This study aims to determine leadership, organizational culture and employee work discipline in Toraja Weaving and Batik Business in Magelang and obtain empirical evidence of the influence of organizational leadership and culture on employee work discipline in Toraja Weaving and Batik Business in Magelang partially or simultaneously. Population in research this is all employees in the Toraja weaving and batik business in Magelang which is as many as 30 people. Sampling uses saturated sampling techniques so that the entire population becomes a sample. Research data sources use primary data and …

This research was motivated by the tendency of customers have accounts at several banks are often regarded as common practice in the banking industry in this country. This suggests that to boost customer loyalty is not an easy job. In particular, this study discusses the BNI which decreased loyalty index based on Indonesian Bank Loyalty Award 2014. The higher of the value that customer perceived, the customer loyalty will be higher too. In addition, trust and management of the relationship between banks and customers is important to encourage customers to have a bond with the product used.The …

Current economic developments encourage of competition in the various business sectors mainly on the same type of business, namely, fashion outlets. The tight of competition makes business bersing each other in boosting sales to obtain the expected pofitabilitas.Therefore, the required efforts to enhance the purchasing decisions ofconsumers. The level of Hardware Store sales experienced a fluctuation in the level of sales. The purpose of this research is to know the extent influence of the price and quality service on the decision purchase at Hardware Store Paragon Mall Semarang. This research…

PT. Nyonya Meneer is one of medicinal herbs company in Indonesia. PT. Nyonya Meneer always consistent in keep of quality, that is supply medicinal herbs product which good quality and can satisfy hope of customers. PT. Nyonya Meneer have many challenge and rival, specifically competition and turn up of new products of rivals, so that PT. Nyonya Meneer must have many innovation and produce product which appropriate with need of people so that customer will be satisfy to product. This research aim to know influence of product quality, price and customers satisvaction.Research Type which used in …

An ester of butanediol-alginate has been studied as a possible hemodialysis membrane. With 1,4-butanediol molar ratio of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0, it showed that the membrane mechanical properties, stability, protein adsorption, platelet adhesion and performance for urea and creatinine clearance are better than that of unmodified alginate. The increase in 1,4-butanediol molar ratio causes hemodialysis ratio to improve, and causes protein adsorption and platelet adhesion at the membrane surface to decrease. In the case of protein adsorption and platelet adhesion, the membrane with the molar ratio of 1…

Polymeric complex [Fe(picolinate)3][MnNi(oxalate)3].CH3OH has been successfully synthesized using H-tube technique. The chemical composition of the synthesized product was determined by Elemental Analysis and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Infrared spectrum shows that the oxalate ligand acts as a bridging ligand. The crystalline product exists in the form of monoclinic structure and space group P21n as shown on the pattern of X-Ray Diffraction and has a similar structure with [Fe(bpp)2][MnCr(oxalate)3] complex. The magnetic susceptibility of the polymeric complex exhibits high spin and parama…

The influence of cross-linking and membrane hydrophilicity on the transport rate had been studied using a membrane prepared from a mixture of chitosan/PVA cross-linked citric acid ( for creatinine and urea transport. The optimum mole ratio of PVA:citric acid as well as the best composition of were determined using creatinine transport study. Using the optimum compositions, further study was done using different thickness of the membrane in transporting creatinine, urea and a mixture of 3 species (creatinine, urea and vitamin B12). Membrane characterization was done…

Sida rhombifolia L. is a traditional medicinal plant that has been known with potential as antigout. The previous research suggested that flavonoids crude extract of S. rhombifolia had an inhibitory activity toward xanthine oxidase by 71% and a spectrophotometric measurement showed that the type of flavonoids crude extract inhibition was a competitive inhibition. The purpose of the research was to investigate the type of inhibition kinetic of S. Rhombifolia’s ethanol extract by electrochemical method and to compare the measurements of linearity and sensitivity between spectrophotometric a…

Inexpensive Raney Ni-clay composite (R-Ni/clay) catalysts exhibited excellent activity and reusability in the total hydrogenation of biomass-derived furfural into tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol under mild conditions. For the Raney Ni-bentonite (R-Ni/BNT) catalysts, the complete reaction was achieved at 393 K, 180 min giving almost 99% yield of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol. The R-Ni/BNT catalyst was found to be reusable without any significant loss of activity and selectivity for at least six consecutive runs.

The influence of bentonite modification by tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) on its capability to immobilize glucose oxidase (GOX) was studied. Modification of bentonite was conducted by the adding of 0-5% (v/v) TMAH. The observed results show that the different concentrations of TMAH affect the percentage of immobilized enzyme. The results of this study show that the best concentration of TMAH is 5% (v/v) which can immobilize up to 84.71% of GOX. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transforms Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) studies have been carried out to observe the structural changes in b…

A series of superabsorbent hydrogels were synthesized from partially neutralized acrylic acid with varying degree of neutralization (0-1) using gamma radiation. The effects of degree neutralization of acrylic acid on swelling ratio were studied. DSC measurement was performed to understand the type of end products resulting from irradiation. The morphologies of the hydrogels were examined using SEM. The chemical changes of the hydrogels were characterized using FTIR. At optimum conditions (10 kGy, 15 min), the hydrogels with neutralization degree 0.5 exhibited rapid swelling with the highest sw…

The antidiabetic activity test through a mechanism of inhibition of α-glucosidase enzyme was studied against ethanol, n-hexane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions of ethanol extract of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (Moraceae) leaves and four flavonoid compounds isolated from ethyl acetate extracts of A. altilis. Ethyl acetate fraction has strongest antidiabetic activity compared to ethanol, n-hexane, and n-butanol fractions with IC50values5.98,6.79, 440.18and14.42μg/mL, respectively. Four flavonoid compounds (1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-[8-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(4-methyl-3-penteny…

3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (1) and 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (2) have been isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of methanolic fractions of leaves, stems and roots of the fern Trichomanes chinense L. (Hymenophyllaceae). These two compounds also showed significant antioxidant using DPPH and antimicrobial activities using the disc diffusion assay.

Partial oxidation of methane over mesoporous catalyst cobalt modified H-ZSM-5 has been carried out. Mesoporous Na-ZSM-5 (Si/Al = 35.4) was successfully synthesized using double template method which has high surface area (450 m2/g) and average pore diameter distribution of 1.9 nm. The as-synthesized Na-ZSM-5 was converted to H-ZSM-5 through multi-exchange treatment with ammonium ion solution, causing decreased crystallinity and surface area, but increased porous diameter, due to dealumination during treatment process. Moreover, H-ZSM-5 was loaded with cobalt (Co = 2.5% w) by the incipient impr…

Toyota Auto2000 Cabang Ciledug yang beralamat di jl. Ciledug Raya no. 16 Petukangan Selatan, Jakarta selatan adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang otomotif yang meliputi penjualan mobil baru, perawatan dan perbaikan serta penjualan sparepart mobil Toyota. Pada proses pemilihan mekanik terbaik masih menggunakan microsoft axcle dan belum menggunakan metode, sehingga mengalami kesulitan saat mengambil keputusan untuk memilih mekanik terbaik jika hasil akhir nilai mekanik sama. Untuk itu penulis menciptakan sebuah sistem penujang keputusan yang berbasis komputer menggunakan metode TOPSIS. Metod…

Penelitian ini membahas pengambilan keputusan pemilihan pegawai terbaik pada PT. Gading Murni Cabang Jakarta. Dalam menentukan pegawai terbaik ada beberapa masalah yaitu kriteria yang sudah ditentukan belum adanya pembobotan. Wakil Kepala Cabang sulit menentukan kandidat pegawai terbaik dan perlu waktu lama dalam pengumpulan data. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk menghasilkan sistem penunjang keputusan, yang diharapkan dapat membantu dalam pemilihan pegawai terbaik. Metode AHP digunakan untuk penentuan bobot kriteria dimana masing-masing kriteria dibandingkan dengan kriteria lainnya dan metode SAW …

Teknologi informasi sangatlah berpengaruh untuk kemajuan suatu usaha agar dapat bersaing dengan para pesaing yang lain di era industri. Berbagai macam cara dilakukan untuk mempromosikan usaha yang dimiliki, salah satu nya dengan menggunakan website e-commerce. E-commerce merupakan suatu kegiatan jual beli yang dilakukan secara online. Sempurna Jaya Aluminium Product adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan furniture atau alat-alat rumah tangga seperti rak piring, jemuran, dan tangga yang terbuat dari bahan aluminium. Saat ini penjualan melalui instagram pada Sempurna Jaya …

Universitas Budi Luhur sebagai satuan pendidikan, sama seperti perguruan tinggi lainnya berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang biasa disebut tridharma perguruan tinggi. Khususnya pada Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, dokumentasi registrasi proposal pengajuan hingga laporan akhir kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh dosen rutin dilakukan tiap semester. Namun dalam perjalanannya, ditemukan beberapa kendala pada sistem berjalan. Diantaranya sering terjadi kesalahan pada proses registrasi pengajuan proposal, dan prose…

Electronic commerce merupakan suatu kontak transaksi perdagangan antara penjual dan pembeli dengan menggunakan media internet. Salah satu aktifitas penjualan, pemasaran, jasa melalui internet dan jaringan komputer yang sekarang biasa disebut belanja online. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus pada toko Al Haj Collection yaitu usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang fashion yang menjual berbagai macam pakaian muslim. Mekanisme sistem penjualan pada toko Al Haj Collection sekarang masih kurang efektif, dimana konsumen harus datang langsung ke toko. Cara pemasaran yang saat ini dilakukan hanya melalui …

Saat ini, proses pengolahan akademik siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta masih dilakukan secara manual dan belum terkomputerisasi sehingga menyebabkan beberapa permasalahan seperti nilai sering tertukar disebabkan staf tata usaha kurang teliti, pengolahan data penilaian siswa membutuhkan waktu yang lama dikarenakan perhitungan nilai dilakukan secara konvensional, informasi data siswa pada buku rapor kurang lengkap dikarenakan data orang tua dan data nilai sikap tidak diisi, informasi kelas pada daftar absensi kurang lengkap dikarenakan data kelas siswa tidak diisi, pengolahan data jumlah kehad…