我們相信上帝已把所有罪人稱為義;意思是說,祂已宣告所有罪人因着基督的緣故得稱為義。這是聖經的核心信息,教會的存在也是建基於此。這個信息跟所有不同時代、不同地方、不同種族及不同社會階層的人同樣適切,因為「因一人的過犯,眾人都被定罪」(羅馬書5:18)。所有人都需要上帝赦罪,而聖經就在這事上宣佈所有人都已被稱義,因為「因一次的義行,眾人也就被稱義得生命了」(羅馬書5:18)...我們相信每個人藉着信領受這份禮物(以弗所書2:8,9),而非藉着他們的行為。使我們稱義的信心就是信賴基督及祂救贖之工。這使人稱義的信並不是因為它本身有任何能力,而是因為它緊守上帝在基督裏預備的救贖(羅馬書3:28;4:5)。另一方面,雖然基督為所有人死,聖經說:「不信的,必被定罪」(馬可福音16:16),不信的人將失去基督為他們贏取的赦罪(約翰福音8:24)。 — 《我們所信》(This We Believe)頁9[6]
^Kurt Aland. A History of Christianity, vol. 2, trans. James Schaaf. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1986: p. 13–14. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
^WELS Topical Q&A: Sanctification and Justification, by Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, "Justification is God's act of declaring sinners not guilty or forgiven. God declares us not guilty because he declared Jesus guilty in our place. Justification takes place outside of us and involves a change in our status before God. Although we were guilty of sin, God has declared us not guilty. He has forgiven all our sins. Therefore our justification before God is full and complete."
^Keller, Brian R., Believe it or not: You are forgiven through Christ![永久失效連結], , "Once again, reconciliation is a past, objective fact(Gk: Aorist passive participle). It happened. It's finished. It's done. It's true..."Justified" describes a legal relationship to God of being declared, "not guilty." "Reconciled" describes a complete change in status before God. We were God's enemies at the time, as verse 10 reveals, but we are not God's enemies any longer. We were reconciled by the "death of his Son." Jesus's atoning death removed the barrier of sin that separated sinners from holy God."
^WELS Topical Q&A: Sanctification and Justification, by Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, When the Holy Spirit creates faith in us, he renews in us the image of God so that through his power we produce good works. These good works are not meritorious but show the faith in our hearts(Ephesians 2:8-10, James 2:18). Sanctification flows from justification.