Wonoasri Village is one of the villages from Tempurejo Subdistrict which has 5 hamlets, one of which is the Lele Bulk Hamlet. Data from Wonoasri Village is estimated that there are more than 100 people in each hamlet who have worked abroad, but the data that has not been fully reported to the village office to work abroad. Most of the residents of Wonoasri Village choose to work as migrant workers who work abroad. The role of the Wonoasri Village Government and the Regional Government of Jember is needed to carry out the sending of Indonesian migrant workers abroad. In the sense that the gover…

Crimes of violence against women and children has received national and international attention. But the level of violence against women and children showed an increasing trend from year to year. One of the districts whose citizens suffered domestic violence in Jember is Wuluhan districts, precisely in the Village Dukuhdempok. People in the village Dukuhdempok generally highly educated junior aged 30-50 years and did not work. The development of adult domestic violence a criminal offense study shows the majority of cases of domestic violence by husbands against wives is a recurring pattern. Ba…

Investigation of corruption cases handled by three agencies as well as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Attorney and Police, as well as courts, of course, the first-mentioned three institutions have the right to conduct an investigation, although it is possible given the system the Book of Law - Law of Criminal Procedure (CCP) taking integrated system (criminal Justice System), but in a way often cause problems, where the agency feels its role in fighting corruption is smaller than the other anti-corruption agencies, especially the police, so the police was always given part ca…

Disputes or disagreements can happen anytime and anywhere without being limited space and time as long as we live in a society. The most important thing in dispute or disagreement is how to resolve the dispute wisely. Many ways that can be taken to resolve the dispute or disagreement in the field of civil or trade. One form of alternative dispute resolution is a resolution through arbitration institution. Dispute resolution through arbitration agreement or clause requires that states that the parties agree to resolve a dispute that has existed or will exist between them will be resolved throug…

Penelitian ini berjudul “A Causal Conjunction in Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” dilakukan berdasarkan tujuan menemukan dan menganalisis jenis dan fungsi dari karya Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan latar belakang bahwa konjungsi merupakan bagian integral dari bahasa Inggris dan digunakan dalam komposisi tulisan untuk menjaga tulisan tetap dalam koherensi, sehingga akan mudah untuk dipahami. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk mengkaji Novel Twain Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi …

Tumbu inscription is one of the cultural heritage in Tumbu Village, Karangasem District, Karangasem Regency. This inscription issued by one of the kings during Ancient Bali Period i.e Paduka Sri Maharaja Sri Bhatara Mahaguru Dharmmotungga Warmadewa in 1247 Saka (1325 AD). This study aimed at describing the results of a study on the inscription of Tumbu related to the aspects of language and contents in Tumbu inscriptions as well as the public perception of Tumbu village in relation to the existence of the inscriptions in their territory. The data collection methods applied in this research wer…

South Denpasar District is one of the districts located in the city of Denpasar. In 1980, the government built By Pass Ngurah Rai Road. The presence of this road results in the symbol of modernity such as hotels, restaurants and bars. Such changes become a pull factor for people both inside and outside Bali to come, work and live in South Denpasar District. Those symbols of modernity also have an impact on social change in society, for instance a change in the culture system, changes in the economic system and the loss of the solidarity bond in society of South Denpasar District. In addition, …

Furusato describes the Japanese traditional culture. Furusato is also a concept of the Japanese people's minds to describe the beauty of the countryside nature in Japan. This study discusses the meaning of furusato in two song entitled Furusato and the message contained in the lyrics of those songs. This research using descriptive analysis and dialectical techniques as methods and techniques of data analysis. The theory used in this study is a semiotic theory and intertextual theory propounded by Riffaterre. Based on the analysis, the meaning of furusato in the lyrics of Angela Aki's song are …

Jurnal iniberjudul “Derivational Suffixes found in Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love”.Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa jenis-jenis proses morfologi yang terjadi pada kelas-kelas kata yang dapat berubah menjadi kelas kata lain yang ditemukan dalam novel karya Elizabeth Gilbert yang berjudul Eat Pray Love. Teori yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini adalah teori morfologi yang dikemukakan oleh Bauer (1984) dan Katamba (1993).Teori pendukung lainnya juga diambil dari buku karya Frank(1072) dan Quirk(1973). Dalam menganalisis jurnal, metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitat…

Psychological conflict is psychological situation when someone experienced two or moremotives that contradicted one with another. Psychological conflict can be found insituation where need, hope, wish, and aim are different and contradicted each other atthe same time and caused unpleasant feeling. Psychological conflict can also be found inmanga, one of them is in Subaru. The psychological conflict in this manga were analyzedbased on theory of psychoanalytic and supported with theory of semiotic and theory ofdrawing a comic. The result shows that there are five forms of psychological conflicts…

This analysis is discussed about Tutur Jatiswara text with its forms and functions analysis. This analysis is used to reveal structures that is developed literatures and its functions in it. Tutur Jatiswara study is using structural theory from Teeuw, and then functions theory from Damono and Ratna. Therefore, analysis about Tutur Jatiswara could be understood well. Technique and method that is used in this analysis is divided into three steps, they are (1) technique and method of data provision that used is reading method and be helped with take a note and translation method, (2) technique an…

Dalam studi ini novella karangan penulis Amerika Ernest Hemingwayyang berjudul The Old Man and the Sea atau dalam buku terjemahannya LalakiTua dan Laut dipilih untuk dianalisis. Tokoh dalam novella ini yaitu si orang tuaSantiago, anak laki-laki, Manolin dan ikan Marlin yang diinterpretasikan dandianalisis dari sudut metaphor supaya bisa ditemukan artinya dan apa yang ingindikemukakan oleh penulisnya Ernest Hemingway kepada para pembaca. Metodemenganalisis data dalam studi ini adalah deskriptif. Data yang dikumpulkan darisumber data dianalisa berdasarkan teori William Kenney dalam bukunya How t…

Artikel adalah karangan faktual secara lengkap dengan panjang tertentu yangdibuat untuk dipublikasikan baik melalui koran, majalah, atau buletin. Artikel yangterdiri dari beberapa paragraf yang terikat oleh suatu ikatan makna dan membentuksatu kesatuan yang utuh sebagai sebuah teks. Ikatan makna dari kalimat yang satudengan kalimat yang lain dihubungkan oleh perangkat kohesif yang terdiri dari kohesigramatikal dan kohesi leksikal. Kohesi gramatikal terdiri dari referensi, substitusi, elipsisdan konjungsi, sedangkan kohesi leksikal terdiri dari reiterasi dan kolokasi. Berkaitandengan penggunaan…

Japan is a modern country that is famous for its manner and cultures. However, In Japanese society also found the fact about deviant behaviors that often happen in Japan. This study use an analysis descriptive method and dialectical method to analyze data. The result showed that in Japanese society often happened some deviant behaviors like Ijime, suicide, self injury, drugs, and smoking. Such behaviors is caused by lack of attention from their parents and a bad environment around them.

The more and more efficiently the community in owning and determining vehicle choices has resulted in increasingly increasing the trend of private vehicle use as the primary transportation mode replacing public transportation. Planned Behavior Theory is expected to accurately predict people's intentions and behavior in using private vehicles. The variables used are the independent variable Attitude Toward, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control, then Intention Behavior as the intervening and Behavior dependent variable. The research population is the community of private motorists us…

Environmental protection and management are carried out based on the principle of state responsibility, sustainability and sustainability, harmony and balance, integration, benefits, prudence, justice, ecoregion, biodiversity, participatory, local wisdom, good governance, and regional autonomy. The purpose of the research is to find out how much influence obtained between the variables of participation in sustainable development and indicators on these variables in environmental management in urban areas. The study was conducted in Makassar City in 2017-2018 with questionnaires and interviews …

One of the chemical parameters in the requirements of clean water is water hardness. Hardness is a term used in water containing cations that cause hardness. Generally, hardness caused by the presence of metals or cations which have a valence of 2, such as Fe, Sr, Mn, Ca and Mg. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of banana stem charcoal as an adsorbent in reducing water hardness. The process of charcoal banana stem adsorbent dried under the sun for one week, and in the oven at 110°C for 24 hours to reduce moisture and moisture content. Next, to remove volatile materials…

Dokumen teks adalah sesuatu yang tertulis atau tercetak yang dapat digunakan sebagai keterangan juga untuk membuat suatu informasi tertentu. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju dan serba instan, mempermudah orang untuk mendapat informasi dan rentan terjadi pengambilan karya tulis yang biasa dikenal sebagai tindakan plagiarisme. Teknologi informasi pengukur tingkat plagiat suatu dokumen teks berhubungan dengan pencarian informasi dari data yang banyak. Butuh waktu yang lama untuk memproses hasil kemiripan dari seluruh isi dokumen teks. Untuk itu dibuat aplikasi pendeteksi kemiripan dokumen…

Abstrak. Teknologi informasi adalah bagian dari media yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada banyak orang. SMS adalah salah satu teknologi telepon seluler yang dapat memudahkan seseorang berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dimanapun berada. Selain SMS, E-mail merupakan sarana yang berperan penting dalam berkomunikasi di dunia maya (internet). SMS dan E-mail merupakan teknologi yang memungkin untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan, tetapi keduanya memiliki platform yang berbeda. Skripsi ini berisi tentang pembuatan aplikasi cross protocol email dan sms dimana dalam proses pembuatannya menggunaka…

Abstrak - Skripsi ini berjudul Rancang Bangun Portal Web Pariwisata Maluku Tenggara, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempromosikan kuliner dan tempat-tempat pariwisata baik alam maupun wisata rohani yang ada di Maluku Tenggara.Variabel yang akan disoroti dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi promosi pariwisata. Strategi yang akan diterapkan dalam mempromosikan potensi pariwisata Maluku Tenggara adalah dengan merancang sebuah Portal Web Pariwisata. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara,observasi lapangan, dan study pustaka. Hasil yang didapatkan berupa data-data yang dibutuhkan dalam…