巴黎公社之后的几年里,无政府主义逐渐传播到了澳大利亚。尽管参与者主要是运动家和知识分子,规模相比起其他政治运动也要小得多,澳大利亚的无政府主义运动仍在该国历史和文学中起到了一定的影响。自20世纪初起,无政府主义的思想及其支持者在行动中使用的技巧一直在影响澳大利亚的官方工会运动(英语:Australian union movement),尽管今日它的影响已不如20世纪初那么显著。20世纪中叶时,无政府主义的影响主要限于城市波希米亚文化运动。而自20世纪末以来,澳大利亚的无政府主义者一直在澳大利亚社会正义运动和抗议活动中扮演着一定的角色。
^Bob James, J.A. Andrews (1865–1903) – A Brief Biography [约翰·亚瑟·安德鲁斯(1865–1903) - 一份简要传记], 1986, Monty Miller Press/Libertarian Resources, Melbourne and Sydney, online at http://www.takver.com/history/andrews.htm互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2018-10-02.
^G. Cresciani; "Proletarian migrants: fascism and Italian anarchists in Australia", Australian Quarterly, 51, (1979-03) pp. 4–19. Online at http://www.takver.com/history/italian.htm互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2007-10-05.
^Germaine Greer; Ian Turner and Chris Hector. Greer on Revolution Germaine on Love [格里尔谈革命 杰梅茵谈爱情]. Overland. Autumn 1972 [Recorded 1972-02] [2007-08-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-30). "I am much more political now than I was then – I'm an anarchist still, but I'd say now I am an anarchist communist which I wasn't then .....The libertarians may have a good deal of intellectual prestige in Sydney, but seeing that they speak in self-evident truths and tautologies most of the time it's not difficult for them to get intellectual recognition. What disappoints me most about all the radical groups in Australia is that they have not yet managed to make the Marxist dialogue a part of the cultural life of the country as a whole, which it is say for example in India – it's something you expect to see discussed in the daily papers." [我现在比那时要政治的多——我现在仍然是一个无政府主义者,但我现在会说我是一个无政府共产主义者,而我当时并不是……。自由意志主义者们在悉尼有一定名望,看到他们大多数时候都在说不言自明的真理和同义词,我就明白他们要获得知识界的认可并不难。澳大利亚激进团体最让我失望的一点是,他们还未设法使马克思主义叙事成为整个国家文化和生活的一部分,就像印度那样——你会希望在日报上看到马克思主义讨论的。]
^Germaine Greer [吉曼·基爾]. Sydney Libertarians and the Push. 2003-09-09 [2007-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-01). I'm an anarchist basically. I don't think the future lies in constraining people into doing stuff they are not good at and don't want to do. [我基本上是一个无政府主义者。我不认为未来的社会仍会迫使人们去做不擅长和不想做的事情。]
^Bob James, "Bulgarian Anarchists in Sydney" [悉尼的保加利亚裔无政府主义者] in Anarchism in Australia [澳大利亚无政府主义]. An Anthology Prepared for the Australian Anarchist Centennial Celebration, Melbourne 1–4 May 1986 in a limited edition of 50 printed copies by Bob James. Online at http://www.takver.com/history/aia/aia00028.htm互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2007-07-01.
^Dick Curlewis Anarcho-Syndicalism in Practice: Melbourne tram dispute and Lockout January–February 1990 1997, Jura Media Publications Online at http://www.takver.com/history/tram1990.htm互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2007-10-25.