AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  efektifitas diklat vokasi pengolahan jagung dengan pendekatan pola magang  terhadap peningkatan kompetensi peserta. Metode penelitian menggunakan dengan  metode Diskrif analisis dengan jalan survey dengan menggunakan kuessener, adapun analisis data dianalisa secara diskriptif dan korelasi dengan menggunakan software SPSS Versi 18 for windows. Hasil penelitian Diklat vokasi pengolahan jagung dengan pendekatan pola magang  menunjukkan efektif dan efisien  terhadap peningkatan kompetensi peserta, dengan perincian sebagai berikut : (1). Aspek penyelenggaraan menujukkan dari 21 unsur yang dinilai menunjukkan sesuai dengan target sasaran ISO 9001:2015. (2.) Aspek penguasaan/pemahaman materi, peserta menyatakan "menguasai", bahwa dari 30  orang peserta pelatihan terdapat 5 orang atau 16,67% yang menyatakan “cukup menguasai”, 24 orang atau 80% yang menyatakan “menguasai” dan 1  orang atau 3,33% yang menyatakan “sangat menguasai”. (3).  Aspek sikap dan perilaku peserta/ kepercaya diri,  dalam kategori “baik” target program ISO 9001:2015 sebesar 78,38, sedangkan hasil evaluasi terhadap sikap perilaku rata-rata  mencapai 80,69. (4). Aspek Kemampuan widyaiswara/fasilitator,  “baik” dengan nilai rata-rata 88,13, mencapai target sasaran mutu ISO 9001:2015 87. (5). Aspek   kepuasan peserta terhadap penyelenggaraan “sangat baik” dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 91,97, dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 91,97 berarti mencapai target program  ISO 9001:2015 sebesar 90. (6). Aspek  kemajuan berlatih mencapai kenaikan kompetensi 167,11 %.  (7). Aspek korelasi antara pendidikan peserta dengan kenaikan nilai antara pre test dan nilai akhir (gabungan nilai post test dan nilai unjuk kerja). Dari hasil korelasi antara pendidikan peserta dengan kenaikan nilai diperoleh bahwa rata-rata kenaikan nilai tertinggi (42,00) diperoleh peserta yang berpendidikan D3, sedangkan rata-rata kenaikan nilai terendah (25,00) diperoleh peserta yang berpendidikan S2.(8). Aspek Korelasi antara kabupaten asal peserta dengan kenaikan nilai antara pre test dan post test. Dari hasil korelasi antara kabupaten asal peserta dengan kenaikan nilai diperoleh bahwa rata-rata kenaikan nilai tertinggi (64,00) diperoleh peserta yang berasal dari Kabupaten Karangasem, sedangkan rata-rata kenaikan nilai terendah (10,00) diperoleh peserta yang berasal dari Kabupaten Tabanan. Hasil analisis dari berbagai aspek diatas yang dianalisis pada diklat menunjukkan keberhasilan kegiatan dibandingkan target sasaran mutu ISO 9001:2015.  Abstract  This study aims to determine the effectiveness of vocational training in corn processing with an apprenticeship approach to improving the competency of participants. The research method uses the Discrete Analysis method by surveying using a questionnaire, while the analysis of the data is analyzed descriptively and correlated using SPSS Version 18 for Windows software. The results of the research on vocational training in corn processing with an apprenticeship pattern approach showed an effective and efficient way to increase the competency of participants, with the following details: (1). The organizing aspect shows that the 21 elements that are assessed show that they are in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 targets. (2.) Aspects of mastery / understanding of the material, participants stated "mastered", that out of 30 trainees there were 5 people or 16.67% who stated "enough to master", 24 people or 80% who stated "mastered" and 1 person or 3.33% which states "very controlling". (3). Attitudes and behavioral aspects of participants / self-confidence, in the category of "good" ISO 9001: 2015 program target of 78.38, while the results of the evaluation of attitudes towards behavior reached an average of 80.69. (4). Aspect The ability of widyaiswara / facilitator, "good" with an average value of 88.13, reaches the ISO 9001: 2015 87 quality target. (5). The aspect of participant satisfaction with the organization of "very good" with an average value of 91.97, with an average value of 91.97 means achieving the ISO 9001: 2015 program target of 90. (6). The progress aspect of practicing achieved an increase in competence of 167.11%. (7). The aspect of correlation between participant education and the increase in scores between pre-test and final score (a combination of post-test scores and performance scores). From the results of the correlation between the education of participants with an increase in value it is obtained that the highest average increase in value (42.00) is obtained by participants who have D3 education, while the average increase in the lowest value (25.00) is obtained by participants who have S2 education (8). Correlation Aspect between participant's home district with an increase in value between pre-test and post-test. From the results of the correlation between the districts of origin of participants with an increase in value obtained that the average highest increase in value (64.00) obtained by participants who came from Karangasem Regency, while the average lowest increase in value (10.00) was obtained by participants who came from Tabanan Regency . The results of the analysis of the various aspects above analyzed in the training show the success of the activities compared to ISO 9001: 2015 quality targets

Published by Universitas Negeri Malang
Journal Name Jurnal Pendidikan Nonformal
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Core Subject Education,
Meta Subject Education,
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PenulisMurdani, Murdani
Publisher ArticleFakultas Ilmu Pendidikan-Universitas Negeri Malang
Subtitle Article Jurnal Pendidikan Nonformal Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
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DOI Number DOI: 10.17977/um041v15i1p29 - 37
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