
Fédération Internationale des Mouvements Catholiques d'Action Paroissiale
FormationApril 22, 1962; 62 years ago (1962-04-22)
PurposeInternational umbrella organization of catholic youth organizations
HeadquartersAntwerp,  Belgium
31 unions
Marie Lavall
Ruben Leeman
Fr. Wilson de Jesus Mendes
Evy Hoeben

The FIMCAP, which is short for Fédération Internationale des Mouvements Catholiques d'Action Paroissiale (French for "International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements"), is an umbrella organization for Catholic youth organizations. Its 31 member organizations are based in 28 countries. The FIMCAP was founded in 1962 and is recognised as an official Catholic organization by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.[1] FIMCAP is also a full member of the European Youth Forum.[2]


Already in 1959, French, Belgian and Dutch youth organizations had been working on the project of an international pooling, adopting a joint proposal in Lucerne in October 1959 during the National Presidents' Conference of European Movements affiliated to the International Catholic Youth Federation (ICYF).[3] In 1960, the first delegate conference was held in Munich in the course of the 1960 Eucharistic Congress. On 7–8 October 1961 eleven youth associations officially founded FIMCAP in Munich.[3] The foundation was proclaimed in public on Easter 1962.[4] Since its recognition through the Holy See in 1976, the FIMCAP is an "International Catholic Organization" (ICO) and registered at the Council of Laity in Rome. Since 2006 the FIMCAP is being recognised as an International nongovernmental organization by the Belgian government.[5]

A previous organization had been set up in 1921 in Rome under the name of "International Secretariat of Catholic Youth". The International Secretariat of Catholic Youth was reorganized on 15 September 1948 and renamed to "International Office of Catholic Youth – Bureau international de la jeunesse catholique" and another time reorganized in October 1954 and renamed to "International Federation of Catholic Youth (ICYF)". On 25 April 1968 merged with the "World Federation of Catholic Young Women and Girls" (WFCYWG) to form the "World Federation of Catholic Youth" (WFCY). WFCY ceased to exist in June 1981. Its activities were taken over by FIMCAP, making FIMCAP the biggest international umbrella organization of Catholic youth organizations.[3]


  • Every three years, FIMCAP organizes the World Camp which is an international youth camp. (see: FIMCAP World Camp)
  • FIMCAP has its own magazine called LINK Magazine. It is published four times a year.[6]
  • Spiritual activities
  • Common visits on the World Youth Day
  • FIMCAP day on 20 November

Activities in Europe[7]

  • EuroCourse: The Eurocourse is a European training course for experienced leaders which is hosted every year by another European member organisation.
  • EuroCamp: The EuroCamp is an exchange activity for young leaders. (see: FIMCAP Eurocamp)
  • Roundabouts: Roundabouts are exchanges between local groups from different member organisations of FIMCAP Europe.
  • Speeddating seminars: The speeddating seminars are a platform for groups to meet groups from other countries to start exchanges.
  • Visits of international groups to activities of member organizations (e.g. to the national camps of FDF Denmark (see: FDF National Camp),[8] Chiro Flanders[9] and Katholische Jungschar Austria or the Ranfttreffen of Jungwacht Blauring Switzerland[10])
  • Thematic projects
  • Online campaigns
  • Cooperation with the European Fellowship

Thematic work and positions

FIMCAP and its members have defined for themselves the goal that they want to work together politically to identify and advocate the interests of children, adolescents and young adults within church, society and politics. FIMCAP argues that this is necessarily a part of their work, as FIMCAP is an international association of youth organizations for children, adolescents and young adults throughout the world and that as young people, youth organizations and youth work are confronted with different challenges. FIMCAP argues that this involvement is motivated by the Christian beliefs and shared values. FIMCAP argues that in this way it wants to guarantee and improve the quality of the youth work of their member organizations and FIMCAP, and to participate in shaping the future world and society, preserve our planet for future generations, and improve the prospects in general for future generations. FIMCAP sees sustainable and responsible planning and acting, fair social and economic chances, quality education, peace, charity, and solidarity as elementary requirements to achieve this.[13] Pursuing this purpose, in recent years FIMCAP has defined in particular the following positions:

  • Youth mobility: FIMCAP declares that it aims to advocate for improving the mobility of young people and anyone who is involved in youth exchange and activities.[14] In particular FIMCAP together with the European Youth Forum[15] calls for changes to make the EU visa code and directive more relevant for youth exchanges and international youth work.[16][17][18] Additionally, in 2016 FIMCAP joined a joint call of major European youth organizations to preserve the Schengen principles.[19]
  • Recognition of (international and religious) youth work
  • Sustainable funding of (international) youth work
  • Environmental protection, efforts against climate change, and climate justice: FIMCAP emphasizes the responsibility to take care of all creation. FIMCAP calls for strong efforts at the individual and societal levels to stop climate change with its negative consequences. FIMCAP also would raise awareness about the problems already caused by the climate change and calls for solidarity with those affected the most by it.[20] (See also: Laudato si'.) At its 23rd General Assembly FIMCAP decided to focus for three years on sustainability and countering climate change.[21]
  • Development and intercontinental cooperation: For FIMCAP, cooperation between the different continents on an equal basis is a core principle.[22] At its 22nd General Assembly FIMCAP decided to focus for three years on advocating for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.[21] Similarly, its 25th General Assembly decided to focus for three years on advocating for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The topic of the General Assembly was "Transforming our World: A child-rights-based approach to the sustainable development goals SDG".[23]
  • Empowerment of women and gender equality: FIMCAP emphasizes the importance of women's empowerment, gender equality and dignity, in facilitating social change. It wants to foster a practical, not only formal legal, equality of women and men.[22][21]
  • Children's Rights: FIMCAP advocates for participation and inclusion of all children in church and society and aims to empower the child to know its rights, as defined by the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC). FIMCAP declares that it wants to create free and safe places for children to play, explore, discover and thereby strengthen their values, and to find answers to their needs, fight against physical and psychological violence against children, and abolish child labour worldwide.[24]
  • Peace and interreligious dialogue: FIMCAP cooperates with Religions for Peace[25] and the European Interfaith Youth Network.[26] Together with other European faith-based youth organisations FIMCAP helped to define the needs and benefits in the field of inter-religious dialogue.[27][28]


  • Diversity, peace and respect: In early 2015 FIMCAP Europe adopted a common statement for diversity, peace and respect. The statement is presented as a reaction to recent incidents in Europe and other parts in the world like the increase of extremist and far right-wing movements, attacks against refugees and against people with a particular religion or origin and violence of self-appointed "religious" fighters.[29]
  • Young refugees: In October 2015 FIMCAP Europe adopted a common statement about "Helping together the children and young people who were forced to flee from war, persecution and hunger".[30]
  • Climate justice and just transition: FIMCAP Europe is a co-founding member of the alliance Generation Climate Europe. Within the alliance FIMCAP has initiated a working group on climate justice. The working group, led by FIMCAP volunteers, conducted comprehensive consultations to collect the ideas, proposals and demands of young people on how a transition to a green and sustainable Europe that is fast, comprehensive and socially just at the same time can be made possible. The results were published in the "Young Voices on Climate Justice Report".[31][32][33][34][35]
  • European Youth Goals: Taking in the 6th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue FIMCAP contributed to the development of the European Youth Goals. FIMCAP was also selected to participate at the EU Youth Conferences where the European Youth Goals were adopted as part of the delegation of international youth NGOs.[36]



Statutory bodies

The highest committee of the FIMCAP is its General Assembly which comes together every three years. Every member organization sends a delegation to the General Assembly.

The administration and management of the FIMCAP is being handled by the intercontinental presidium which consists of two presidents, a Praeses and a Secretary-General. The presidents should be one man and one woman, but if there are no candidates of one gender the jobs might also be given to two women or two men.

The intercontinental bureau (ICB) is composed of the Presidium and representatives of the Continental Conferences. It acts as the FIMCAP Board of Directors.

Beneath these globally working establishments, the FIMCAP is also structured into continental conferences, bureaus and presidiums.

Eligibility and application for membership

All Catholic youth organizations can apply for membership in FIMCAP. The General Assembly of FIMCAP needs to confirm the membership of an applying member organization in a vote. Non-Catholic youth organizations can obtain the status of associate membership in FIMCAP.

At the General Assembly in Switzerland in 2016 FIMCAP further clarified the criteria of eligibility for membership and updated the membership categories. To become a Full Member of FIMCAP an organization needs to fulfill four criteria:

  • being a Catholic organization
  • organizes activities for children and / or youth
  • being youth-led
  • having a direct connection to the local level (typically the parish level)

Organizations fulfilling three out of the four criteria can apply for becoming an Affiliate Member of FIMCAP. Organizations only fulfilling two out of the four criteria can apply for becoming a Sustaining Member of FIMCAP. Full Members have full voting rights, Affiliate Members limited voting rights.

Continental branches and member organizations

An organization whose name is written in bold is a founding member.


Presidium of FIMCAP Europe

The presidium of FIMCAP Europe is elected by the delegates of the European member organizations at the EuroConference which takes place every three years. The presidium of FIMCAP Europe consists of four members: three members of the pool of presidents and a spiritual assistant. The elected members of the pool of presidents distribute the responsibilities of the presidium among themselves. These tasks include the representation of FIMCAP Europe in the Intercontinental Bureau Meeting, coordinating activities of FIMCAP Europe, and representing FIMCAP Europe externally. The spiritual assistant consults FIMCAP Europe concerning spiritual and theological issues. The current members of the presidium of FIMCAP Europe are:[38]

Position Name Member organization / Country
Member of the presidium Roman Sieler KjG  Germany
Member of the presidium Manuela Hirzel Jungwacht Blauring   Switzerland
Member of the presidium Alexandria Hansen FDF  Denmark

Member organizations in Europe

Country Name Acronym Status
 Romania Asociația Grupurilor Locale de Tineret[39] AGLT Associate
 Lithuania Ateitis Full
 Belgium Chirojeugd Vlaanderen Full
 Spain /  Catalonia Coordinació Catalana CCCCCE Full
 Slovakia eRko – Hnutie kresťanských spoločenstiev detí eRko Full
 Italy Forum Oratori Italiani FOI Full
 Denmark /  Schleswig-Holstein Frivilligt Drenge- og Pige-Forbund FDF Associate
 the Netherlands Jong Nederland Full
  Switzerland Jungwacht Blauring JuBla Full
 Germany Katholische junge Gemeinde KjG Full
 Austria /
 South Tyrol
Katholische Jungschar Full
 Hungary Katolikus Ifjúsági Mozgalom KIM Observer
 Belgium Fédération Nationale des Patros Patro Associate
 Georgia Umbrella Associate
 Slovakia V.I.A.C. - Institute for Youth Support and Development VIAC Observer
 Malta Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika ŻAK Full

Member organizations in Africa

Country Name Acronym Status
 Burundi Chiro Burundi Full
 Botswana Chiro Botswana Full
 South Africa /
Chiro South Africa Full
 Ghana Catholic Youth Organization Ghana CYO Ghana Full
 Nigeria Catholic Youth Organization Nigeria CYO Nigeria Full
 Sierra Leone Catholic Youth Organisation Sierra Leone CYO Sierra Leone Full
 DRC Kiro Congo KCD Full
 Burundi Xaveri Burundi Full
 DRC Xaveri Congo Full
 Rwanda Xaveri Rwanda Full
 South Africa Xaveri South Africa Full
 Uganda Xaveri Uganda Full

Member organizations in Asia

Country Name Acronym Status
 Philippines Chiro Youth Movement Philippines Full
 India Indian Catholic Youth Movement ICYM Full
 Sri Lanka Kithu Dana Pubuduwa Full
 South Korea Hatsal Youth Ministry Institute

Member organizations in Latin America

Country Name Acronym Status
 Chile Juventud Parroquial Chilena JUPACH Full
 Haiti Kiwo Ayiti Full
 Paraguay Niños Perseverantes Paraguayos Católico NIPPAC Full

Former members

Country Name Acronym Status
 France Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul
 the Netherlands Katholieke Jongenclubs
  Switzerland Schweizer Katholische Jungmannschaftsverband
 Canada /  Quebec La Centrale del Patros Quebec
 France Facel Paris
 Namibia Namibian Catholic Youth League NaCaYul

General Assemblies

Number[40] Year Country City Topic Other information
0 - Founding Meeting 1961 (7 – 8 October)  Germany Munich Founding Meeting
1st General Assembly 1963  the Netherlands Leiden The bases on which to build parochial organizations for the 17+ age group
2nd General Assembly 1964  Germany Berlin The situation of young people between 14 and 17 years old
3rd General Assembly 1965   Switzerland Luzern Youth work in the Third World Two female organizations (Chiromeisjes Vlaanderen and Kiro Congo filles) ask to be member of FIMCAP and are granted membership as the first female member organizations.
4th General Assembly 1966  Belgium Brussels Youthwork in postconciliarian times
5th General Assembly 1967  Austria Vienna The place and formation of small groups – looking towards the Church of tomorrow
6th General Assembly 1969  Germany Altenberg International solidarity
7th General Assembly 1970  UK London Our common base, the present and the future in FIMCAP
8th General Assembly 1971   Switzerland Bad Schönbrunn Common aim and structures
9th General Assembly 1973  France Marseille Our work with the youth of today for tomorrow
10th General Assembly 1975  Italy Rome The organisation of FIMCAP JUPACH was adopted as full member of FIMCAP.[41]
11th General Assembly 1977  Austria Vienna Situation of children and youngsters – children's rights
12th General Assembly 1979   Switzerland Luzern The parish
13th General Assembly 1981  UK West Wickham Relations between the European federations and those of the developing countries
14th General Assembly 1983  France Aix en Provence International Year of Youth – participation, peace and development
15th General Assembly 1986  Belgium Westmalle
16th General Assembly 1989  Belgium Ryckevelde, Bruges Living in an intercultural world
17th General Assembly 1992  Belgium Bruges Foreigners
18th General Assembly 1995   Switzerland Randa
19th General Assembly 1998  South Africa Botha's hill Youth and sexuality
20th General Assembly 2001  Ghana Accra Young people, protagonists of peace Ateitis becomes a full member of Fimcap.
21st General Assembly 2004  Spain Barcelona Young people in a globalizing world
22nd General Assembly 2007  Italy Assisi Millennium Development Goals
23rd General Assembly 2010  Germany Munich[42] Climate change CYO Nigeria was admitted as full member.
24th General Assembly 2013  Slovakia[43] Modra Children's Rights AGLT was admitted as Associate member. It is the first non-Christian organization becoming a member of FIMCAP. The General Assembly has adopted a Declaration on "enhancing mobility of young people".
25th General Assembly 2016   Switzerland Melchtal OW[44] A child rights-based approach to the sustainable development goals (SDGs)[45] Hatsal becomes a member of FIMCAP.
26th General Assembly 2019  Belgium Westmalle The value of play[46][47][48] Chiro Botswana was admitted a full member of FIMCAP.
27th General Assembly 2023  Germany Gernsheim Solidarity Patro & Umbrella became associate members of FIMCAP

List of Presidents

World presidents of FIMCAP

Name Member organization / Country Time in office
Ruben Leeman Chiro  Belgium 2019-2025
Marie Lavall KjG  Germany 2019-2025
Lourdes B. Galeano Cuellar NIPPAC  Paraguay 2016-2019
James Dsouza ICYM  India 2016-2019
Annette Wahle KjG  Germany 2013-2016
Liese Vandenheede Chiro  Belgium 2013-2016
Lea Sedlmayr KjG  Germany 2010-2013
Marvic Debono ŻAK  Malta 2010-2013
Holger Witting KjG  Germany 2007-2010
Carme Carrion i. Ribas[49] CCCCCE  Catalonia 2001-2004
Olivier Heyen[50] Chiro  Belgium 1998-2001

European presidents of FIMCAP

Time in office Member of the presidium Member organization / Country Member of the presidium Member organization / Country Member of the presidium Member organization / Country Spiritual assistant Member organization / Country
2023-2025 Fidelis Stehle KjG  Germany Caspar Coster FDF  Denmark Kim Geißler KjG  Germany Vacant
Time in office Member of the presidium Member organization / Country Member of the presidium Member organization / Country Member of the presidium Member organization / Country Spiritual assistant Member organization / Country
2021-2023 Roman Sieler KjG  Germany Manuela Hirzel Jungwacht Blauring   Switzerland Alexandria Hansen FDF  Denmark Vacant
2017-2021[51] Bernd Hirschberger KjG  Germany Matthias Schneider KjG  Germany Stan Driesens Chiro  Belgium Fr Reuben Gauci ŻAK  Malta
Time in office President Member organization / Country Vice-president Member organization / Country Activity coordinator Member organization / Country Spiritual assistant Member organization / Country
2014-2017 vacant - Bernd Hirschberger KjG  Germany Veronika Švitková eRko  Slovakia Fr Reuben Gauci ŻAK  Malta
Time in office President Member organization / Country Vice-president Member organization / Country Secretary Member organization / Country Spiritual assistant Member organization / Country
2011-2014 Magdalena Lewis KjG  Germany / FDF  Denmark Juraj Králik eRko  Slovakia Vincienne Debono ŻAK  Malta Fr Reuben Gauci ŻAK  Malta
2008-2011 Michele Lettieri FOI  Italy Coen Van Kuijk Jong Nederland  Netherlands Marah Köberle KjG  Germany Fr. Josep Lluís Calvís CCCCCE  Catalonia
2005-2008 Jürgen Leuser KjG  Germany Carla Acerbi FOI  Italy

Over the years the statutes of FIMCAP Europe have been adapted and the profiles and names of the different positions in the presidium have been changed. Until the pool of presidents was introduced at the EuroConference in Malta in 2017 the presidium of FIMCAP Europe consisted of a president, a vice-president, an activity coordinator and a spiritual assistant. The president was responsible for the representation of FIMCAP Europe in the ICB, the vice-president for the external representation of FIMCAP Europe, the activity coordinator for coordinating the activities of FIMCAP Europe and helping the member organizations with the preparations. The role of the activity coordinator had been introduced at the EuroConference in Switzerland in 2014. It replaced the position of a secretary of FIMCAP Europe.[52]

Asian presidents of FIMCAP

Time in office President Member organization / Country Vice-president Member organization / Country Secretary Member organization / Country Spiritual assistant Member organization / Country
2010-2013[53] Jomon Thomas Indian Catholic Youth Movement  India Sameera Gayantha Warnakulasuriya Kithu Dana Pubuduwa  Sri Lanka Marie Gutierrez Chiro Philippines  Philippines Fr Ranjana Kavithre Indian Catholic Youth Movement  India

African Presidents of FIMCAP

Time in office President Member Organization / Country
2023-now Jjuuko Augustine Uganda Xaverian Movement



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  2. ^ "Homepage of the European Youth Forum: Members". Archived from the original on 2014-02-04. Retrieved 2015-08-14.
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Múi giờ châu Âu: Xanh dương nhạt Giờ Tây Âu (UTC+0) xanh dương Giờ Tây Âu (UTC+0) Giờ mùa hè Tây Âu (UTC+1) Giờ mùa hè Anh Quốc nâu Giờ Trung Âu (UTC+1) Giờ mùa hè Trung Âu (UTC+2) kaki Giờ Đông Âu (UTC+2) Giờ mùa hè Đông Âu (UTC+3) vàng Giờ Kaliningrad (UTC+2) lục nhạt Giờ Viễn đông châu Âu/Giờ Moskva (UTC+3) Các màu nhạt chỉ các quốc gia không sử dụng giờ mùa hè: Belarus, Iceland, Nga, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Giờ…

American artist This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: James Rosati – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Untitled (Three Forms), stainless steel sculpture by James Rosati, 1975-1976, Honolulu Museum of Art Bust of Paul Tillich by James R…

Norwegian footballer (born 2003) Oscar Bobb Bobb playing for Manchester City in 2023Personal informationFull name Oscar Bobb[1]Date of birth (2003-07-12) 12 July 2003 (age 20)Place of birth Oslo, Norway[2]Height 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)[2]Position(s) Attacking MidfielderTeam informationCurrent team Manchester CityNumber 52Youth career0000–2015 Lyn2017–2019 Vålerenga2019–2023 Manchester CitySenior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)2023– Manchester City 14 …

{{coord|40|37|40|N|24|34|36|E|region:GR-55_type:city(2452)}} ليميناريا   تقسيم إداري البلد اليونان  [1] خصائص جغرافية إحداثيات 40°37′40″N 24°34′36″E / 40.62777778°N 24.57666667°E / 40.62777778; 24.57666667   الارتفاع 13 متر  السكان التعداد السكاني 2351 (resident population of Greece) (2021)2373 (resident population of Greece) (2001)2192 (resident popul…

У сучасній радіостудії Журналістика Загальні поняття Новини Стиль написання Етика Об'єктивність (Сфери Гелліна) Новинні цінності Джерела Дифамація Сенсаціоналізм Редакційна незалежність Школа журналістики Напрями Мистецтво Бізнес Інформація Розваги Екологія Мода Мед…

Model segmentasi tulang paha kiri manusia. Tampak permukaan luar (merah), permukaan antara tulang kompak dan tulang spons (hijau), dan permukaan sumsum tulang (biru). Dalam pengolahan citra digital dan penglihatan komputer, segmentasi citra adalah proses pembagian citra digital ke dalam beberapa bagian (objek). Segmentasi citra bertujuan untuk menyederhanakan penggambaran citra ke dalam bentuk yang lebih bermakna dan lebih mudah dianalisis.[1][2] Segmentasi citra biasa dipakai un…

Curve TheatrePerforming Arts CentreAddressRutland StreetLeicesterUKOwnerLeicester City Council, Leicester Theatre Trust as operatorCapacityTheatre 968Studio 350ConstructionOpened2008Years active13ArchitectRafael Viñ Curve Theatre is a theatre in Leicester, England, based in the cultural quarter in Leicester City Centre. Before being named Curve, it was referred to as Leicester Performing Arts Centre.[1] It is adjacent to the Leicester Athen…

Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (IUU) Tipo UniversitarioFundación 24 de abril de 1991LocalizaciónDirección Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid, Avenida de Salamanca 18, 47014Valladolid, EspañaCoordenadas 41°39′01″N 4°44′26″O / 41.65027778, -4.74055556Sitio web[editar datos en Wikidata] El Instituto Universitario de Urbanística, IUU, como Instituto Universitario de Investigación, es un centro de la Univers…

Writing system where each symbol stands for a consonant For the traditional ordering of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, see Abjad numerals. Not to be confused with Abugida. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Abjad – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2022) (Learn how and whe…

NBA professional basketball team season NBA professional basketball team season 1988–89 Portland Trail Blazers seasonHead coach Mike Schuler (fired) Rick Adelman General managerJon SpoelstraOwner(s)Paul AllenArenaMemorial ColiseumResultsRecord39–43 (.476)PlaceDivision: 5th (Pacific)Conference: 8th (Western)Playoff finishFirst round(lost to Lakers 0–3)Stats at Basketball-Reference.comLocal mediaTelevisionKOINRadioKEX(Bill Schonely, Steve Jones) < 1987–88 1989–90 &g…

Brazilian footballer (born 1997) In this Portuguese name, the first or maternal family name is Guimarães and the second or paternal family name is Rodriguez Moura. Bruno Guimarães Guimarães in 2020Personal informationFull name Bruno Guimarães Rodriguez Moura[1]Date of birth (1997-11-16) 16 November 1997 (age 26)Place of birth Rio de Janeiro, BrazilHeight 1.82 m (6 ft 0 in)[2]Position(s) Central midfielderTeam informationCurrent team Newcastle UnitedNum…

Prince of Wallachia between 1688 and 1714 For the village in Călărași County, see Dragalina, Călărași. For the Bucharest Metro station, see Constantin Brâncoveanu metro station. Constantin BrâncoveanuPrince of WallachiaReignOctober 1688 – 15 August 1714PredecessorȘerban CantacuzinoSuccessorȘtefan CantacuzinoBorn15 August 1654Brâncoveni, WallachiaDied15 August 1714Constantinople, Ottoman EmpireSpouseDoamna Marica BrâncoveanuIssueStanca (1676) Maria (1678)Ilinca (1682)Constantin (168…

Salyut 6 merupakan stasiun luar angkasa milik Uni Soviet yang diluncurkan sebagai salah satu dari rangkaian Program Salyut. Diluncurkan pada tanggal 29 September 1977 menggunakan roket Proton. Stasiun luar angkasa ini merupakan jenis generasi kedua yang pertama kali dibuat. Salyut 6 memiliki beragam teknologi revolusioner dibanding pendahulunya, beberapa diantaranya adalah penambahan fasilitas penyandaran, pendorong utama, dan teleskop multispektral BST-1M. lbsProgram SalyutProgram Salyut (DOS) …