被提这个名词的普及与普利茅斯弟兄会领袖达秘的教导,以及19世纪末英语教会中千禧年前论(premillennialism)和时代论(dispensationalism)的兴起有很大的关系。1908年,被提的教义由于福音传道者William Eugene Blackstone的著作Jesus Is Coming(销售量达100多万册)而进一步普及[21]。“被提”一词首先出现在出版物中是1909年的Scofield Reference Bible[22]。
1957年,达拉斯神学院的神学家華約翰(英语:John Walvoord)博士写了一本书《被提问题》(The Rapture Question),支持灾前被提理论,这本书的销售量达到65,000册。1958年,潘潔德(英语:J. Dwight Pentecost)也写了一本书《圣经末世学研究》(Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology)支持灾前被提理论,这本书的销售量达到215,000册。
1970年代,被提成为一个流行的话题,这部分是由于何凌西(英语:Hal Lindsey)的书籍,包括《末後的伟大地球》(The Late, Great Planet Earth)一书,该书销售了1500万-3500万册 [23]。何凌西声称被提即将来临,这个思想受到当时世界情形的影响。冷战和欧洲经济共同体显然是哈米吉多顿迫近的预报。1970年代其他全球政治问题也已经在圣经中被预言。Lindsey 暗示启示录中提到的七头十角的兽就是欧洲经济共同体(欧盟的前身),当时有10个成员国,现在已有27个成员国。
^Cf. Michael D. Guinan, "Raptured or Not? A Catholic Understanding", Catholic Update, October 2005, https://web.archive.org/web/20140404105238/http://www.americancatholic.org/Newsletters/CU/ac1005.asp ("For many American fundamentalist Christians, the Rapture forms part of the scenario of events that will happen at the end of the world....[T]he more common view is [the pre-tribulation view].") (emphasis added); (American Anglican commentary), Comment of Jon Edwards ("[T]he word 'rapture' can be found before 1830. But before 1830 it always referred to a POST-TRIB rapture....").
^Michael D. Guinan, "Raptured or Not? A Catholic Understanding", Catholic Update, October 2005, https://web.archive.org/web/20140404105238/http://www.americancatholic.org/Newsletters/CU/ac1005.asp ("But what do we mean by 'the Rapture'? The word can be used in different ways. Spiritual writers have used it for mystical union with God, or our final sharing in God’s heavenly life. This is not the sense we are using it in here; we are using it in a much more specific way. For many American fundamentalist Christians, the Rapture forms part of the scenario of events that will happen at the end of the world....[T]he more common view is [the pre-tribulation view].") (Roman Catholic commentary).
^See, for example, Michael D. Guinan, "Raptured or Not? A Catholic Understanding", Catholic Update, October 2005, https://web.archive.org/web/20140404105238/http://www.americancatholic.org/Newsletters/CU/ac1005.asp ("The word can be used in different ways. Spiritual writers have used it for mystical union with God, or our final sharing in God’s heavenly life. This is not the sense we are using it in here. . . . 'What is the Catholic teaching on the Rapture?' It was over 30 years ago that a student in my Scripture class asked me that question. Drawing on all my years of Catholic education (kindergarten through the seminary and doctoral studies), I replied, 'The what?' I had never heard of it.").
^Anthony M. Coniaris, "The Rapture: Why the Orthodox don't preach it," Light & Life Publishing, Life Line, September 12, 2005, Volume 2, Issue 3, available at https://web.archive.org/web/20121109035607/http://www.light-n-life.com/newsletters/09-12-2005.htm ("As already stated, most Christians, Orthodox, Roman Catholics and Protestants do not believe in the Rapture.") (Orthodox commentary), last accessed January 27, 2012.
^See notes above for specific denominations (Catechism - Catholic, Light & Life Newsletter - Orthodox, Lutheran Witness - Lutheran, Reformed Online - Reformed).
^Cf. Ian S. Markham, "John Darby", The Student's Companion to the Theologians, p.263-64 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013) ("[Darby] simultaneously created a theology that holds the popular imagination and was popularized very effectively in the margins of the Schofield Bible."), http://books.google.com/books?id=h6SHSAjeCrYC .
^Carl E. Olson, "Five Myths About the Rapture," Crisis p. 28-33 (Morley Publishing Group, 2003) ("LaHaye declares, in Rapture Under Attack, that “virtually all Christians who take the Bible literally expect to be raptured before the Lord comes in power to this earth.” This would have been news to Christians — both Catholic and Protestant — living prior to the 18th century, since the concept of a pretribulation Rapture was unheard of prior to that time. Vague notions had been considered by the Puritan preachers Increase (1639-1723) and Cotton Mather (1663-1728), and the late 18th-century Baptist minister Morgan Edwards, but it was John Nelson Darby who solidified the belief in the 1830s and placed it into a larger theological framework."). Reprinted at http://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=5788 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) .