
化石时期:62–0 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
总科: 鳳蝶總科 Papilionoidea
科: 蛺蝶科 Nymphalidae
亚科: 釉蛱蝶亚科 Heliconiinae
Swainson , 1822





  • 鋸蛺蝶屬 Cethosia —— 獨自進化出一個演化支,因此不歸入以上各屬[2]


  1. ^ Heikkilä, M., Kaila, L., Mutanen, M., Peña, C., & Wahlberg, N. (2012, March). Cretaceous origin and repeated tertiary diversification of the redefined butterflies. In Proc. R. Soc. B (Vol. 279, No. 1731, pp. 1093-1099). The Royal Society.
  2. ^ Wahlberg, Niklas and Andrew V. Z. Brower. 2008. Heliconiinae Swainson 1822. Version 19 March 2008 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Heliconiinae/12194/2008.03.19页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆


  • Brower, A. V. Z. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships among the Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera), inferred from partial sequences of the wingless gene. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 267:1201-1211.
  • Freitas, A. V. L., and K. S. J. Brown. 2004. Phylogeny of the Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Systematic Biology 53:363-383.
  • Penz, C., and D. Peggie. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among Heliconiinae genera based on morphology (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Systematic Entomology 28:451-479.
  • Silva-Brandão, K. L., Wahlberg, N., Francini, R. B., Azeredo-Espin, A. M. L., Brown, K. S. J., Paluch, M., Lees, D. C. & Freitas, A. V. L. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of butterflies of the tribe Acraeini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) and the evolution of host plant use. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46, 515-531.
  • Wahlberg, N., E. Weingartner, and S. Nylin. 2003. Towards a better understanding of the higher systematics of Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28:473-484.