In the current era of globalization, companies are required to have a competitive advantage in order to be able to compete and survive amid the tight of the competition. Therefore, companies need good human resources and able to compete. The background of this research is to find out whether the dimensions of service quality (tangible, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and emphaty) affect customer satisfaction at Allium Tangerang Hotel. the goal is to find out how much the influence of the independent variable toward the dependent variable, either partially or simultaneously. This resear…
In this era of globalization the fashion industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly because public awareness for personal appearance is increasing. From many fashion brands, companies must have a strategy to stay afloat in business. Companies from various fashion industries must stay in touch with customers, through CRM or Customer Relationship Management in order to increase customer satisfaction that will make loyal customers that can affect repurchase intention. This study was conducted to find information from Customer Relationship Management to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and…
The rapid development of information technology throughout the last few decades brings about a new color in the spread of information pattern. The availability of internet supported by the latest information technology, enables the media to spread information without limitation of space and time. Some issues addressed in this paper: how is the role of global capitalism in the spread of radical idelogy through social media? Furthermore, how is the inter-countries relation with regard to the spread of radical ideology? And what form of economy is created by the capitalisation of radical idelogy?…
This study discusses the stage of development of social penetration relationship in Mobile Legends game which is seen through three factors of relationship development. The stage of interpersonal relationship development is the stage where two individuals who have not known each other to have an intimate relationship. Mobile Legends is a mobile game that is played in groups and requires interaction to work together. This interaction can be used to build interpersonal relationships. The theory used in this research is Social Penetration Theory. Social Penetration Theory is used to explain how t…
Javanese pitutur luhur is an honorable thought as the inheritance from Javanese ancestors in which it is bequeathed from generation to generation. Pitutur luhur is led as guidance for Javanese societies throughout their life. It contains the ancestors’ thoughts about some aspects of life since every human being (including Javanese people) has guidance for life. As religious people, for Muslim societies, it is a must to bring Qur’an and hadith into their guidance of life. This study discusses the relevance between Javanese Pitutur luhur and Islamic religiosity based on Qur’…
Corrigendum to: Based on the error submitted by the author of the article to the editors on July 19, 2018, that the author of the article is only one author and written Abdul Wachid BS, this article should consist of four authors namely Abdul Wachid BS, Herman J. Waluyo, Rachmat Djoko Pradopo, and Suyitno. so this correction is made to make checks for the readers.
The purpose of this research is to discuss a sacred and a transcendence tradition of ngrowot at PPLQ in the perspective of a medic and a scientific neuroscience. All of data that was correlated with the ngrowot tradition was categorized empirically and scientifically, and then it was analyzed through neuroplasticity theory explaining the brain that can be transformed by behavioral changes. The result of this study explained that the philosophy of ngrowot is theology and food sovereignty. In the modern era, ngrowot becomes a healthy lifestyle for some elite that is called as the “healthy …
The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the discourse of heroism ( kawiryan ) according to Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII contained in the Serat Saptstha manuscript. It is a type of historical manuscript that provides an overview about the discourse stored in the content of the manuscript. The Sultan discussed in this article is Hamengkubuwana VII. He is an Islamic Sultan who ruled the societies in 1877-1921. His reign is in Keraton Ngayogyakarta (Ngayogyakarta Palace) and it is a kind of Islamic Sultanate. Based on the conclusion of this study, Hamengkubuwana VII as the King sent by God …
This paper investigates the meaning of Kidungan tradition conducted in Pasunggingan Village, Pengadegan District, Purbalingga. The Kidungan tradition is carried out based on the song composed by Sunan Kalijaga that has contextualization in the community’s life. It is believed that the song aims to get rid of bad luck during the night-time, to be free of all fines and debts, as the prayer to the war, and as the peasantry’s mantra. It is believed that Kidungan tradition has the role as ancestral heritage which has the diversity values. Kidungan tradition becomes an alternative appl…
This article examines the intelligence process and attitude of Islamic Teens of Watualang (Remaja Islam Watualang or it is abbreviated as Riswa) which is quite striking in terms of the religious progressivity agenda. The agenda is arranged to have a synergy with the concept of nationalism and nationality. The group comes to the society as the efforts to reaffirm the understanding of Islamic as Ahlussunah Waljamaah in the middle of the religious extremism and radicalism. The encouragement for oneness of God (Tauhid) concept from Riswa becomes the pattern of syncretic Islam. It is implemented by…
A myriad of traditions underlie the local wisdom of Sasak tribe (the indigenous people in Lombok), namely tradisi merarik (wedding), nenarih (proposing), sorong serah ajikrame (dowry negotiation), langar, begawe (party) , banjar (the community body), begibung (eating together), berayan mangan (eating together), and nyongkolan (wedding parade). Such local customs in general entail the value of mutual concession or tolerance, compassion, dependency, social solidarity, sympathy, communal work for peace, and prosperity. The local wisdoms are strongly relevant to the theory of chemical bonding such…
This study aims to analyze the coastal thanksgiving tradition and the meaning for the fishermen communities in Cilacap, especially around the area of Teluk Penyu Beach in Cilacap. Fishermen communities in the South of Cilacap cannot be separated from the original character of the Javanese community in general that they have a strong belief to the myth. They still show their honor and respect toward the ancestral spirit called as Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. It is represented through the ritual of giving some offerings to the sea. The traditional ceremony is conducted on the first day of the Javanese ca…
Pontianak Malay’s society is not only limited to the Malay ethnic group who lives near the Kapuas River, but they also have a tradition that is created from the habit and Islamic learning. This paper is initiated by the study that has been conducted by the researchers in 2016 implementing qualitative descriptive method. The data collection tools consist of observation, documentation and interview. The reason for choosing this method is to discover and reveal the meaning or the ideology of the symbols contained in the corak insang weave. Based on the results of this study, it is conclude…
Corruption is a detrimental and harmful crime that is done individually or collectively. Therefore, corruption must be prevented and overcome. To prevent the corruption, firstly, the factors that lead the corruption should be eradicated; then, the prevention actions are formulated. This article aims to elaborate the guidance from the Qur’an and the local wisdom from Bugis society investigating the causes of corruption and how the Qur’an offers the prevention action of the corruption. To understand the guidance in the Qur’an and to prevent the corruption, this study was con…
This research aimed to know giving influence of formulations trichokompos TKKS with NPK fertilizerand get the best treatment of formulation for the growth of oil palm seeds (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)which derived of multy embrio. This research has been conducted in the Agriculture Experimental Station Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, District of Tampan, the research was carried out for 4 months starting in April 2015 to the month of Agustus 2015. This research arranged experimentaly using Completely Randomized De…
The purpose of this research is determining the effect of some kinds from cocoa’s kind waste and NPK fertilizer and to get the best dose for the growth of cocoa plantation. This research was conducted in the experimental field and Laboratory of Production Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau in Campus Binawidya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru. This research was conducted from January to April 2015. The research used Completely Randomized Design factorial that consisting of two factors. The first factor is the cocoa’s kind waste (T) consists of four levels, they are T1 = wet …
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of giving LCPKS and NPK Tablet, and single factor LCPKS and NPK Tablet and get the best dose giving on the growth of oil palm seedling at main nursery. This research was conducted at the experimental station of Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau on March 2015 until June 2015. This research was arranged on using Completely Rendomized Design (CDR) with two factorial: Factor I; Application Of Palm Oil Liquid Of Waste, L0 (without LCPKS), L1 (LCPKS 600 ml),L2 (LCPKS 1200 ml),L3(LCPKS 1800 ml). Factor II; N0(without NPK Tablet), N1 (2 tablet…
Oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is an important commodity in Indonesia which is constantly increasing both in land area and its production. The increase in land requires a qualified oil palm seedings. One of the appropriate measures to obtain quality seed is by giving organic fertilizer, such as Trichocompost tofu dregs. The research aimed to determine the effect of several doses of Trichocompost tofu dregs and to obtain the best dose for the growth of oil palm in main nursery. The research was conducted at the experimental farm, Technical Implementation Unit, Faculty of Agricul…
This research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau started in April to June 2015. This study aims to look at the provision of bio-slurry, nitrogen fertilizer and interactionbetween the provision of bio-slurryandnitrogenfertilizerandto get thebestcombinationforgrowth and crop productionof pakchoy. Field experiment using a completely randomized factorial design, where 0, 2, 4, 6 liters/m2 of bio-slurry as the first factor and 0, 15, 25 g/m2of nitrogen fertilizer as the second factor. This study uses 12 combinations, 3 replications and 4 plant samp…
The aim of this research was to find out the effect of palm oil’s empty bunch fruit compost and palm oil’s leaflets mulch givingon sub soil oil palm seeds planting and determine the right dose of oil palm empty bunch fruit compost to support oil palm’s growth in main nurseryphase. This research was conducted from May 2015 until August 2014 located at the agricultural experimental station, University of Riau. The design that used in this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisted of 2 factors and 3 replications.The first factor was oil palm’s e…