Flatpack furniture is disassembly furniture  and ready to be used with thin parts such as multiplex, scrap metal, cardboard, and so then packaged neatly and facilitate the delivery, this furniture was introduced in 1951 by Erie J. Sauder.In library room needed a private space especially for the readers, but it should be noted that library have a limited space.With efficient application of  Flatpack makes it easy to be included and be moved to the library room is quite limited.

Sneakers are the type of shoes with flexible soles made of rubber or synthetic material and the top is made of leather or canvas. However, as the development of many of today sneakers are made also of suede and nylon. Sneakers originally taken from the word in the English language, the 'sneak' which means skirmishers. Initially sneakers are sports shoes and other shoes used for sports. Sneakers history itself first appeared in the 1800s under the name 'plimsolls', no name sneakers that time. In 1892 a rubber shoe company, Goodyear, creating a new shoe-making process by mixing the base mater…

Elderly house is a building that functioned as a shelter for the elderly man was being treated, cared for and given more attention. Numbers of elderly who do not consider the functional aspects and comfort make the elderly are reluctant to stay in elderly house. The purpose of this scheme is to provide seniors with atmosphere and design of the natural environment, safe, back to nature for the elderly and provide full facilities to serve the needs of the elderly. The concept of this design is applied to the familiarity of the layout, organization of space and furniture and adjacent groups. In a…

Acceptance of Christianity in Indonesia, especially in East Java in the 1800s made GKJW (Jawi Wetan Christian Church) has a different liturgy and buildings with other Christian churches in Indonesia. In this study will be discussed how the influence and embodiment blend of Javanese culture with Christian culture that looks physically in the GKJW Wiyung Building, with uses descriptive qualitative method. And the results of the research will demonstrate the fusion of cultures are in this church.

There are still a lot of education spaces in Surabaya, especially foreign language education spaces that have not designed their facilities and learning systems by the needs of its users which has caused the learning systems to be less effective and efficient. Moreover, students are now dominated by generation Z who have different characteristics from the previous generation (millennial). Rumah Bahasa Surabaya which provides learning facilities of 13 foreign languages and 2 local languages, established by the Government of Surabaya, can be developed into a place that is effectively able to pro…

An interior design "Night Clubs and Bars in Balikpapan"has becomes a night entertainment facility atlernative for the middle and upper class, particularly the young executives. A Place that help balancing between work and relaxation for every individual who comes, provided with facilities such as good service, music that can be enjoyed by everyone, also the security is well maintained, as well as a satisfaying beautiful viewof the city. The nightclub is divided into three areas for visitors, i.e. lobby, bar area, and dance area. With stages that go into space. Space is provided as follows; lob…

In development of an era, many have opened businesses especially pertaining to technology. Undergo development technology which is very fast amongother areas. Technology enjoyed by all people, young and old, so it is with batman. Batman is one of a superhero that all people known and is one figure that use high-tech to defeat his enemy. Community of batman need a place to grouping and progress. Then house of batman in Surabaya made to accommodate the activities of the community of Batman that pertaining to batman. The concept that use of advanced technology is used by batman apply to furniture…

In this era globalization, parents treat an occupation as the main priority of all because an increase in daily necessities. As a result, parents are lack of caring to their children. Therefore, an alternative is needed to replace parent’s role at home. One of the alternative is using a nanny as mother’s helper to take care of their children. However, in fact, many of unexpected things happen, children are kidnapped and abandoned by their nanny. Eventually, many of parents take a decision to enter their children to school under the standard age. Moreover, a high technology develo…

The impact of current era development causes people's lifestyles to change, especially among youth, therefore many entrepreneurs make this phenomenon as an opportunity to open a business, such as a coffee cafe. Currently coffee cafe is not only becoming a place to make transactions, but many people also go to the café to work, gather, chat, discuss and others. SMART Coffee Café and Roastery is a place to accommodate the needs of the society, not only as a café in general, in this café visitors can experiment in making their own coffee. The purpose of this design is to design a Coff…

Designing the interior of a gallery in the middle of the modern this is the big challenge where shall be adjusted with  era development rightnow with an element of culture. Of a gallery is expected to add a reference several models kebaya, because kebaya is Indonesian asset. The concept is used to adjust a motif that is often used in kebaya has been in modification. Expected by the existence of this gallery became a place that informative for many people. To support those people, will be held a modern kebaya gallery with many facilities such as:lobby, fashion show area,exhibition,store,cons…

Anak adalah seorang yang belum cukup umur atau seorang yang belum dewasa dan perlu perhatian khusus dari setiap tindakan hukum, guna terjaminnya hak-hak anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. Pasal 28B ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, menjamin setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup tumbuh dan berkembang serta berhak atas perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Perlindungan tersebut juga berlaku pada anak yang berada dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Lembaga pemasyarakatan yang digunakan untuk membina anak yang berstatus Narapidana dipisahkan dengan l…

Kebebasan berkontrak didasari idiologi individualismeKebebasan berkontrak, hingga kini tetap menjadi asas penting dalam sistem hukum kontrak baik dalam sistem civil law, common law, maupun system hukum lainnya. Asas kebebasan berkontrak dalam sistem hukum sipil dan common law lahir dan berkembang seiring dengan pertumbuhan aliran filsafat yang menekan semangat individualisme dan pasar bebas. Pada abad 19 kebebasan berkontrak sangat diagungkan baik para filosup ekonomi mendominasi teori hukum kontrak. Inti permasalah hukum kontrak lebih tertuju kepada realisasi kebebasan berkontrak daripada nil…

Pasal penganiayaan ringan,yaitu pasal 352 ayat (1) KUHP disebutkan bahwa Penganiayaan ringan dihukum dengan hukuman penjara selama-lamanya tiga bulan atau denda sebanyak-banyaknya Rp 4.500. namun dalam kenyataannya selama ini hakim sering memutuskan pidana penjara saja terhadap pelaku penganiayaan ringan, padahal pasal tersebut bersifat alternative yaitu dapat dipilih salah satu jenis hukumankarena memuat kata “atau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertimbangan hakim lebih memilih pidana penjara dari pada pidana denda terhadap pelaku tindak pidana penganiayaan ringan karena l…

Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum. Penegasan negara Indonesia sebagai hukumini sangat jelas dicantumkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Pasal 1 ayat (3) UUD1945 menyebutkan bahwa: “Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum”, dengan landasanpandangan hidup berdasarkan Pancasila sebagai Falsafah Negara dan bangsa. UUD 1945dengan tegas mengakui keberadan masyarakat hukum adat beserta hak-hak tradisionalnyasebagaimana disebutkan pada Pasal 18B (2) UUD 1945 yang berbunyi: “Negaramengakui dan menghormati kesatuan-kesatuan masyarakat hukum adat beserta hakhak…

Pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang-undang No. 39 tahun 2004 tentang Penempatan Dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Di Luar Negeri, tenagakerja ialah tenagakerja Indonesia yang selanjutnya disebut dengan (TKI) setiap warga negara Indonesia yang memenuhi syarat untuk bekerja di luar negeri dalam hubungan kerja untuk jangka waktu tertentu dengan menerima upah. Tujuan penelitian ini mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi. Berdasarkan Objek masalah terdapat 2 (dua) penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini, penelitian hukum yuridis dan penelitian…

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang yang menjadi sasaran penerapan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) beriringan dengan meningkatnya pembangunan perekonomian negara dalam bidang perdagangan, industri, dan ekonomi khususnya di Asia Tenggara.  Sebagai kota ketiga terbesar di Indonesia berdasarkan perekonomiannya Kota Medan memiliki sebuah kawasan industri yang dikenal dengan nama Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM) I dengan beragam fasilitas kegiatan industri, bisnis, perdagangan yang modern dan terkelola secara profesional. Rahasia  dagang  merupakan  salahÅ

مسئلة قیاس و چگونگی برخورد با آن از مسائل دیرین در فقه و اصول مذاهب است. در این میان، در مذهب شیعه هر چند رویکرد کلی از دیر باز رویکردی منفی بوده است و هنوز هم این رویکرد ادامه دار…

در فقه و حقوق اسلامی ما چنین تقریر شده است که هرگاه شخصی کشته شود و چند ولی داشته باشد، اگر برخی از اولیای دم عفو کنند افراد باقی مانده حق قصاص دارند به شرطی که سهم دیۀ افراد خواه…

مقالۀ حاضر به بررسی موضوع «لزوم تقلید اعلم» می‌پردازد. به همین منظور، ضمن مقایسۀ ادلۀ موافقان و مخالفان لزوم تقلید اعلم و تبیین نقاط ضعف دیدگاه نخست، چنین نتیجه می‌گیرد که د…

ملکیتی که مدار معاملات و معاوضات است، تابعی از اعتبار عقلاء و شارع می باشد که به وجود اعتباری ایجاد می‌شود و می‌توان به نوعی، آن را اضافه ی اعتباری خواند که وجود موضوع اعتبارۅ