Profile of PMB (New Student Admissions) students from several periods have abundant data that can be used for research. The data is in the form of student information from the majors of origin, NEM and majors now. Classifying the PMB profile data of students at the University level in Yogyakarta can know the majority of learners. Comparing some algorithms is needed to find out the best algorithm. Classification is a grouping algorithm that has several algorithms such as Decision Tree (C4.5) and K-Naive Bayes. Decision Tree (C4.5) is an algorithm with decision tree, while K-Naive Bayes is the likely algorithm that will occur. This analysis uses Rapidminer which is a data analysis software with features of several algorithms that are easy to operate. Both algorithms have results with large data of 1504 students, Decision tree (C4.5) has an accuracy of 81.84% and an error accuracy of 18.16%, while K-Naive Bayes 85.12% and accuracy of error 14.88%. Whereas with smaller data the Decision tree (C4.5) has 100% accuracy whereas K-Naive Bayes has the same accuracy as Decision Tree (C4.5) that is 100%.
Published by | Universitas Sebelas Maret |
Journal Name | Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics |
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Contact Name | Fendi Aji Purnomo |
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Location | Kota surakarta, Jawa tengah INDONESIA |
Website | ijai|| |
ISSN | ISSN : 25483846, EISSN : 25985981, DOI : -, |
Core Subject | Science, |
Meta Subject | Computer Science & IT, |
Meta Desc | Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics publishes articles that are of significance in their respective fields whilst also contributing to the discipline of informatics as a whole and its application. Every incoming manuscript will first be examined by the Editorial Board in accordance with sub-fields of research and attention to elements of conformity with the format and guidelines for writing Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics. Each manuscript is declared eligible by the editor will be returned to the author (if there are repairs) or can be directly issued (if there is no revision required). |
Penulis | Suyadi, Suyadi , Setyanto, Arief , Fattah, Hanif Al |
Publisher Article | Universitas Sebelas Maret |
Subtitle Article | Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics Vol 2, No 1 (2017) |
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DOI Number | DOI: 10.13057/ijai.v2i1.13258 |
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Informasi yang terkait dengan Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Decision Tree (C4.5) Dan K Naive Bayes Untuk Mengklasifikasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Tingkat Universitas
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