1990年12月21日克罗地亚议会通过《克罗地亚共和国宪法》,并依据宪法内文第53条成立克罗地亚国家银行。翌年在1991年6月25日克罗地亚宣布从南斯拉夫独立,不久后在1991年10月8日议会通过了《克罗地亚国家银行条例》(Regulation on the National Bank of Croatia),依据该条例同年12月23日国家银行开始发行克罗地亚第纳尔,以作为克罗地亚独立状态过渡时期的货币来代替先前流通的南斯拉夫第纳尔。接着在1992年11月4日,《克罗地亚国家银行法》(The Act on the National Bank of Croatia)出台,其明确了克罗地亚共和国国家银行运作的法律框架。
2001年4月5日议会通过了新的《克罗地亚国家银行法》(The Croatian National Bank Act}}),其保持并促进了克罗地亚国家银行体制,财政和个人的独立性。后於2006年12月,议会通过了《克罗地亚国家银行法修正案》(The Act on Amendments to The Croatian National Bank Act)建立了让克罗地亚国家银行加入欧洲央行系统的法律基础。接着到2008年7月,又通过克罗地亚国家银行的新法案,进一步对齐了克罗地亚与欧盟的法律标准。确定了在欧盟内,克罗地亚国家银行运作的法律框架,特别是关于央行(机构的独立程度,功能,个人和财务独立性)和克罗地亚国家银行的目标,并向欧洲央行提出了引入欧元作为克罗地亚共和国的官方货币的条件。[參 7]:s2
^MEMBERS OF THE CNB COUNCIL. Croatian National Bank. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). The Council members from the Croatian National Bank are Boris Vujčić, PhD, (Governor)
^Capital, financial and other statements of the Croatian National Bank. Croatian National Bank: “More about the CNB 章节”. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). The capital of the Croatian National Bank shall amount to HRK 2,500,000,000.00. The capital of the Croatian National Bank may not be transferred or pledged. The surplus of income over expenditures of the Croatian National Bank is allocated to general reserves and to the state budget.
^STATUS OF THE CROATIAN NATIONAL BANK. Croatian National Bank: “More about the CNB 章节”. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). The Croatian National Bank is independent in adopting and enforcing its decisions which are based on the Act on the Croatian National Bank . The National Bank of Croatia shall be independent in its work and shall be responsible to the Croatian Parliament.
^ 7.07.1ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CROATIAN NATIONAL BANK. Croatian National Bank: “More about the CNB 章节”. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). S1: Profits made through the operations of the National Bank of Croatia shall accrue to the state budget. The status of the National Bank of Croatia shall be regulated by law.;S2:历史章节内容来源于官网记述,详见原网页。
^Objectives of the Croatian National Bank. Croatian National Bank: “More about the CNB 章节”. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). The objective of the Croatian National Bank is to maintain price stability. Without prejudice to the achievement of its objective, the Croatian National Bank supports the economic policy of the Republic of Croatia, while acting in accordance with the principle of an open market economy with free competition.
^The Council of the Croatian National Bank. Croatian National Bank: “More about the CNB 章节”. [2014-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). The Council of the Croatian National Bank consists of eight members, and comprises the Governor, Deputy Governor and six Vicegovernors of the Croatian National Bank. The Council of the Croatian National Bank is competent and responsible for the achievement of the objective and for the carrying out of the tasks of the Croatian National Bank and it defines policies with respect to the activities of the Croatian National Bank.
^Appointment and status of the members of the CNB Council. Croatian National Bank: “More about the CNB 章节”. [2014-12-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05) (英语). The Governor of the Croatian National Bank is appointed by the Croatian Parliament on the proposal of the Elections, Appointments and Administration Committee, taking into account the opinion of the Finance and Central Budget Committee. The Croatian National Bank has a Deputy Governor and, at most, four Vicegovernors. The Deputy Governor and Vicegovernors are appointed by the Croatian Parliament on the proposal of the Governor of the Croatian National Bank.The external members of the Council of the Croatian National Bank are appointed by the Croatian Parliament on the proposal of the Elections, Appointments and Administration Committee, taking into account the opinion of the Finance and Central Budget Committee.