The Animated Grouch Chasers, produced by Raoul Barré and Bill Nolan's studio, is released. It is notable as an early experiment in combining animation with live-action and for being one of the first animated series centering around one character. [2]
Films released
6 February – Colonel Heeza Liar, Ghost Breaker (United States)
20 February:
Colonel Heeza Liar In The Haunted Castle (United States)
The Police Dog No. 2 (United States)
20 March – Colonel Heeza Liar Runs The Blockade (United States)
27 March – The Police Dog No. 3 (United States)
3 April – Colonel Heeza Liar And The Torpedo (United States)
10 April – Colonel Heeza Liar And The Zeppelin (United States)
1 May – The Police Dog No. 4 (United States)
8 May – Colonel Heeza Liar Signs The Pledge (United States)
13 May – Colonel Heeza Liar In The Trenches (United States)
16 May – Colonel Heeza Liar at The Front (United States)
22 May – Colonel Heeza Liar, Aviator (United States)
5 June – Colonel Heeza Liar Invents A New King Of Shell (United States)
12 June – The Police Dog No. 5 (United States)
10 July – Colonel Heeza Liar, Dog Fancier (United States)
24 July – The Police Dog Gets Piffles In Bad (United States)
31 July – Colonel Heeza Liar Foils The Enemy (United States)
21 August – Colonel Heeza Liar, War Dog (United States)
4 September – Colonel Heeza Liar at The Bat (United States)
^O'Meara, Mallory (2019). The lady from the black lagoon: Hollywood monsters and the lost legacy of Milicent Patrick. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ISBN9781335937803. OCLC1080884379.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
^Folkart, Burt A. "John Dehner; Multifacted Actor, Artist", obituary, Los Angeles Times, February 7, 1992, p. SB A26. ProQuest.
^"California Death Index, 1940–1997," database, John Dehner, February 4, 4, 1992; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Retrieved via FamilySearch archives.