PT. Triwa’s Auto Body Shop adalah sebuah bengkel mobil yang menangani berbagai macam service dan reparasi kendaraan. Dalam pelaksanaanya, bengkel tersebut memiliki beberapa kendala seperti pendokumentasian laporan yang sering kali tidak akurat dan juga proses jasa service dan jual beli suku cadang yang masih manual. Karenanya, aktivitas yang bersangkutan dengan proses tersebut menjadi terhambat. Dengan adanya masalah tersebut maka diusulkanya sistem informasi jasa service dan jual beli suku cadang untuk PT. Triwa’s Auto Body Shop. Metode: Dengan menerapkan metode waterfall, penel…

Kali ini penelitian SPK yang membahas kinerja guru terbaik pada SMAN 12 TANGERANG. SMAN 12 TANGERANG merupakan sekolah menengah atas percontohan. Sekarang, kepala sekolah sudah menunjuk guru untuk perwakilan penilaian dan penilaian hanya dilakukan oleh diknas pusat di SMAN 12 TANGERANG ini sekarang dikatakan memiliki nilai baik, Maka dari itu SMAN 12 TANGERANG sangat membutuhkan SPK yang sifatnya terstruktur, objektif, dan internal agar hasil yang diperoleh maksimal dan sesuai. Kali ini sistem yang dibentuk memakai metode (AHP) untuk menentukan pembobotan dari keenam kriteria yaitu skp, orient…

Pelayanan di sebuah RSU tentunya memerlukan ketepatan serta kecepatan tanggap. Pelayanan yang dimaksud dapat berupa pendaftaran pengobatan, layanan jasa komplain, pengambilan obat, atau layanan jasa lain seperti jadwal pengingat untuk melakukan kontrol perawatan. Di era serba teknologi seperti sekarang ini, banyak RSU yang telah menggunakan sistem online untuk melakukan perekrutan pasien atau memanjakan pasien dengan memberikan informasi secara online. RSU Bhakti Asih Ciledug merupakan salah satu RSU yang menitikberatkan pada mutu pelayanan kesehatan pasien. Misi tersebut tidak dapat terwujud …

Florist adalah sebuah badan usaha perorangan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan bunga papan, bingkisan kelahiran dan bunga pot. Saat ini pengolahan data penjualan masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga mengalami beberapa permasalahan, antara lain : kurangnya promosi sehingga berdampak pada penjualan yang masih kurang, stok ketersediaan barang tidak terpantau mengakibatkan sering terjadinya kehilangan pesanan dari pelanggan, proses pembayaran yang masih manual menjadikan proses pencatatan biaya pemasukan ada yang tidak terdata dan pembuatan laporan pendapatan yang tidak terstruktur berdampak pad…

In wireless communications system, it is desirable to allow the subscriber to send simultaneously information to the base station while receiving information from base station. Multiple access techniques are used to allow many mobile users to share simultaneously a finite amount of radio spectrum. Frequency division multiple access (FDMA), time division multiple access(TDMA), and code division multiple access (CDMA) are the three major access techniques used to share the available bandwidth in a wireless communication system. In this paper we calculated the number of channels required for FDMA…

In the telecommunications domain they are several providers, but customers seeking those that there are good services. In this paper, a study is seeking on two types of providers: content providers CPs and Internet Service Providers ISPs. In this study, we analyzed the impact of Selfishness of Content Providers and Internet Service Providers on their strategies of Price and QoS on their decision strategies. Yet, we formulate our problem as a non-cooperative game among multiple CPs, multiple ISPs competing for the same market. We prove through a detailed analysis uniqueness of pure Nash Equilib…

Objective:    To establish a resolution on the accomplishment of the economical airways with a view to help the aviation industry in framing strategies about such airlines.Methodology - Data have been procured from DGCA, India website. Here, the yearly data of each of the airlines have been utilized. The duration of sampling includes six years 2006-07 to 2011-12 taken for the purpose of classification of operating economical airlines in India. The empirical analysis has been performed on the basis of Discriminant Analysis (DA) using SPSS version 16.0.Findings - The model has classifie…

Internet of Things (IoT) establishes a smart communication system between the human being and the surrounding objects (or “things”) while using the internet as the backbone of this system. Cloud is the fundamental constituent of IoT. It offers important application services in numerous application domains. Indeed, many IoT cloud platforms are competing to provide appropriate and very specific IoT services. The LoRa platform in particular presents a long-range, low-bit rate, low-power, wireless telecommunication protocol for IoT. As such, end-devices make use of LoRa through a sole …

The 3-2, 4-2, 5-2 find many applications in the evolution of integrated circuits. One of the major applications of them is to add partial products that are generated at one stage in Multipliers. In this paper a newly proposed 3-2, 4-2, 5-2 architectures having less delay and reduced power consumption than the conventional architectures are presented. The key idea of designing these multipliers with better performance characteristics leads to the implementation of pass transistors, transmission gates and domino logic circuits. All the CMOS circuits used in proposed architectures are having bett…

MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus) is a respiratory syndrome disease caused by the coronavirus which attacks the respiratory tract from mild to severe. MERS-CoV was first reported in Saudi Arabia; total cases of MERS-CoV have continued to increase. In Indonesia, the MERS-CoV enters through the pilgrimage of Hajj and Umrah. But not many people know about this disease and its symptoms. For this reason, an expert system was established to diagnose MERS-CoV using the Dempster-Shafer method. The system can detect the disease through the symptoms inputted by the user. The output…

In our homes or offices, security has been a vital issue. Control of home security system remotely always offers huge advantages like the arming or disarming of the alarms, video monitoring, and energy management control apart from safeguarding the home free up intruders. Considering the oldest simple methods of security that is the mechanical lock system that has a key as the authentication element, then an upgrade to a universal type, and now unique codes for the lock. The recent advancement in the communication system has brought the tremendous application of communication gadgets into our …

Image fusion is a sub field of image processing in which more than one images are fused to create an image where all the objects are in focus. The process of image fusion is performed for multi-sensor and multi-focus images of the same scene. Multi-sensor images of the same scene are captured by different sensors whereas multi-focus images are captured by the same sensor. In multi-focus images, the objects in the scene which are closer to the camera are in focus and the farther objects get blurred. Contrary to it, when the farther objects are focused then closer objects get blurred in the imag…

Smart Museum is a study focus on Nepal Cultural Heritage information exchange system. The main objective is to provide innovative and interactive approaches which could enhance visitors experience in the museum. Its concept is based upon smart museum that is integrating digital museum contents with information exchange by using Near Field Communication (NFC) smart tags and Quick Response (QR) code. Visitors can use their smart phone to get detail information without help of anyone. The study focuses on detail research about short distance communication network that includes NFC and QR code as …

Gas leakage is a major problem with industrial sectors, residential premises and gas powered vehicles like CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) buses etc. One of the preventive methods to stop accidents associated with the gas leakage is to install a gas leakage detection device at vulnerable places. The aim of this project is to develop such a device that can automatically detect and control gas leakages and also monitor temperature in vulnerable areas. The system detects the leakage of the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) using a gas sensor and then also monitors the temperature using a temperature sen…

Determination Study of Cultivation Schedule of Planting and Harvesting Sugar Cane Schedule in Meeting The Needs of Raw Materials Plant Sugar (Case Study On Sugar cane plantation PTPN VII Cinta Manis). This study aims to determine the method of determining the schedule of planting and harvesting sugar cane schedule in meeting the needs of raw materials plant in PTPN VII Cinta Manis District. And to determine the relationship between the level of availability of raw materials and availability of raw materials factory plant in PTPN VII Cinta Manis District. This research has been conducted in PTP…

This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the demand for rubber, as well as to analyze demand response for rubber in Jambi Province. This research is using simultaneous equations through 3 Stage Least Square (3 SLS) estimation method. The result showed that factors influence the demand for rubber in Jambi is bokar prices, demand for rubber in South Sumatra, Indonesia rubber consumption, the price of synthetic rubber and rubber demand in Jambi at the prior period. While the response of demand for rubber in Jambi is inelastic as changing all the explanatory variables in the short te…

The research was aimed to observer corelation of those factors to the farmer’s attitude to PUAP in Kota Terpadu Mandiri (KTM) Telang of Tanjung Lago Banyuasin. Time data collection was conducted in April - June 2016. The research method used was descriptive method with survey technique. The research was located in Kota Terpadu Mandiri (KTM) Telang of Tanjung Lago, Banyuasin. Population of this research was the farmers that joining in Gapoktan Diyaning Hurip which is participating to PUAP in 2008 that establised in Kota Terpadu Mandiri (KTM) Telang of Tanjung Lago, Banyuasin. Sam…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis kelayakan finansial Usaha Jamur Tiram di Desa F Trikoya Kecamatan Tugumulyo Kabupaten Musi Rawas. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus dengan penentuan lokasi secara sengaja. Hal tersebut atas pertimbangan bahwa di Desa F. Trikoyo Kecamatan Tugumulyo Kabupaten Musi Rawas merupakan salah satu produksi Jamur Tiram.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa penerimaan rata – rata yang di peroleh Usaha Jamur Tiram di Desa F. Trikoyo adalah sebesar Rp. 190.000.000 per tahun. Usaha Jamur Tiram layak di kembangkan karena nilai NVP ada…

ABSTRACT This research aims to study of inventories contol of rice raw materials at Buyung Putra Pangan Ltd. PP Buyung Banyuasin Regency and to examine the problems in inventories of rice raw materials at Buyung Putra Pangan Ltd. PP Buyung Banyuasin Regency.  This research has been conducted at Buyung Putra Pangan Ltd. PP Buyung Banyuasin Regency, time data taking over conducted in May – July 2017.  The research method used was the case study method, the sample method used was the purposive sampling, collection data method used is the observation, interviews and documentation.Â…

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to know the difference of production of paddy field farming in various types of lebak land in Berkat Village, Subdistrict, Sirah pulau Padang , Ogan Komering ilir Regency. And to know the difference in income of paddy field farming lebak on various types of land in the village Lebak Berkat District Sirah Island padang Ogan Komering ilir regency. This research was conducted in Berkat Village, Sirah Island, Padang Regency of Ogan Komering ilir. In August to October 2016. The research method used is Survey method, for sampling method is done by purposiv…