This study aimed to obtain information, analyze and discuss data on the factors that affect thelevel of Revenue Farming In Cassava Plants type of Casesa in Kamang Village District of KamangBaru Sijunjung region seen from land, capital and labor skills.This type of research is descriptive correlational. The study population were all groups ofcassava farming in Kamang Village District of Kamang Baru Sijunjung region is divided into threeoblong farmer groups. The sample in this study were taken with a total sampling is by takingrespondents cassava farmers. The amount of the sample was 80 persons.…
This study aimed to obtain information and data on (1) Level of Household Welfare Lado Custom Stone Koto Panjang Village Limau Manis Padang Pauh subdistrict is viewed in terms of a childs education craftsmen (2)) Level Household Welfare Lado Custom Stone Koto Panjang Limau Manis kelurahan Padang Pauh subdistrict is viewed in terms of revenue craftsmen (3)) Level Household Welfare Lado Custom Stone Koto Panjang Village Limau Manis Padang Pauh subdistrict is viewed in terms of Number of Family Members artisans (4) Level of Household Welfare craftsmen stone Lado in Koto Panjang Village Sweet Lemo…
This Research aimed to get data or information and analyze in depth the neighbor Parenting Parent Child educate terms: 1) Parenting Parents in educating children seen from the Parent level of education, 2) Parenting Parents in educating children seen from parents experience, 3) parenting parents in educating children seen from the outpouring of time parents and 4) parenting parents in educating children seen from the Total Family. the research is a qualitative study conducted in Jorong Rabbi Jonggor town Rabbi Jonggor Gunung Tuleh West Pasaman, informants taken by purposive sampling technique …
This study aimed to describe: (1) how the students role in maintaining the cleanliness ofthe school environment in order to always look clean. (2) how the students motivation tomaintain a healthy school environment. (3) how the social environment in keeping theenvironment clean.This research is a descriptive study that sought to describe a situation for what it is. Thepopulation in this study was a high school student Silk N 1 totaling 544 people. The sample inthis study using proportional random sampling technique. So the study sample totaled 87 people.The instrument used in this study was a …
This study aims to identify and analyze about the public perception of the construction of roads in Rantau Kenagarian Lemons Cotton. The research is a qualitative research. The informants diamabil in purposive sampling is a technique of data collection with particular consideration. The selection of informants was done by prior research should know that the people who will be selected to provide the desired information. Informants in this study is a community that is on the side of the road construction. The results of research in the field: 1) Public perception of road construction, changes i…
The issue of climate change and global warming has become an important issue in various parts of the world. This problem has become main agenda of the United Nations (UN). The major contribution global warming are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, fire land and agricultural activities. This research aimed at determining carbon stocks on imperata and shrub land in Nagari Paninggahan. This research using quantitative descriptive method. Samples taken on the basis of imperata and shrub land.Collecting data done with two stages, the first one was do…
Rumput laut merupakan salah satu kekayaan hayati laut Indonesia, yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal terutama dari jen is rumput laut coklat. Kandungan pigmen pada rumput laut sangat dipengaruhi oleh Faktor lingkungan tempat tumbuhnya. Perbedaan kedalaman menyebabkan intensitas cahaya matahari bervariasi pada setiap zona perairan sehingga menyebabkan perbedaan pada komposisi dan kestabilan pigmen pada tumbuhan laut tersebut. Penelitian komposisi dan fbtostabilitas pigmen pada Hauck dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran cahaya da/am mempengaruhi komposisi dan stabilitas pigmen dari kedalaman yang…
Udang mantis jenis Harpiosquilla raphidea merupakan salah satu jenis krustase hasil tangkapan bernilai ekonomi pada beberapa daerah pesisir di Indonesia. Namun komposisi biokimia jenis ini belum banyak diketahui. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memepelajari secara kuantitatif unsure-unsur penting yang terkandung dalam daging udang mantis yang berasal dari perairan Kuala Tungkal, Jambi dan Cirebon. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa rendemen udang mantis dari kedua lokasi tidak berbeda nyata. Selain itu, udang dari kedua lokasi juga tidak memperlihatkan kandungan mikr…
Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is highly migratory species that spread from trophic and sub trophic waters. This species can be found in Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The genetic information of highly migratory species like skipjack tuna is important to support the sustainability of the fisheries. The objectives of this study are to gain information genetic diversity and population structure of exploited species and to understand the population kinship in Indonesian waters. Tissue samples were collected from six locations, i.e.: Sibolga (North Sumatera), Padang (West Sumatera), Binu…
Dari tujuh jenis cephalopoda yang terdapat di Selat Sape, setiap tahunnya empat jenis cumi-cumi mendominasi (90%) tangkapan cephalopoda. Perikanan cumi-cumi dideskripsikan, terutama berkaitan dengan terjadinya fluktuasi tangkapan yang besar karena efek-ganda dari kegiatan penangkapan dan variabilitas iklim. Dua jenis alat tangkap utama, Bagan-Prahu dan Jala-Oras distandarisasi sebelum dipakai dalam analisis tangkapan-upaya penangkapan, sedangkan variabilitas iklim diwakili dengan indeks osilasi selatan (SOI). Suatu model dikonstruksidengan cara menginkorporasikan nilai rata-rata tahunan SOI, u…
Bioremediation is basically consists of two approaches, biostimulation and bioaugmentation. The efficacy of bioaugmentation for combating oil pollution in field application is still argued. The purpose of study was to evaluate the efficacy of bioaugmentation and to compare the affectivity of single strain and consortium application in remediating oil polluted sandy beach. Experimental study in a field has been conducted with two (2) treatments and one (1) control in three different plots. The treatmens were introduction of a single strain (Alcanivorax sp TE-9) and a consortium (Alcanivorax sp.…
The purpose of this study is to derive new Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature (MCSST) equations of AVHRR aboard NOAA-19, which was launched in February 2009. Since the HRPT data transmitted from the satellite are directly received at the Tohoku University in Japan, the study area is the seas surrounding it. Using in situ SSTs measured by drifting buoys, 2248 match-ups (1181 for daytime and 1067 for nighttime) are generated for September - November 2009. The daytime and nighttime match-ups are separated into a half for algorithm tuning and another half for validation. Coefficient…
Udang windu (Penaeus monodon Fab.) merupakan komoditas unggulan Indonesia sedangkan ketersediaan benih udang windu mengalami penurunan mencapai 50% disebabkan serangan berbagai penyakit dan keterbatasan pakan. Aplikasi pakan rekombinan hasil fusi protoplas yang kaya karotenoid telah terbukti meningkatkan bobot dan kelulushidupan larva udang windu skala laboratorium. Teknik fusi protoplas telah terbukti mampu menghasilkan rekombinan yang memiliki gabungan karotenoid dari berbagai alga sehingga jumlah karotenoidnya semakin meningkat. Dunaliella menghasilkan karotenoid β-karoten dan zeaxan…
An important goal of fisheries management is to ensure that fish stocks are harvested at sustainable levels of fishing pressure. However, the classical maximum sustainable yield theory and its derivatives have not worked for fisheries management. A number of mitigating measures have been suggested of which eco -labeling is one. An ecolabel on a fish product is a distinctive mark or statement indicating that it has been harvested in compliance with preset sustainability standards. This paper examines eco labeling in fisheries as the new strategy to achieve fisheries conservation and sustainabil…
This research was to clarify the dynamic of particulate organic matter (POM) and species composition of phytoplankton in an estuarine. C/N ratio was measured in a C-N Analyzer and phytoplankton was identifying under electron microscope. The seasonal uctuation of POC and PON concentration was generally similar in all stations. POC and PON concentration were generally higher in inert part of estuary during spring and summer and its concentrations seem high at outside part during autumn. From total 128 species of diatoms identied in the Akkeshi-ko estuary, 103 and 102 species of phytoplankton occ…
Understanding the vertical distribution of large pelagic fish, swordfish in particular, could improve our knowledge on its fisheries strategy, management and resource conservation. However the methods often require expensive tools and resources, which probably most scientists from the development countries couldn’t afford. Thus developing model on the diel vertical movement behavior of swordfish using number of hook between float (HBF) and complete-set temperature and depth recorder (TDR) data could be an alternative. In general context, capture depth distributions are a good indicator …
Penelitian ini mengembangkan model integrasi yang mengacu pada RBV of the firm untuk memahami penguasaan sumber daya strategis dan orientasi kewirausahaan sebagai landasan strategi bersaing dalam menyelaraskan dinamika lingkungan dan peningkatan kinerja usaha. Hasil analisis SEM dari data survei sebanyak 153 UKM yang berorientasi ekspor di Bali membuktikan bahwa kombinasi sumber daya strategis dan orientasi kewirausahaan merupakan instrumen strategis yang mendasari UKM untuk menerapkan strategi bersaing, sehingga mampu memperbaiki atau meningkatkan posisi kompetitifnya. Posisi kompetitif yang …
According to General Accepted Accounting Priciples (GAAP), we realize that Fix Assets have been used during periodic useful live which be allocated for cost was called Deppreciation Cost .For the Fixed Assets which be depreciated will result the final Value of the Assets mentioned Book Value. The Book Value of Fix Assets in the first year was called the Historical Cost.The Book Value in each periodcan be calculated by using conventional method, we can make the tabulation chronologically until the end of useful life. In this paper, the author will design the mathematical formulation for determ…
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dampak penurunan tarif impor pada investasi teknologi perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh sektor industri manufaktur menengah besar (IBS) tahun 2003-2014. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan pendekataan ekonometri dengan metode regresi tobit. Secara teori, liberalisasi tarif dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan investasi teknologi. Perbedaan tingkat efisiensi (gap teknologi) perusahaan yang menyebabkan respon perusahaan terhadap liberalisasi tarif berbeda-beda. Ketika gap teknologi perusahaan di dalam negeri dengan frontier k…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, likuiditas, profitabilitas, leverage, saham publik, dan basis perusahaan terhadap luas pengungkapan sukarela. Dalam penelitian ini, pengukuran luas pengungkapan informasi pada laporan tahunan dikembangkan dari penelitian Khomsiyah (2005), Healy et al. (1995), dan Lang dan Lundholm (1993). Sampel yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) yaitu laporan tahunan perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar dari tahun 2005 sampai dengan 2010 di BEI. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan, profitabili…