able to accommodate all of the above terbut researchers used a descriptive analytical type of research, i…

In this experiment, an interferometer Fabry-Perot method has been used to measure wavelength of diode laser. The first step is to calibrate the micrometer displacement using He-Ne laser in order to measure the diode and He-Ne wavelength. By shifting movable mirror, the transition of interference fringe in counted against the displacement of movable mirror. For the result of measurement, it is obtained for the wavelength of the red diode laser of, and green diode laser of.   Key word: Interferometer Fabry Perot, multiple beam interference.

Cover, Redaksional dan Petunjuk Penulisan Berkala Fisika Vol. 17 No.2 April 2014 oleh Tim Redaksi

The interaction model dynamics between tumor and viruses based on the interaction phenomenon between the three populations, namely: population of uninfected tumor cells, tumor cell population infected with the virus and the virus population. This study aimed to see the interaction between non-infected tumor cells, tumor cells infected with viruses and viruses, so it can be modeled using virotherapy treatment of measles virus in mouse lung tumors. Model parameters obtained from experimental data. Numerical Solution of the models suggest that the dose of the virus play an important role…