Children are the next generations who have strategic roles on ensuring our nation’s existence. To accomplish it, children need to grow and develop naturally. On the other side, not all of the need can be accomplished; there is still much violence happen on child directed by an adult. There are many cases unveiled because of assumption that is not violence. Even in some society, child abuse is assumed as common because it constitute as cultural norms penalizing child. Islamic education concept is not just an effort to educate intellectually, but it is go with Islamic conc…

Parent Management Training, in psychology, is one of the intervention for parents in solving problems, especially parents whose children with opposing behavior disorder. This method of training employs behaviour modification technique and the principals of individual study process in changing behavior, that is, in this writing, children’s opposing behavior. In the Parent Management Training program, parents will be trained to be a trainer or therapist in which the assumption they have is the biggest potential to change the children’s behavior for they have the biggest control to the …

Hadith, as a second source of Islamic laws after the Qur’an, contains various provisions of the laws, including the rights of wifes livelihood. Meanwhile, in the context of law in Indonesia, Compilation of Islamic Laws is used as the legal basis in settling lawsuits in Religious Courts. The Compilation of Islamic Laws is compiled with considering the moeslem scholars thought especially they who adhere to al-Syafi’i notion. The theologians themselves are oriented to the Qur’an and Hadith in defining laws. Then, are there any differences between the laws products in the Compilatio…

Many Islamic studies, recently, have emerged along with the rise of gender discourse and women issues in many Islamic and public colleges in the country, including in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. One issue arising is that the women’s reproductive rights in religious perspective seems to be underestimated. This view is of course influenced by the role of Muslimscholars as Muslims role models and mentors. Thus, it becomes significant to investigate the perception of Muslim scholars on the women’s reproductive rights in order to find out their insight and appreciation o…

Road Mt. Haryono ^ is the way Local the function serves the freight local travel characteristics at close range, average speed is low, and the number of driveways are not at the limit . Road Mt. Haryono ^ This includes class III roads category C. The development of various aspects of current life enhancing activities of society. These things have an impact on the development of transport facilities and infrastructure that facilitates the movement is happening. The road is one of the infrastructures in the army transportation function providing service on traffic flow. On the basis of this, the…

Adalah Mahasiswa Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik sipil, mengadakan penelitian guna memenuhi persyaratan memperoleh gelar sarjana Strata I (S1), dengan judul skripsi “Studi Pelaksanaan Manajemen Mutu pada Pembangunan Jembatan Sungai Manggar Pembangunan Jembatan sebagai salah satu fasilitas penghubung dari proyek Jalan Tol Balikpapan – Samarinda.            Salah satu elemen pengendalin manajemen mutu yang dilakukan adalah uji kuat tekan sebagai kendali mutu beton, pada pelaksanaan pekerjaan struktur bangunan bawah …

Saluran drainase adalah salah satu bangunan pelengkap pada ruas jalan dalam memenuhi salah satu persyaratan teknis prasarana jalan. Saluran drainase jalan raya berfungsi untuk mengalirkan air yang dapat mengganggu pengguna jalan, sehingga badan jalan tetap kering. Pada umumnya saluran drainase jalan raya adalah saluran terbuka dengan menggunakan gaya gravitasi untuk mengalirkan air menuju outlet. Distribusi aliran dalam saluran drainase menuju outlet ini mengikuti kontur jalan raya, sehingga air permukaan akan lebih mudah mengalir secara gravitasi. Seiring berjalannya waktu pembangunan perumah…

Ruas jalan Ir H Juanda dan Abdul Wahab Syahranie adalah ruas jalan utama di kota Samarinda sehingga seringkali terjadi kemacetan yang panjang, dan dengan dibangunnya jalan layang air hitam secara tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap arus lalu lintas serta kinerja ruas jalan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini ingin dilihat bagaimana kinerja jalan pada ruas jalan Ir H Juanda dan Abdul Wahab Syahranie setelah dibukanya Jalan layang Air Hitam. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa kinerja ruas jalan adalah menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI 1997) khususnya untuk jalan perkotaan…

Karel Satsuit Tubun road in Samarinda is a secondary arterial road that connects one primary and secondary area to another. The land use conditions found on the Karel Satsuit Tubun road are dominated by public buildings with general activities, namely settlements, shophouses and offices. Karel Satsuit Tubun in Samarinda belongs to the class III C road category. As the economy develops and the level of prosperity of the population increases, the level of travel increases, which occurs due to the need for transportation from the community, where people will always look for a faster, safer way an…

Dalam penelitian ini akan didesain sturktur gedung Ruang Kelas Baru (RKB) Sekolah Dasar yang terletak di Kecamatan Sungai Kunjang dan Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu Kota Samarinda, dengan membandingkan antara tanah lunak,sedang,dan keras. Untuk gedung bertingkat didaerah ini tidak perlu memperhatikan konsep strong columb weak beam, karena daerah tersebut berada di daerah tidak rawan gempa. Oleh karena itu bangunan tersebut direncanakan menggunakan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa (SRPMB).Metode yang digunakan untuk pengambilan data tanah adalah dengan menggunakan Saturated Penetration Test dan untuk…

In an effort to utilize laterite stone, laterite stone was developed as coarse aggregate in the concrete mix to obtain concrete products are strong and stable. This study was conducted to determine whether the laterite stone can be used as an alternative material of coarse aggregate in the concrete mix, especially because of the abundance of coarse aggregate material laterite stone and underutilized. This research is also expected to be the basis for further research studies. Lateritic stone coarse aggregate material can be used as an alternative material of coarse aggregate in the concrete mi…

Sistem irigasi teknis merupakan suatu sistem pemberian air pada area persawahan dimana air yang diberikan dapat diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga area irigasi tidak kekeringan ataupun terlalu basah. Sistem irigasi teknis terdiri dari saluran irigasi yang terdiri dari saluran primer, saluran sekunder, dan saluran tersier untuk mengalirkan kebutuhan air pada area persawahan. Dengan adanya sistem irigasi ini diharapkan bisa menjadi sarana untuk membantu kelancaran dalam bercocok tanam, perhitungan sistem irigasi ini menggunakan metode Mock, metode Van de Goor dan Zijlsha. Analisa ini melalui tahapa…

Pada penggunaan dan penerapan campuran aspal panas untuk kondisi jalan dengan volume lalu lintas sedang hingga tinggi seringkali ditemukan masalah kerusakan lapisan perkerasan seperti terjadinya retak, alur jejak roda, dan naiknya aspal ke permukaan. Hal ini disebabkan karena iklim yang terdapat di Indonesia, yaitu iklim tropis. Dimana temperatur udara menjadi cukup tinggi, adanya radiasi sinar matahari, curah hujan tinggi dan peningkatan volume serta beban lalu lintas yang cukup pesat mempengaruhi secara langsung kerusakan lapisan perkerasan tersebut.Metode - metode yang digunakan dalam menga…

Transportasi secara umum dapat diartikan sebagai usaha pemindahan, atau penggerakan orang atau barang dari suatu lokasi, yang disebut lokasi asal, kelokasi  lain, yang biasa disebut lokasi tujuan, untuk keperluan tertentu dengan mempergunakan moda transportasi. Dari pengertian ini transportasi mempunyai beberapa dimensi seperti : Lokasi asal dan tujuan, alat (teknologi), keperluan tertentu di lokasi tujuan seperti ekonomi, sosial, dan lain-lain. Sistem transportasi masyarakat untuk mengangkut penumpang dan barang menggunakan alat angkut dinamakan moda transportasi. Secara umum maksud dari pe…

Sexual violence against children is one of the new forms of evil, which concerns children as the next generation of the nation, resulting in considerable evil among the people. Sexual violence is not only happening in the larger cities of relatively advanced culture and awareness or legal knowledge, but also occurs in rural areas that still hold the value of tradition and customs. Sexual assault cases that occurred in Sabrang Village Ambulu Sub-district Jember District make the child of 6 (six) as a victim of inappropriate behavior by the sodomy perpetrator. In the case of a child as a victim …

After the revocation of several paragraphs in Article 251 of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government by the Constitutional Court, the Central Government no longer has the authority in an effort to overrule the Regional Regulations of the Regency / City. The cancellation of the perceived regional regulation must be through the instrument of the judiciary, in which case its cancellation must be through judicial review to the Supreme Court. So the principle of executive review is no longer allowed cancellation of a Perda and Perkada by the government that is above it.

Term National Development Plan for 2005-2025 is a series of sustainable development efforts covering all aspects of society, nation and state. The series of the development effort includes development activities that take place endlessly, by raising the level of welfare of generation after generation. Implementation of the efforts made in the context of fulfilling the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. One form of Islamic financial instruments which have been widely published both by corporate and state securities is based on sharia principles, or inte…

The principle of declarative at the applications have to give priority to the announcementearly so that the creation of and find refuge , related on permasalah that occurs especially thejournalist they still have not realized and understand the importance of copyright protectionon works journalistic photography , copyright protection arranged on act number 28 years2014 on copyright .In general to get the protection of the law on the rights of copyright is todo recording the creation of on works copyright , but the registration of the work of thecreation of not as evidence that of that work hav…

Customer satisfaction is a situation where desires, hopes, and customer needs can be met. A service is considered satisfactory if the service can meet the needs and expectations of customers. Customer satisfaction measurement is an important element in providing better services, more efficient, and more effective. Institutionally, PLN has been providing services based on professionalism. On the other hand, one of the contributors to high losses (loss of power) is a dishonest act committed by some electricity consumers who have no good intentions towards the use of electricity. Therefore, in or…

Binding sale and purchase agreement is a treaty right to sui generis obligatoir that because his character is authentic written agreement made before a notary public , in the areas of property, specifically land rights object . Ownership is not switched to the seller and a preliminary agreement ( accesoir ). Absolute power of attorney is essentially an authorization can not be withdrawn and the power management of the transition is simply the act of land rights . Special letter there are 2 kinds of power of attorney that is absolutely independent and absolute power of attorney into a single un…