The furnace is a device used to convert potential energy into heat energy. Furnace for the community is one of the important tools for cooking. Combustion is the reaction of a substance with oxygen (O2 ). Combustion is one of the most widely used biomass energy conversions because it produces direct thermal energy. The purpose of this research is to analyze the number of holes and analyze the comparison of burning briquette stoves with kerosene stoves. The data collection method is carried out by direct observation of the community and collecting references from related books and journ…

Nowadays, fiberglass composites are widely applied to the construction that receives tension and bending loads. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the mechanical properties of fiberglass by using different layers. In this research the manufacture of composites using hand-lay-up method. The manufacture of specimen for the tensile test refers to the standard ASTM D 638-02 and standard ASTM D 790-02 bending test. The method used in data analysis is graph data analysis to see the relationship between interconnected parameters and dependence on the size of the specimen 13 mm and th…

The purpose of this study was to determine the heat that builds up and the rate of abrasion due to friction on the brake discs made of fiber composite jute, coconut shell with an epoxy resin adhesive. The tools used in this study are digital thermometer, abrasion, stopwatch, thermometer, digital scales while the materials used are ramie fibers, coconut shell charcoal, and epoxy resin. Comparison of a mixture of ramie fiber, coconut shell powder, and epoxy resin namely for canvas 1 (30:30:40 %), canvas 2 (20:40:40 %), and (40:20:40 %). The lowest abrasion rate value in the 3rd sample with a com…

The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the characteristics of tensile strength on hybrid composite, fiberglass, flax fiber, and polyester resin. In this research, the manufacturing of composites uses hand lay-up method. Manufacture of specimens in accordance with ASTM standard D638 ? 02 and for tensile testing using standard ASTM D790-02. The method used in data analysis is graph data analysis to see the relationship between interconnected parameters and dependence, which is the size of the specimen 13 mm and the number of variations in the composition of specimen mixture. The res…

The main purpose of Indonesian national education system is to create a Pancasilais human being, characterized by living with religious values and noble humanity. Islamic higher education then played a significant role by developing an education system that integrated science and religion into their curriculum by put some specific Islamic theology course/subject onto their science department. In consequence, the paradigm learning model which is phylosophicaly, holistic, and integrative is strongly needed. This kind of learning model would give birth to an aksiological aspect by emerging the sp…

Aquatic biodiversity in Muara Putat Estuary, Lombok Utara Regency, Lombok Island is the result of nutrient enrichment in the coastal. A complex combination of natural factors that support the growth of barriers in mangrove plants, agricultural and plantations, fish and aquatic invertebrates that regulate during the summer and rainy seasons. As a source of knowledge, biodiversity of aquatic microalgae is a major producer of nutrient chains in the estuary, habitat diversity will affect the source and regulation of aquatic nutrition. Studying microalgae is one of the important tools to determine …

The purpose of this study was to determine the potential and concentration of Sargassum cristaefolium extract as a natural cytokinin in tissue culture media of Dendrobium antennatum Rchb.f. This study is experimental with a completely randomized design, using several extract concentrations compared with the positive control (BAP 1.5 ppm) and negative control (MS0 media). Extract concentrations used 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 15 ppm, 20 ppm, and 25 ppm. Based on analysis of variance (ANOVA), the effect of Sargassum cristaefolium extract on the growth media significant on all parameters. Sargassum cristaefo…

This study aims: 1) to find out the increase in student learning outcomes; and 2) to find out students' responses after applying BoneLab learning media in class VIII at MTs. Nahdlatul Mujahidin NW Jempong. The research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR), which consists of 2 cycles, each cycle containing the stages of preparation, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research instruments consisted of: 1) teacher observation sheet activity; 2) student observation sheet activity; 3) learning achievement test sheets; and 4) student questionnaire response sheets. The data analy…

Nematoda worms are one of the helminth groups that have wide distribution in ruminants. Various types of nematoda worms are known as cattle parasites and have affected their health. The aim of this research was to determine the species of gastrointestinal nematoda worms in cattle that were farmed in Taman Ayu Village, Gerung Subdistrict, West Lombok District. A total of 115 stool samples were collected by random sampling from February to August 2018 in 3 sub-village that have high cattle population in Taman Ayu Village. Sampling was carried out by random sampling method in dairy cattle. Fecal …

This study was aimed to determine the identification of macroalgae species in Cemara Beach, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, as the basis for developing biodiversity brochure for public. This is a descriptive explorative  research with sampling technique devided into 4 transects: 1) transect I was in the litoral zone with water conditions that were still quite natural because of lack of influence from the residents; 2) transect II was located in litoral zone near the residential area; 3) transect III was placed in the neritic zone with relatively natural area; and 4) while the transect…

This study aims to determine the level of communication skills and cognitive learning outcomes of students who are taught through talking stick learning models. This research was carried out at Darul Hikmah Middle School, Pagutan Village, Mataram District, Mataram City in the academic year 2018/2019. This type of research is a PTK with a Cycle I and II research design. Design sampling is done randomly. The research sample is class VIII. Data communication results and cognitive learning outcomes, obtained using communication questionnaires and multiple choice tests. Research instruments in the …

The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of integrated local wisdom sheets for local wisdom on students' critical thinking skills. This type of pre-experimental research with the design of one groups pre-test post-test design. Samples were 18 students taken with saturated sampling technique. The instrument used was the Critical Thinking Skills Test (TKBK) with indicators: 1) interpretation; 2) analysis; 3) conclusions; 4) evaluations; 5) explanations; and 6) self-regulation. Data were analyzed descriptively and in paired sample test statistics. The results showed that the inte…

This study aims to: 1) determine the appropriateness of practicum performance appraisal instruments; and 2) find out whether there are differences in competency of laboratory skills among students. The instrument development procedure refers to the 4-D model with a research trial design using one shoot case study. Before the performance appraisal instrument was applied to 77 semester IV students Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, a validation test was first conducted by an expert. Data collection techniques using validation, testing, and observation. The …

This study aims to determine the potency of Renggak (Amomum dealbatum) extract as bio pesticide against Pyricularia oryzae and Xanthomonas oryzae. Therefore an in vitro of  antifungal and antibacterial activity of the Renggak ethanol extract were carried out against Pyricularia oeyzae and Xanthomonas oryzae. In vitro antifungal  analysis were done using agar diffusing method by dissolving Renggak extract (1%, 5%, and 10%) into fungal medium and the growth of  Pyricularia oryzae were observed. In vitro antibacterial analysis were complited using agar diffusing method with paper disk that con…

Transmisi yang umum digunakan pada mobil masa kini adalah transmisi manual dan transmisi otomatis. Dengan berkembangnya dunia otomitif dibuatlah transmisi otomatis tipe CVT atau yang di kenal dengan sebutan (Continous Variable Transmision) untuk membuat kenyamanan berkemudi tanpa menganti berulang-ulang transmisi. Menanggapi hal tersebut laboratorium chassis UNESA memerlukan suatu media pembelajaran transmisi otomatis tipe CVT jenis mobil yang bisa memperlihatkan secara nyata tentang mekanisme dan prinsip kerja transmisi otomatis tipe CVT, salah satunnya yaitu pembuatan media pembelajaran desa…

Jurusan Teknik Mesin Unesa merupakan salah satu jurusan yang ada di Fakultas Teknik. Jurusan teknik mesin mempunyai beberapa lab yang digunakan untuk mahasiswa teknik mesin praktikum. Ada 15 lab yang ada dijurusan teknik mesin salah satunya lab fabrikasi. Pada lab fabrikasi banyak peralatan fabrikasi yang tersedia dan dapat digunakan, namun masih banyak yang menggunakan tenaga konvensional. Salah satunya mesin pengeroll plat yang digunakan untuk membuat lengkung pada plat., namun penggunannya masih menggunakan tenaga manusia. Disini penulis mempunyai ide untuk membuat mesin pengeroll plat namu…

Abstrak Di zaman seperti sekarang ini, kehidupan manusia tidak terlepas dari piranti teknologi canggih baik berbentuk elektronik maupun teknologi lain. Salah satunya adalah sensor ultrasonik yang berfungsi memancarkan gelombang ultrasonik. Sesuai dengan fungsinya, maka dibuatlah sistem kontrol otomatis dengan Arduino sebagai inti sistem kontrol dan sensor sebagai input data. Kemudian dilakukan penelitian untuk menguji keakuratan sensor dalam pembacaannya. Penelitian dari hasil mesin pemecah kedelai ini memiliki kapasitas proses pemecahan kedelai 3,2 kg/menit, dengan ukuran rangka 850mm x 670mm…

AbstrakPompa injeksi ( injection pump ) atau lebih dikenal sebagai bosch pump memiliki berbagai jenis tipe, namun tipe yang akan digunakan salah satunya adalah tipe in-line ( segaris ) pada mesin diesel putaran tinggi. Sistem kerjanya bahan bakar yang telah dikirim oleh feed pump diinjeksikan ke dalam ruang bahan bakar oleh pompa injeksi dan nozzle dengan cara ditekan oleh plunger yang bergerak ke atas. Pergerakan naik turunnya plunger tersebut diatur oleh camshaft. Camshaft yang terdapat pada pompa injeksi bahan bakar dihubungkan ke timing gear. Sehingga penyemprotan bahan bakarnya dapat diat…

Mayoritas manusia menggunakan kendaraan mobil sebagai alat transportasi yang dimana kendaraan tersebut mudah digunakan dan nyaman untuk berpergian jauh. Tetapi mobil tidak hanya digunakan saja, mobil perlunya perawatan khusus atau servis berkala sehingga kendaraan mobil tetap awet, nyaman, dan performa setiap komponen tetap stabil. Sekarang masyarakat tidak perlu kawatir untuk melakukan servis sendiri, disetiap daerah memiliki tempat servis atau bengkel yang dimana tempat tersebut menjual jasa dan sparepart kendaran mobil. Pada proses pekerjaan servis atau pemeliharaan khususnya proses bleedin…

Abstrak PT. Petrokimia Gresik merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi pupuk. Salah satu mesin produksi pupuk adalah Bucket Elevator M2202 yang berada di pabrik asam fosfat, fungsi dari mesin ini sendiri adalah pembawa batu fosfat yang tidak lolos screen untuk di proses ke bagian selanjutnya. Pada mesin ini sering terjadi kerusakan terutama pada komponen bucket, sehingga mesin tersebut merupakan salah satu critical equipment yang ada pabrik asam fosfat. Kerusakan yang terjadi menyebabkan terhentinya proses produksi karena perawatan bersifat corrective yaitu dengan penggantian buck…