1885年前处于君主时代的缅甸国内使用铜币,当时政府并无央行机构。到了1885年,英国从印度侵入缅甸,随即在缅甸国内设立印度储备银行分行并开始发行“卢比”货币。1943年日本侵入缅甸,废止英属银行并发行了新货币,几年后日本战败退出缅甸。然而不久后英国就再次入侵缅甸,后重新发行了“卢比”货币。[8] 在1948年缅甸宣布独立的前一年,自治政府颁布了《1947年缅甸联邦银行法》(Act of Union Bank of Burma of 1947),翌年1948年4月3日缅甸联邦银行(英語:Union Bank of Burma)成立,并依照法案接管了印度储备银行仰光分行[9]。但此时的缅甸联邦银行并没有办法行使全部的央行职能,无力发行本国货币,因而决定设立缅甸货币委员会为货币管理机构,并加入英磅区继续沿用“卢比”[10]。后来到了1952年7月1日,《缅甸联邦银行法》(Union Bank of Burma Act)发布,缅甸联邦银正式宣布发行缅元,而缅甸货币委员会则并入缅甸联邦银行。但国内此时仍无独立制造货币的能力,所以依旧由英国承製。一直持续到1957年,缅甸成立了自己的印钞厂,开始独立发行货币[8]。
1962年,缅甸革命政府上台,实行社会主义经济制度。接着於1964年,当局发布命令将所有银行收归国有,到了1967年当局又颁布《缅甸联邦人民银行法》(People’s Bank of the Union of Burma Act),同时退出英磅区[10]。1969年政府通过之前收缴的资本2亿缅元成立了缅甸联邦人民银行(英語:People’s Bank of Union of Burma)[6]:p22。跟着到了1972年当局启动行政体制改革,三年后《1975年缅甸联邦银行法》(Union Bank of Burma Law of 1975)颁布,缅甸联邦人民银行更名为缅甸银行联盟(英語:Union of Burma Bank)[6]:p3。
1988年当局发行90元面额货币并无偿废止旧币,引发国内动乱,不久后政府开始进行币制改革,经济体制从计划经济转向市场经济。於1990年7月2日,《缅甸中央银行法》(Central Bank of Myanmar Law)发布,缅甸中央银行(CBM)成立[6]:p4.2。
^ History of Central Bank of Myanmar. Central Bank of Myanmar. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-31) (英语). P4.1: According to the new law of Central Bank (Draft), Central Bank of Myanmar will set up with paid up capital of 300 Billion kyat and of which 100 billion kyat will fully paid up by state.;P22: The People’s Bank of the Union of Burma Act was enacted in 1967 and a monolithic bank known as the People’s Bank of the Union of Burma was established in 1969 with the initial paid-up capital of 200 million Kyats that was fully contributed by the State.;P3:After reformed the administrative system in 1972, the Union Bank of Burma Law of 1975 was promulgated and the banking system was recognized. The name of the People’s Bank of Union Bank of Burma was changed to the Union of Burma Bank.P4.2:After 1988, Myanma economic system has been transformed from the planned economic system to market oriented system. To develop the financial system which is in line with the market oriented by the Government, and to promote the efficiency of financial activities, the Central Bank of Myanmar Law was enacted in 2nd July 1990.
^HOME PAGE of Central Bank of Myanmar web. Central Bank of Myanmar. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-28) (英语). The Union Bank of Burma was established on 3rd April 1948 by the Act of Union Bank of Burma 1947 and took over the functions of the Yangon branches of the Reserve Bank of India. It did not have the full power of a central bank.
^ 10.010.1USE PLACE MORTAGE ISSUE CURRECY; GUANGXU FUND THAILAND RIGHT. 缅甸央行将脱离财税部单设. 中华人民共和国商务部. 《缅甸之声》. 2012-03-16 [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (中文(中国大陆)). 缅甸曾于1948年加入英磅区。……1967年缅甸中央银行脱离英磅区。
^The aim of the Central Bank. Central Bank of Myanmar. [2014-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-31) (英语). The aim of the Central Bank is to control the price stabilities in domestic market and to preserve the internal and external value of the Myanmar Currency, the kyat.