Sate Padang is a typical food of West Sumatra and one part traditionalIndonesian food heritage. There are various types of Sate Padang circulating indifferent areas of West Sumatra, which each have a historical background, spiceblend, and different processing. This study aimed to obtain satay as one gastronomic ethnic / ethical Padang.This research was conducted using qualitative methods with data collectionthrough in-depth interviews, participant observation, literature, and documentation study.The results showed there were some kind of Sate Sate Padang includeDangung-Dangung, Peanut Sa…
Tourism has become one of the largest industries in the world, and are themainstay in generating foreign exchange in many countries, including Indonesia with a very vast natural wealth. In a world traveler tourism industry can not be separated from tourism accommodation ranging from lodging services, transport and restaurants. Which at this present moment tourism is much discussed is culinary, talk about the culinary is a city rich in culinary. One of the restaurants in the city of Bandung, Happy Cow Steak Palasari Bandung is located in Jalan Palasari No. 30, Bandung. With th…
CV. Puri Lestari Catering merupakan perusahaaan yang bergerak di jasa makanan / katering, yang didirikan pada tahun 2003. Sebagai Pengikut pasar (follower) Puri Lestari Catering berfokus pada cita rasa makasakan dan kepuasan konsumen dalam menjalankan usahanya. Berdasarkan data profit terlihat bahwa profit Puri Lestari Catering mengalami fluktuatif selama kurun waktu 2010-2014. Secara keseluruhan jumlah profit dari tahun 2012-2014 terus mengalami penurunan. Hasil survey pra penelitian kepada 30 konsumen menyatakan bahwa 65% konsumen menyatakan tidak puas atas produk dan pe…
Saung Pojok Dadaha is a restaurant that operates since year 2009 and had afairly good development. Starting from small rice stalls and then evolved into arestaurant that is able to sell up to 1000 servings per day. The uniqueness of this Eating is House offer only one meal that is nasi timbel komplit that contains nasi timbel, ayam goreng serundeng, tempe goreng, tahu goreng, ikan asin, sambal, and lalapan at a price of Rp. 10.000,-. On his business trips, is currently going through a Saung Pojok Dadaha decline in sales quite significantly so that necessary to do study of busine…
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan yang timbul pada ASTON Cirebon Hotel & Convention Center, yaitu mengenai komunikasi interpersonal, lingkungan kerja dan kinerja karyawan di perusahaan ini kurangnya kesadaran karyawan dalam berkomunikasi dengan sesama karyaawan mengenai pekerjaaan mereka, serta kurangnya rasa inisiatif dalam melaksanakan ataupun menyelesaikan tugas mereka. Oleh karena itu penulismelakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh komunikasi interpersonal daan lingkungaan kerja terhaadap kinerja karyawan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, yaitu desk…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap ketidakpuasan konsumen terhadap menu tidak populer dantidak menguntungkan secara simultan dan parsial. Pada penelitian ini terdapat tigavariabel bebas yaitu kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan dan harga serta variabeltidak bebas kepuasan konsumen dengan metode deskriptif dan diolah denganmenggunakan program spss 20 dengan kuisioner sebagai alat pengumpul danpengolahan data. Populasi pada penelitian ini ialah 50330 konsumen pada tahun2014 di Restoran Sangkuriang Bandunng dan diambil sampel sebanyak 100konsume…
Penderita hipertensi cenderung mengabaikan atau kurang menyadari karakter penyakit hipertensi. Ketidakpatuhan terhadap perilaku perawatan diri juga dapat berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan yang dialami penderita hipertensi. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan self efficacy dan self care behavior pada pasien hipertensi adalah melalui Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh CBT terhadap self efficacy dan self care behavior pada pasien hipertensi di Kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian quasi experiment: nonrandomized …
Manifestasi klinis otitis media supuratif kronis (OMSK) dapat dibagi dalam dua jenis yaitu OMSK benigna atau tubotimpanal dan OMSK maligna atau attikoantral, yang jenis terakhir ini dapat menimbulkan komplikasi intra dan ekstrakranial.Paresis saraf kranialis adalah salah satu komplikasi ekstrakranial OMSK maligna, disebabkan tumbuhnya kolesteatom timpani yang progresif, destruktif dan merupakan ciri khas OMSK maligna. Paresis saraf fasialis yang disebabkan oleh OMSK maligna bila diketahui sedini mungkin dan cepat ditanggulangi secara operatif akan kembali normal karena bersifat reversibel.Dila…
Cupping is an Arabian traditional method of treatment in which a jar is attached to the skin surface to cause local congestion through the negative pressure created. Cupping is a therapeutic process of removing unclean blood from the body. Blood letting has been a recommended method to reduce serum lipoprotein concentrations. There are many testimony which cupping can affects a large group of blood related disorders. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of cupping on LDL cholesterol. Reduction in LDL cholesterol, is a preventive approach against atherosclerosis. In a quasi exp…
Pseudomonas aeruginosa merupakan salah satu bakteri Gram negatif penyebab infeksi nosokomial yang memiliki resistensi tinggi terhadap berbagai antibiotik karena adanya lipid A, komponen LPS bersifat toksik pada inang. Sintesis lipid A dimulai dari Kdo2 -lipid A, difasilitasi oleh enzim LpxC. Enzim LpxC merupakan target pengembangan antibiotik karena adanya kofaktor Zn2+. Bawang putih tunggal merupakan herbal potensial pengganti antibiotik sintetis. Alliin, Allicin dan Ajoene yang terkandung dalam bawang putih tunggal memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi potensi …
Basic axiom in the orthodontic treatment is âbone trace tooth movementâ, which means that a good orthodontic tooth movement is a tooth movement followed by remodeling of alveolus bone in the same degree (BT ratio 1:1). This study described tooth movement and bone remodeling of maxillary anterior region in the end of stage IIIBegg technique orthodontic treatment of Class I Angle malocclusion with protrusive maxillary incisors in adult patients who were treated in Orthodontic Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, GadjahMada University from 1997 to 2005. Twenty-two cases fulfilled the criteria …
Due to relatively high life expectancy (i.e. 71 years old), there is a signifi-cant number of elderly in Yogyakarta (according to Central Bureau of Statis¬ts / BPS, 1998). Many health problems were commonly found in elderly, such as anemia. Despite its prevalence in elderl, anemia is difficult to detect and causes potential health problems. The aim of this study was to reveal tiemia situation in the elderly in Yogyakarta.Subjects of the study were 21 elderly i.e. 12 men and 9 women. Two ml ~enous blood were drawn from antecubital vein of each subject and put into IDT A tube. Laboratory exam…
Krisis perekonomian yang berkepanjangan, membawa konsekuensi meningkatnya harga obat-obatan modem yang diproduksi oleh pabrik, memacu munculnya alternatif lain dalam pengobatan. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggali potensi obat tradisional yang telah digunakan secara turun temurun oleh nenek moyang kita. Usaha untuk mengeksplorasi seluruh potensi sumber daya alam yang ada dicerminkan dengan kuatnya komitmen pemerintah untuk mengembangkan obat tradisional dengan bahan baku yang sebagian besar berasal dari tanaman obat. Masyarakat Indonesia telah lama menggunakan obat-obatan tr…
Malaria is still a majority infection disease in Indonesia. Although the disease have high rate morbidity and mortality, but literature concerning malaria immunology is still few. There is no effective vaccine available against endemic human malaria at present. The aim of this study is to explain new information about cellular immune response of infection malaria.Malaria infection by Plasmodium falsiparum patient who have not immuned can cause patient died. In the body of patient, malaria parasite is a lot of staying in cell, either in hepatosit and also eritrosit. The cellular immunity assume…
DM type II is a metabolic disorder caused by the damage of a cells in pancreas. This condition causes the lack of insulin hormone secretion. Diabetes mellitus is characterized with high blood glucose level. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect administration of sambiloto to blood glucose level on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The method of this study is pre-test, post-test controlled group design. Fifteen Wistar mice, 2 months age, ± 200 grams weight, divided into 3 groups. Negative control (without treatment), positive control (given glibenclamide; 0.1 mg/200grBW), and expe…
Perdarahan pascapersalinan pada seorang ibu melahirkan anak keempat, berusia 41 tahun, dimana ketiga persalinan sebelumnya berjalan lancar tanpa komplikasi. Faktor risiko terjadinya perdarahan pascapersalinan yang didapat pada pasien ini berupa: kehamilan yang keempat pada usia ibu lebih dari 40 tahun, janin besar, dan adanya hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Hal yang menarik dicermati pada kasus ini adalah: betapapun ketiga persalinan sebelumnya aman lancar, setiap persalinan harus tetap waspada. Yang ternyata pada persalinan keempat ini mengalami perdarahan pascapersalinan yang memerlukan penangan…
Digitalization era of social media is now used as a tool for advertising. Where Instagram had established sponsors feature like Facebook ads. Starting from declining issues from adidas which created a research question: “How does instagram sponsors feature shaped brand awareness of Adidas?â€. This study uses four variables: social media marketing perception, viral marketing campaign, and dinamics of virtual brand community to affected brand awareness. This research hypothesis testing using the data of 130 respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is to use a software…
This study aims to determine how big the influence product excellence, community effect and attitude towards brand of the customer loyalty on beef satay foodstall in Pak Kempleng 1 Semarang. And this research also aims to analyze the most dominant factors that influence on customer loyalty of beef satay foodstall in Pak Kempleng 1 Semarang.           The population used in this study is consumer of beef satay foodstall in Pak Kempleng 1 Semarang. The sample in this study are 100 respondents and the technique used is non-probability sampling technique with the …
The purpose of this research is to analyze the simultaneity between trading volume and order imbalance, the influence of past performance, market risk, market capitalization, tick size totrading volume and the influence of tick size, depth and bid-ask spread to order imbalance of companies were listed on LQ 45 index. Sample in this research were selected by using purposive sampling method with some selected criterias. 55 companies listed on 2014’s LQ 45 index were chosen as sample. The results showed that trading volume is simultaneously related to order imbalance; past performance, mar…
The research is proceeded based on the significant decrease of Indosat Ooredoo’s net profit on 2013 and 2014. The aim of the research is to find out the influence of perception of price (X1), product quality (X2), brand image (X3) and word of mouth (X4) towards the buying decision of Indosat Ooredoo prepaid SIM card in Semarang.           The methods of data collection used in this research was a questionnaire to 100 participants spread at Semarang, which has been using Indosat Ooredoo for more than a year. Sampling technique was done by using purposive…