The capital structure is one of complex financial decision as it relates to other financial decision variables. This study aimed to examine the effect of firm size and liquidity to capital structure by using profitability as an intervening variable. Log Natural Total Assets (SIZE) is used as a proxy for the size of the company, Current Ratio (CR) is used as a proxy for liquidity, Return on Assets (ROA) is used as a proxy for profitability and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) is used as a proxy for capital structure.This study uses 40 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during…
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of fatigue and role conflict on job stress, job burnout and conflict influence the role of the performance, the effect of work stress on performance. The sample used in this study amounted to 164 (one hundred and sixty-four) employees who are in vulnerable productive and non-productive age. Question is given by using a questionnaire which was distributed through cluster sampling and data analysis methods used is the path analysis using SPSS.           In this study formulated five hypotheses, such as: fatig…
Role conflict and role ambiguity that experienced by employees on a company can causing job stress. Job stress experienced by employee can directly effect the high and low of employees organizational commitment. The aim of this research was to examine and analyze the influence of role conflict to job stress, the influence of role ambiguity to job stress, the influence of job stress to organizational commitment, the influence of role conflict to organizational commitment through job stress as intervening variable and the influence of role ambiguity to organizational commitment through job stres…
This research is motivated the need for a good performance for the Company's employees Otobus Jaya Indah as buses. The existence of this Indah Jaya Otobus Company as a tourist bus service providers located in Semarang need to be considered, as should be well prepared in every way to support the existence of PO. The Indah Jaya. This study aimed to examine the influence of discipline, leadership styles, and motivation on the performance of the Company's employees Otobus Jaya Indah Semarang.This study uses census techniques with a sample of the population amounted to 50 Company employees Otobus J…
The development of the digital world that has expanded in various ways is no stranger to today's life, as well as in meeting everyday needs. The development of e-commerce business is a real proof of the seriousness of various parties in facing the progress of the era. Trade competition is getting tougher, which requires the right marketing strategy, in order to attract the purchasing power of the people. This study aims to analyze how the influence of customer satisfaction repurchase mobile & electronic customers on the Bukalapak site. The population in this study are users or Bukalapak online…
As the increasing of the consumer need of food, especia lly for meat, it is undeniably that the circulation of unhealthy meat is begin to increase, the unhealthy meat itself is meat that not appropriate with the requirments that already allowed toward domestic products or export import product. Furthermore one of the reason that makes this problem increase is the lack of knowledge and ability of consumers to consider the good and right product (meat) properly and safely. This study is aimed to analyze and provide empirical evidence about whether subjective norm and behavioral control influence…
Abstract: This article is intended to describe the tradition of reciting Al-Qur'an through whatsapp. The writer discussed how the Muslim responds to social media especially whatsapp, then, how the acceptance of the Qur'an is highlighted. Whatsaap changed the concept of reciting al-Qur'an from offline to online. The writer assumes that the existence of these activities can encourage anyone to recite Al Qur’an and strengthen togetherness. It implies that Qur'an has a function as an informative as well as a performative aspect. The significance of social media through Whatsaap in reciting Al-Qu…
Abstract: Corruption is one of the most despised criminal acts, because corruptors are seen as sacrificing people's welfare. Nowadays, the punishment for corruptors is considered too light so that many people think that corruptors are punished by cutting their hands. The command to enforce the law of cutting hands on perpetrators of corruption gets an idea from the law for burglars as stated in the Qur'an surah Al-Maidah verse 38. However, the problem is that whether corruptors can be associated with the term of thief or not as the one to be punished by hand cutting. Therefore, it is significa…
Abstract: Nowadays, Indonesia has been being hit by religious problems that depart from the exclusivity of certain people's perspectives, namely the presence of social media in the case of hate speech and provocation. This phenomenon is very alarming due to the plurality of religion in Indonesia. In order to avoid this incident, some efforts are necessary to be done for reviving the actual function of religion to the entire community. The steps are encompassin; identify the cause of the case, the method of dissemination, and find a solution. The significance of this paper is that we can lear…
Abstract: This article tries to trace the thoughts of Muhammad Salman Ghanim (1945 M) to interpret the Koran through the magnum opus (book) of Allah wa al-Jama> ?ah Min Haqa'iq Al-Quran with the context of Kuwait which is a small part of the Arab state. Muhammad Salman Ghanim did a preliminary study of kufr which was interpreted by covering up and denying the truth of God for humans by specifying this in the context of personal dedication to the social community in shaping the benefit, even making this a standard measure of faith and moral judgment praised by someone. The deeper study of the r…
Abstract: Environmental damage is a serious problem at this time. Environmental damage is caused by human activities themselves. We have felt the impact of environmental damage at this time. Weather anomalies, air, land and water pollution have become part of our daily lives. Environmental damage must be repaired immediately, because this concerns the sustainability of human life. Knowing the main causes of environmental damage is a must before repairing the damage. modernism turned out to be the main cause of environmental damage. Modernism is disastrous for human life because it separates be…
Abstract: Qur'an is a miracle that has a deep meaning and none can replace those structures, removing or adding words, because each word has a miracle. In Qur'an, there is an interesting phenomenon such meaning convergent that associated with synonymous in context. The aims of this study are to describe and explain the significance of convergence in Qur'an especially synonymous words. Hermeneutic and content analysis were used to analysis those phenomenon. It can be found that convergence of meaning to synonymous words in the Qur'an does not have similar semantic features or same meaning, but …
Abstract: Research on the hadith will never run out. From ancient times until now the tradition has always attracted the interest of researchers to examine it. If the early days, hadith criticism is often intended to get the quality of hadith (s}ah}i>h}, h}asan, andd}a?i>f), then in the next development the purpose of the study of hadith cannot be limited to that, but already must be broadened for the purpose of understanding and practice. In this case, various methods of criticism of the tradition of hadith emerged. One method of criticism that scholars have known from the past to the present…
The issue of religious tolerance is one of the important issues in the last decade, especially among Indonesian Muslims. Basically, Islam through the concept of morals teaches compassion for humans as well as adherents of other religions. However, on the other hand, many Muslims then limit themselves to giving a positive attitude towards other religions because of fears of violating the faith. How the attitude of Islam towards other religions has been studied in the scientific study of Islam itself. However, most of the studies carried out were case studies and comparisons. While research in I…
Abstract: The moral crisis manifested in the form of violent and unethical behavior both verbally and physically carried out by Muslims is one of the responsibilities of ethics at the scientific level - especially Islamic ethics. This situation is contrary to the noble goals and values of Islamic teachings. In fact, Islam comes to teach and improve morals so that they become noble morals so that the behavior of their adherents becomes noble. Islamic ethics should contribute to Islamic thinking - especially ethics, how humans should live well. But the reality that happens is the opposite. Many …
Abstract: The writing will reveal the relation of knowledge and power by taking the case of Sheikh Siti Jenar. The focus is on "aspects of thinking" that influence behavior. First, The problem sub-formulation, what is Sufi Siti Jenar thinking? Second, how does the relation of Siti Jenar's teachings dominate the body of its adherents to become its socio-political movement? Third, how is the practice of the power of walisongo knowledge in framing the truth of the teachings which has an effect on the marginalization of the Siti Jenar group?To do that, the writer will use a critical discourse anal…
The purpose of this study was to describe the structure of the rhetoric of the introductory part of the research journal articles in Indonesian language. Linguistic features the introduction Indonesian language research journal articles in the field of medical science and health. This research uses descriptive method. Source of this research are 50 articles while the data in the form of research journal articles in the field of medical science and health. Data collection techniques are documents such as speech writer in the text of the discourse, data analysis technique…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter secara terintegrasi dalam pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi di kelas XI TIK SMK Negeri 2 Kepahiang yang meliputi kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, rekaman, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan pada kegiatan perencanaan implementasikan pendidikan karakter sudah terintegrasi dalam bentuk menyusun silabus dan RPP berkarakter. Implementasikan pendid…
Development model this folklore Iesson is background by writer desire which have profession as teacher to bear special Iesson model this subject and of a kind, bearing better Iesson condition in student easiness and class to fond of to read folklore.This research And development aim to give information about existence one of effective Iesson model in course of folklore Iesson to Indonesian teacher, and as positive input in development model folklore Iesson for the sake of furthermore. This Research type is research qualitative using method R&D (Research And Development). Research checking and …
The purpose of this study to get an explanation on the description of the Analysis of character education Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin Novel By Tere Liye. This research uses descriptive analysis method. descriptive analysis method used in this study means to obtain an accurate picture of the values of character education in novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin Novel By Tere Liye. Technique Data collection was done by using the documentation that specifically examined the values of character education in novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin Novel By Tere L…