The phytochemical components of avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill) consist of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins, so that they have the potential as antibacterials. The aim of this study was to determine the ability of Persea americana Mill extract to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus through inhibition zone observation and the ability to accelerate wound healing infected by S. aureus through observation of wound closure and cytopathology. Persea americana Mill were extracted using maceration method with 70% ethanol. The activities of this extract were tested by diffu…
This study was to find out the effect of ethanolic garlic extrct of total blood cholesterol, trigliserid, glucone and the activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) dan Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) of broiler fed with high cholesterol diet.
The aim of the present study was to find out the in vitro activity of ethyl acetate fraction of willow leaves (Salix tetrasperma Roxb) on Plasmodium folcifarum (P. falciparum) growth.
The rabies outbreaks of Indonesia in these two decades tends to spread faster to other islands/regions. Trade trafficking and people's habits of carrying dogs between islands are contributing factor that triggers rabies cases in Provinces previously free of rabies. This study aims to qualitative risk assessment entry and spread of rabies in dogs into Sorong City of West Papua Province. Methods of collecting primary data obtained from expert opinions, questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation in the field. Secondary data is taken through search of scientific publications, surveillance …
Children’s problems lately are very complex. Many cases occur in the community that ignore the fulfillment of children’s rights. One is the lack of fulfillment of children’s rights on birth certificates. In connection with this matter, it is important to do research to find out 2 (two) things, namely; first, to find out about children’s rights in obtaining birth certificates to Balinese indigenous people. Second, to find out whether a child can get a birth certificate if the birth registration goes beyond the deadline. In accordance with the research objectives, the research method use…
The intersection of law and society in sociological discourse. In this article a lot is explained about dialogical correlation between law and society in social life. Conceptually law and society have mutually complementary relationships related to their existence. In the legal sociology paradigm, society is a resource that gives life (to nature) and moves the law. Whereas the community lives the law with values, ideas and concepts, besides that the community also supports the law by fertilizing the legal awareness (legal culture) of the community to carry out the law. Social changes and legal…
This research is about legal protection in the perspective of human rights rights of suspects and potential violations in criminal case investigations. The purpose is to protect the rights of suspects, ensure legal certainty and avoid ill-treatment, and know the obstacles. This research is an empirical legal research. Research location at Sidoarjo Regional Police Station. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative, using content analysis techniques. Legal protection of suspect rights in criminal case investigations can be realized properly if there is a commitment to enforce the law seriously…
Children as the next generation need guidance both for growth and physical, mental, sausage and protection development that will endanger them and the nation in the future. Protection of girls is very important because there are many cases of rape of women. The problems that will be examined in this study, namely: What are the factors that encourage children to commit rape crimes? and What is the basis of consideration for judges in imposing criminal decisions on children who commit rape crimes? This study uses normative-empirical research. Factors that encourage children to commit rape crimes…
Theft of sacred objects (pratima) that occur in the jurisdiction of Bali lately is very disturbing to the Balinese people. Because for the Balinese people who are Hindus, the theft of sacred objects (pratima) has a negative effect on everyday life which results in disruption of the balance between real (sekala) and supernatural (niskala). This type of writing is normative juridical or dogmatic legal sciences. In the process of resolving cases of theft of sacred objects (pratima), judges use Article 362 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) as a guideline for imposing penalties on perpetrators. In the vi…
The enactment of Law No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Management of the Environment, which states that managing and protecting the environment needs to be done as well as possible, based on the benefits provided by the environment itself. The industrial waste pollution phenomenon in Bawen, Semarang had threaten the sustainability of the environment functions. Environmental pollution due to industrial waste disposal will interfere the quality of people’s lifes and can degrade the quality of the environment on an ongoing basis. The problem of this research is how the waste procedure, PT. A…
Elections are a manifestation of democracy reflecting the fourth principle of Pancasila. Elections that prioritize the dialogical approach of vision and mission as a solution to the nation’s problems undertaken by election participants who truly reflect the soul-bearing souls of Pancasila. Selected individuals who meet the criteria of lection are credibility, integrity and acceptability as well as popolarity due to achievement, dedication and loyalty to the nation and country that are worthy to lead this country. The development of many election participants who can not reflect the value of …
The Constitutional Court issued Decision Number 69 / PUU-XIII / where the marriage agreement was held after the marriage took place. Why the Constitutional Court allows the making of marriage contracts after marriage takes place. This study analyzes the legal considerations of the Constitutional Court judges in allowing marriage agreements to take place after the marriage takes place in accordance with the values of justice, as well as analyzing the legal implications of property of marriage agreements made after marriage in the event of any one of the injured parties. This research method is …
When electronic transactions often consumers are required to enter some personal data in electronic systems. Personal data held by consumers is abused by business actors when consumers enter their personal data first in the online trading website. The sale of personal data to other companies or product offerings that violate the rights of consumers may result from a black of protection or a security guarantee of personal data from consumers entered on the online buying and selling website. This problem also arises because of the consumer’s perspective on the awareness of their Inadequate rig…
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979, has ratified Indonesia as the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 Year 1984 About Ratification of the Convention Concerning the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. In relation to the ratification of the Convention on Women, among others, means to promote the widest possible extent of women’s rights, Indonesia guarantees for women, on equal terms with men, to protect their rights. This research focuses on legal studies related to the impact of the ratification in realizing the contribu…
Era globalisasi saat ini, media tidak lagi hanya menjadi mesin ideologi informasi yang memiliki spektrum tanggung jawab sosial dan partisipasi politis dalam mengritisi kebijakan-kebijakan penguasa. Tetapi media pun telah menjadi mesin pencetak uang dan modal, tak ubahnya seperti lembaga-lembaga bisnis yang lain. Ideologi bisnis bergerak koheren dengan ideologi politik, sosial-budaya, agama. Bahkan, tidak sedikit kasus kepentingan bisnis menjadi yang terdepan, sehingga menarik untuk ditelaah. Gerakan reformasi berhasil mendorong setidaknya dua perubahan yang signifikan Pertama, era kebebasan pe…
Teknologi komunikasi menjadi instrumen yang mewakili fungsi tubuh manusia (embodiment) dalam melakukan proses komunikasi manusia. Pada satu tahapan fungsionalitas instrumentum teknologis dalam komunikasi berkutat pada persoalan tujuan alat dan tujuan komunikasi. Tetapi secara ontologis, pelibatan teknologi dalam proses komunikasi menggeser banyak makna esensial, seperti keterlibatan nilai dalam teknologi komunikasi, arti kehadiran manusia, eksistensi manusia, pertukaran sistem tanda dalam komunikasi. Kajian yang dirumuskan dalam narasi dialogis verstehen ini diawali dengan pertanyaan apakah ma…
Dampak dari media televisi dan teknologi di dunia membangun sebuah global village, dimana perbedaan waktu dan ruang terkikis akibat sifat instant dari media tersebut. Televisi telah berhasil membuat apa yang terjadi di satu sudut bumi mampu disaksikan di sudut bumi lain dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Percepatan komunikasi seperti ini tentu saja sangat membantu proses globalisasi budaya. MTV adalah salah satu media global paling terkenal dan berhasil menyebarkan budaya. Tulisan ini mencoba mengkaji fenomena budaya global yang dampak dari MTV. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif…
In its development today there are many companies ojek service provider online. Brand strength (Brand Equity) to benchmark a brand can survive in the middle of crowded product or not. Brand equity or brand equity is a set of brand assets and liabilities associated with a brand, name, symbol that is able to increase or decrease the value provided by a product or service both to the company and to the customer. But strengthening the brand is not easy, the company must have some assets that can complement the brand remains strong in the middle of market share. And there are many other factors …
Era postmodern dan budaya yang tidak menentu di Indonesia saat ini, menghadirkan media baru televisi yang menghasilkan berbagai tayangan. Fenomena di dunia periklanan audio visual, iklan rokok yang ditmpilkan membawa berbagai penafsiran dan pertanyaan. Tampilan iklan yang disajikan, tidak menunjukkan hubungan apapun antara pesan yang dikirimkan dan produk yang dipasarkan. Tampilkan iklan rokok dalam tulisan ini, iklan rokok LA LIGHT versi "Jangan Berhenti", yang menjadi fokus penelitian. Pendekatan linguistik postmodern, yaitu teori semiotik, sebuah teori berasal dari teori bahasa. Antara pena…
The weak of public awareness of traffic regulation seen from low level of the discipline in driving, that produce undisciplined culture to the society. Lacking awareness from people in traffic rules can be seen in behavior like an increased by offense traffic motorists. This was found in many offense of the traffic signs in Bandung in 2014 by the number of 39.205 offense (Source : Polwiltabes Bandung, 2015). Undisciplined behaviour of people in traffic as driving exceeds the speed limit determined, passing traffic lights, passing marka roadblock, no complete safety equipment as well not use he…