《雷光归来 最终幻想XIII》(日语:ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII,英语:Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII)是由日本遊戲製作商史克威爾艾尼克斯第一開發部負責開發,史克威爾艾尼克斯發售的動作角色扮演遊戲,对应 PlayStation 3、Xbox 360和Windows平台。游戏最初于2013年11月在日本、台湾和香港的PlayStation 3和Xbox 360平台發售,2014年2月在欧洲和北美发售。本作亦是“新的水晶故事 最终幻想”系列的一部分,作為《最終幻想XIII-2》的續篇,為自《最終幻想XIII》開始的三部曲作完結。《雷霆归来》在游戏系统上进行了大幅改进,采用动作导向的战斗系统。玩家可自定义角色的装备。游戏采用昼夜周期系统,玩家只有13天去阻止世界末日降臨,遊戲中某些行动会延迟时间流逝,而有些行动则会加剧末日进程。
遊戲任務對雷光成長與遊戲時間有直接影響:每完成一任務,雷光的能力參數均有所增長,其中主線任務對雷光的能力提升最為顯著[4]。由於遊戲世界以實時運行,非玩家角色會持續活動,部分只在指定時段於指定地點徘徊,因此部分支線任務只能在指定時段內取得[2]。雷光也能在各遊戲區域均有設立的壁報版「祈禱畫板」(Canvas of Prayers)處接受任務[7]。同時每一完成一任務,雷光均可從心靈得到解放的非玩家角色身上取得名為「輝力」(Eradia)的能量[8],遊戲內每天早上六時,雷光會被傳送至遊戲時間靜止的「方舟」(Ark),為當中的「聖樹」(Yggdrasil)獻上輝力,輝力如達一定程度,遊戲時間將延長一天;然而某些行动会加快世界滅亡[9]。雷光於方舟內亦可補充物資和取得新裝備[10][11]。
遊戲採用「服裝轉換即時戰鬥」系統(Style-Change Active Time Battle)[3],包含了前兩作的即時戰鬥職能系統元素,以及《最終幻想X-2》的換裝系統(Dressphere)[14][15][16]:雷光能取得多種服裝(garb),各服裝有各自的ATB槽,不同戰鬥技能可自由搭配在對應遊戲手制按鈕的空格內,最後選出三套服裝搭配不同武裝與飾品成為完整套裝(Schemata)於戰鬥中選用,是項設定容許雷光在戰場上以最少幅度移動,在各套裝之間自由轉換以便即時作出不同的行動[14]。大部分服裝與飾品能在遊戲內的店舖中購入或在完成任務後取得[17],較強力的服裝、道具和武裝只能在困難模式中取得[17]。各服裝有預設色調,玩家亦可自由更改[18]。
戰鬥於雷光向現身敵人攻擊或被攻擊後展開,戰鬥如在敵人被雷光攻擊下展開,敵人生命值將在戰鬥開始時下降;如戰鬥在雷光被敵人攻擊下展開,雷光生命值將在戰鬥開始時被扣減[14]。雷光每次作出攻擊均會消耗當前服裝的ATB槽,已消耗的ATB值能在雷光停止攻擊行動或切換至另一服裝時逐漸回復,攻擊包括接近戰的實體攻擊以及遠距戰的魔法攻擊,防禦時可使用盾牌抵擋敵攻擊或使用「閃避」(evade)技能[20][21]。各敵人均有「擊倒計」(Stagger meter),由一道線條代表其生命值,每次承受雷光的指定攻擊時將出現起伏,起伏擴大至一定數值時敵人會被擊倒,期間抗傷害力將下降[22]。戰鬥期間,雷光亦可消耗「能量點數」(Energy Points)以輔助戰鬥,包括發動「超頻」(Overclock)減慢時間流逝以便於短時間內作出更多攻擊,以及發動雷光絕招「王牌驅散」(Army of One)[14][23]。戰鬥勝出後雷光可取得金錢、回復部分能量點數、以及隨機取得戰鬥技能[24]。在遊戲的簡易模式中,雷光在戰鬥結束後可原地不動以自行回復失去的生命值[17][21][25];在正常及困難模式中,戰鬥中損失之生命值將不會自動回復,需要透過耗用補給品恢復,同時雷光如逃離戰鬥或陣亡,遊戲內部時間將扣減一小時[5][26]。
遊戲音樂由創作《XIII》音樂的浜渦正志、以及創作《XIII-2》音樂的水田直至與鈴木光人共同創作[60]。日本樂隊Language與電子遊戲樂團(日语:Video Game Orchestra)亦有參與音樂錄製[61][62][63]。多個配樂使用了《XIII》系列中經常出現的主題「Blinded by Light」作為主旋律[55]。有別於前兩作,本作沒有主題歌曲;主題音樂為純管弦樂曲[64]。宣傳音樂集「雷光歸來:最終幻想XIII先行聲集」於2013年7月推出[65];主音樂集「雷光歸來:最終幻想XIII原聲集」分作四只光碟,於2013年11月21日發行[66];額外音樂集「雷光歸來:最終幻想XIII追加聲集」包含未使用音樂與經典主題音樂的重編版本,於2014年3月26日發行[67]。遊戲內有多個音樂彩蛋,使用了最終幻想系列部分以往作品的旋律[68]。主音樂集與額外音樂集在日本音樂資訊服務公司Oricon中曾分別達到第29位與第211位[69][70]。
史克威尔艾尼克斯在日本的宣传中,和糖果公司江崎固力果合作,销售了一系列游戏包装的百奇点心[92]。公司按雷霆在本作中的形象,创作了Play Arts Kai手办[93]。随游戏推出的还有Ultimania攻略本,书中收录概念图和角色原画,制作人员访谈,游戏敌人、大陆地图、事件时间等资料[94]。日本原计划发行设定在《XIII-2》和《雷霆归来》情节间的小说《混沌时代编年史》[95],但因作者生病而取消[96]。在游戏推出后,三卷后传小说《最终幻想XIII 追忆 -记忆之追迹者-》通过《周刊Fami通》杂志刊载[97]。小说由渡边编写,并融入《混沌时代编年史》的内容,小说体裁为XIII系列主角采访[30]。
^ 1.01.1Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Almighty Bhunivelze: Almighty Bhunivelze, god of light, stands above all others and holds the world in his palm. ... It was Bhunivelze who called to Lightning, forcing her to awaken from her long crystal sleep and become the savior.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Creating a new world: Almighty Bhunivelze has decided to bring this world to an end and make a new one. There is no way to save Nova Chrysalia from the chaos in which it is sinking. ... Bhunivelze will use the souls of the saved to populate his new world. For that purpose, he has selected a savior to gather the souls and prepare them for the new world.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: Hope Estheim. Once, long ago, we fought side by side, bound by a common destiny. ... When I woke, the Hope who I'd seen become a man was a boy again.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: All this time, you've been dreaming of a new world where you're reunited with Yeul. / Noel: It's no dream, Lightning. The future's right there in the Oracle Drive. If I kill the savior, then the world will be reborn. And this time, it's going to happen like it's supposed to. It's going to work.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – The Winds of Chaos: Vanille herself says that she wants to use this power to bring the peace to the dead. It is a wish born of the remorse that she still feels for all the deaths for which she believes she was responsible.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Mission 2-3: A Solitary Patron: Snow has been using his l'Cie powers to absorb the Chaos, fighting a solitary battle against the rising tide. In a last desperate act, Snow allows himself to be transformed into a Cie'th and attacks Lightning. But she cries out one last appeal: Don't let your love for Serah disappear into the Chaos! Somehow, Snow hears her - and returns to human form.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Odin: Odin, the silver eidolon, is Lightning's sworn ally. ... Lightning never knew what happened to Odin after she was defeated in Valhalla, but he was in fact reborn as the Angel of Valhalla.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lumina: Sazh was desperate to save his son - but that desperation nearly drove him mad. Dajh saw what was happening and got scared. So he hid his heart away.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: Fang. What are you doing!? This is what you've been looking for! / Fang: I'm not letting anyone else have it! If Vanille uses this damn thing, she'll die. ... Yeah, "purity" the dead, put them to their eternal rest - all it'll take is the life of a saint!
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: Cid Raines. / Cid: That was once a man's name, but now it means nothing. His soul has dissolved into the swirl of Chaos. ... I am the voice of the many, of the countless multitude who call Chaos home. I am the speaker for the dead.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: She can do what I can't. Vanille can bring salvation to the dead. / Cid: Yes. But she doesn't know what she is capable of. The Order has kept the truth from her. ... The Soulsong will destroy us and make you forget we ever existed. Murder on a grand scale. / Lightning: You want me to stop her, right? / Cid: Yes. And then you must tell her what her real power is, so she can lead us to salvation. / Lightning: Is this what you all want? / Cid: It is. But it is not God's will. If you answer our prayer, it will mean defying Bhunivelze.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Hope: It's too late for me now. I had a job. I was God's eyes and ears, made to watch over everything you did. But now the last day is here, and God doesn't need me anymore. I'll just ... disappear.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – The Saint's Decision: Noel. Fang. Snow. Lightning's friends and allies from the past all came together to stop the Soulsong. ... The Soulsong was a lie, meant to destroy the souls of the dead and keep the new world for the chosen few. When Vanille realized this, she stopped the ceremony and instead worked together with Fang to summon the dead to her.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Judgment: Lightning turned her back on God and put a stop to the Soulsong—and Serah's soul appeared before her, as if she had been waiting for Lightning to make the correct choice. ... Yet their reunion was fleeting. The bells that marked the end of the world began tolling, and Bhunivelze awoke. The almighty god descended upon the world in Hope's body and snatched away the souls of Serah and Lightning's friends.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – The Final Battle: In God's plan, Lightning is to take the place of the fallen Etro and watch over the souls of the dead, ensuring that they are reborn and that the cycle of life continues. Without such a goddess, the new world will suffer the same fate as the old one has.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: I have to stay. Someone has to control the Chaos. I have to keep it safe. The new world ... and you ... and all of humanity.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: We don't need God anymore. / Caius: The living don't need a god, but the dead do. A god to protect them. A god of salvation. / Yeuls: We shall become that god. We will rule over the Unseen Realm, and from there, we will look over the cycle of death and rebirth.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Caius: If it is your wish - you will die in her place. / Noel: Go ahead. Do your worst. / Caius: Then swear on your life ... Keep [Yeul] safe. / Yeuls: She is the last of us. Only she can be free. Caius has released her from the fate of the seeress.
^Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: This journey is over now. I wonder when the next will begin. I only know ... that soon, we'll be together.
^Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII: The Complete Official Guide Collector's Edition. Piggyback Interactive. 2012-02-03: 345. ISBN 978-1-908172-11-2.