Penelitian ini mengajukan sebuah metode klasifikasi batik menggunakan ekstraksi fitur tekstur serta klasifikasi menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan (artificial neural network). Metode ekstraksi fitur tekstur yang digunakan adalah DWT, GLCM dan Local Binary Pattern (LBP). Ekstraksi fitur dengan GLCM dan DWT menghasilkan 24 fitur yang terdiri dari 5 fitur GLCM dan koefisien energi dalam 4 sub-band channel hasil dekomposisi. Sementara ekstraksi fitur dengan LBP dilakukan dengan membangun histogram dari matriks hasil LBP. Fitur-fitur tersebut kemudian menjadi masukan bagi jaringan syaraf tiruan un…

Abstrak Terdapat banyak algoritma yang dapat dipakai untuk memprediksi arus lalu lintas, namun belum diketahui algoritma manakah yang memiliki kinerja lebih akurat untuk lalu lintas di Indonesia. Algoritma-algoritma tersebut perlu diuji untuk mengetahui algoritma manakah yang memiliki kinerja lebih akurat. Metode yang diusulkan adalah metode perbandingan tingkat akurasi dari algoritma berbasis neural network yang bisa digunakan untuk prediksi data rentet waktu. Algoritma yang akan diuji adalah back Propagation Neural Network (BP-NN), Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Wavelet Neura…

Era revolusi industri 4.0 ditandai dengan gencarnya pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam berbagai kegiatan. Salah satu fokus dalam era industri 4.0 adalah pemanfaatan kecerdasan buatan dalam hal menyelesaikan masalah dan menjalankan kegiatan yang sering dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis berfokus untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada salah satu kegiatan yakni dalam hal pendidikan. Masalah yang diangkat pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti kompetisi, dengan memanfaatkan kecerdasaan buatan serta pengembangan database untuk menangani perpindahaan dari…

Informasi penilaian sidang skripsi dan tugas akhir merupakan sistem informasi yang disediakan untuk mahasiswa menyajikan informasi yang dapat diakses secara online melalui website, tetapi terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa yang salah satunya yaitu tidak adanya Dashboard mengenai persiapan sidang yang berisikan jadwal berjalannya sidang mahasiswa, penilaian objektif dan penilaian pembimbing saat ini masih dalam tahap percobaan. Pada penelitian ini Dashboard digunakan sebagai sistem memonitoring penjadwalan sidang TA/Skripsi. Penjadwalan sidang TA/Skripsi, penilaian objektif …

Education must have a clear vision and mission to produce quality output and be able to be optimally oriented today. In order to achieve the desires of educational institutions that can produce quality output, the quality and results of educational institutions need to be organized within the institution, in which there must be definite management. In conducting observations carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection method used is interview. The intended results are the results of the UAS in 2018 which are expected to be above SKL determined by schools and by 20…

The aim of this study is to see how the management of facilities and infrastructure in the country vocational schools in the district Lubuk Begalung Padang. The population was 59 taken by simple random sampling. The instrument of this research is the question Likert scale models that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data was analyzed using the values and average performance levels. These results show the management of facilities and infrastructure of learning by teachers in public vocational schools in the district in the Lubuk Begalung Padang enough category.

This research aims to understand the implementing management of education standart which is reviewed by the side of the school program  planning in SMK Kartika I-1 Padang. The kind of research is qualitative descriptive research that is using interviewing, observation, and dokumenting method as a method to collect data and the result of this study indicated that 1) the implementation of formulation standar and determination of school vision at SMK Kartika I-1 Padang has not fulfilled maximally that seen from the making of formulation and school vision. That is not through meeting of board o…

The purpose of this research is to see information about the Teachers' Perceptionsof the Management ofLearning Tools in SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Geringging. The population are63 people.The sample were taken by usingsaturated samplingtechniques. The research’s instrument usedwas questionnairewhich used Likert scale. Data analyzed by using mean score and performance level. The result of this research are the showed that the Teachers' Perceptionsof the Management of Learning Tools in SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Geringging in good category.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi pegawai terhadap pengelolaan arsip di kantor kejaksaan negeri bukittinggi, yang ditinjau dari segi : 1) pencatatan arsip, 2) penyimpanan arsip, 3) peminjaman arsip, 4) pemeliharaan arsip, dan 5) penyusutan arsip. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Pegawai Kejaksaan Negeri Bukittingi dengan jumlah 38 orang. Mengingat jumlah populasi hanya 38 orang maka seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel . Alat pengumpul data adalah angket  dengan model Skala Likert yang telah teruji validitas dan reliabilitas.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perps…

This research is motivated from the observation of the author at SMK Negeri 6 of Padang which showed that is still not running as it should be. Research question posed is how the morale of teachers working at SMK Negeri 6 Padang City in terms of: Morale, Discipline of work, and responsibility. This is a descriptive study with a population of 93 people. The Sample was taken with porpotional random sampling technique with a sample of 30 people. Data collection tool that is used is a questionnaire scale linkert. The results showed the overall morale of teachers at SMK Negeri 6 of Padang id in goo…

This research was based on the observation of the author at the Tanah Datar District Education and Culture Office conducted by the leadership, namely the Head of the Division and the Head of the Session which were categorized Good. This type of research is descriptive research. The population of this study was all employees at the Tanah Datar District Education and Culture Office, which numbered 62 people. The data collection tool in this study is a questionnaire or questionnaire, which is arranged in the form of a Likert sketch that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analyzed …

The purpose of this study to obtain information about interpersonal communication, commitment, interpersonal communication and influence on the commitment of employee in the Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Sumatera Barat. The hypothesis of this study is communicates interpersonal significantly influence employee commitment. The study population was all employees who work the Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Sumatera Barat amounted to amounted to 230 people with a sample of 38 people using Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique. The research instrument used was a que…

This study aims to determine the relationship between work motivation and the performance of kindergarten teachers in Padang Utara District, Padang City. The hypothesis in this study proposed is that there is a meaningful relationship between work motivation and the performance of kindergarten teachers in Padang Utara District,Padang City. This type of research correlational with a kuantatif approach,which describes the relationshipof work motivation with the performance of kindergarten teachers in Padang Utara District, Padang City. The population in this study, with 82 teacher  who taught…

This article describe result of research about teachers perception of the social competence of Head Master of SMK Negeri in Pariaman. The population of this research are 292 civil service teachers and 73 civil service teachers were taken as a sample.Sampling technics were using is Proportional Random Sampling with cochran formula. The instrument used in this research is questionnaire and analyzed by average. In general, the result of this research is teachers perception of the social competence of Head of State Vocational High School in Pariaman City have is good enough at 3,51.Key Words :Soci…

The development of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is encouraged in Indonesia because the SMEs were proven to be more sustainable than corporations during the economic crisis in 1997. Such the SMEs are In Islam, it is represented by entrepreneurship that has long been encouraged along with the Shari’ah. During the era of caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, the poverty was eliminated due to the role of Islamic economic welfare system. In development of the economic welfare system, the concept of Al-Manihah will play one of the important roles. Al-Manihah encourages the establishment of …

Green economy merupakan konsep yang mendukung kesejahteraan manusia, kelestarian lingkungan dan ekosistem. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan jargon yang diusung yaitu pro-growth, pro-poor, pro-job dan pro-environment. Green economy sesuai dengan tujuan, prinsip dasar dan sistem dalam ekonomi Islam, yaitu untuk mensejahterakan manusia searah dengan peningkatan kualits hidup manusia dan alam.  Bahasan tentang tujuan shariah (maqashid al-shariah), menarik untuk kemudian dijadikan alat analisis dalam mendekati kajian tentang green economy. Maka dari itu penelitian ini dengan metode pustaka (librar…

This study analyzes the optimization of BMN used as basis for the issuance of sukuk. The amount of assets BMN are still not up and not yet recorded an obstacle little realization of sukuk issued by the government. With the growing of covering BMN assets that are then used as SBSN’s asset, it can be utilized optimally. Assets that were previously idle and neglected, finally can have economic value and maintained condition. This research uses descriptive method, where data is used is an increasing number of BMN sukuk issuance and realization of 2008-2013. Keyword : BMN, Sukuk

This paper is an attempt to develop an account of the emerging discussion on debt versus growth in the fiscal policy. Conventional and Islamic economists and finance specialists have both agreed that there is indeed relativity in the benefit of debt. There are significant numbers of studies and literature in both domains that detail and demonstrate their doubts on the use of debt to finance the national demand. As the matter of fact, the sovereign debt crisis has pointed debt, together with corruptive government, as the culprit for unstable growth and escalated the social problems. At this jun…

The purpose of this study was to determine the position of the gap formed at Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) and Bank Mega and analyze the difference in the formation of gap based on the period of sensitivity. This was a quantitative research with comparative study which uses sensitivity gap analysis, independent sample t-test and Mann-Whitney. The data being used was secondary data from Maturity Profile which contained in the Annual Financial Report of BSM and Bank Mega in the periods of 2011-2015. The results showed that in BSM and Bank Mega, cumulatively, the formation of the gap was negative ga…

Waqf organizations have significant roles in a country to mobilize and distribute public funds. The uniqueness of waqf is that waqf assets should be in existence in perpetuity, therefore the assets must be well managed. Managing public assets must be based on transparency and accountability. The financial reports are prepared to meet the accountability and transparency purposes. Since there was no specifically standardized accounting measurement and report, waqf organisations often adopt the financial reporting practices of for-profit accounting standards to present their financial performance…