Generator pulsa tegangan tinggi diperlukan untuk memicu transduser ultrasonik dalam proses pembangkitan gelombang ultrasonik. Salah satu komponen sumber daya generator pulsa ini adalah tegangan tinggi searah (DC) orde 1 kV. Makalah ini melaporkan desain dan fabrikasi tegangan tinggi DC melalui transformator step-up inti besi fasa tunggal 0,5 mA dengan tegangan punak-puncak sinusoida sekunder hingga 1 kV 50 Hz. Masukan primer adalah jala-jala 220 VAC dengan variasi tegangan AC terminal sekunder 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 dan 1000 V. Sebuah dioda jembatan penyearah digunakan untuk penyearahan penuh…
Metode pengawetan makanan dengan memodifikasi komposisi udara khususnya untuk kandungan oksigen dan karbondioksida di ruang simpan atau disebut juga dengan Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAS) telah diterapkan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan dari buah-buhan dan sayuran. Modifikasi komposisi udara dalam ruang simpan MAS menggunakan injector tipe sparger dengan gas karbon dioksida. Kinerja sparger dinilai dari peningkatan jumlah kandungan gas oksigen dalam ruang simpan dan tingkat homogenitas di dalam sparger. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemilihan sparger berdasarkan variasi di…
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) merupakan suatu piranti yang dibuat sebagai pengganti kumpulan relai-relai mekanik yang digunakan dalam sistem kontrol. PLC berkerja dengan cara membaca instruksi-instruksi dari masukannya. Karena PLC pada umumnya memiliki harga yang cukup mahal dan hanya beberapa orang yang dapat mempelajarinya, maka dibuatlah PLC trainer. PLC trainer dirancang menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, modul input (berupa: toggle switch, push button, dan limit switch), dan modul output (berupa: LED, seven segment, motor DC, dan buzzer). PLC trainer juga dilengkapi prototype l…
Evaluasi dilakukan untuk mengukur proses pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan. Pelaksanaan ujian, pemeriksaan hasil ujian, serta pengumuman nilai ujian pada SMK Pasim Plus telah menggunakan sistem informasi ujian online. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 466 populasi siswa dengan pengambilan jumlah sampel berdasarkan rumus Slovin yaitu sebanyak 215 siswa. Model penelitian yang digunakan adalah D&M IS Success Model untuk mengukur kesuksesan sistem informasi, serta model UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) untuk mengukur niat dan penggunaan sistem informasi. Teknik pengumpulan d…
Finite State Machine (FSM) is a control system methodology that describes systemâs behavior using three things, namely: state, event, and action. On a program, the system would be in one active state. The system can switch or move to another state if it gets a certain input or event. In this paper, FSM based on Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller algorithm will be implemented on line follower robot. PID controller is one of system control methods that many used recently. FSM based on PID controller is implemented to keep robot tracking the line trajectory as well. The te…
The rapid rate use of fossil fuels globally results in many environmental problems. The adoption of energy efficient technology has the potential to substantially reduce the amount of energy used in buildings. This paper discuses the energy saving measures and simulation for a six-floor library building, University of Surabaya, Indonesia. Simulation was carried out using the Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiency (EDGE) simulation software. The results of simulation showed that 53% of energy efficiency can be reached, without lowering of the building comfort, by applying of four measures …
AbstractThe success of a learning process in the classroom is directly affected by the teacher. By using the strategies, approaches and methods are appropriate and in accordance with the state of the class would help teachers to deliver learning materials that you want to serve and students will also be very easy to understand the material .. In the delivery of material by a teacher will also greatly affect the interest of students taught. Elementary School teacher often teaches almost all fields of study there, it makes learning less effective. Students tend to be passive in following the les…
AbstractProgress of a region is very good for the community, it is certainly demands a good development in various sectors of infrastructure built and continue to be developed. Through the implementation of community service, local people are given material counseling in developing tourism area in Porsea North Sumatera especially to be able to contribute and solve local community problems so as to create an opportunity to continuously improve local welfare level. In the method of implementation of this activity is done by providing knowledge mapping area of study location to the community, aft…
AbstractLearning is a process of self-development is done anytime, anywhere and anyone without exception. Rapidly growing information technology and provide convenience for human civilization. Each region has a different potential that needs to be excavated and processed in order to compete to be featured which ultimately provide the solution of the problems that exist. Builders of information and communication technology infrastructure slowly spreads, and provide value to society. This devotion is implemented with training for local people and especially the managers of boarding schools. Trai…
AbstractIn 2002 Pulau Untung Jawa where located in Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, Provinsi DKI Jakarta, the government proclaimed as Desa Wisata Nelayan. Tourism in Pulau Untung Jawa is an attractive alternative for people in Jakarta and Tangerang requiring sights on weekends or on holidays. Pulau Untung Jawa residents also participate in the tourism program by providing a wide range of tourist facilities. One of the facilities is a favorite eating place in Pulau Untung Jawa, namely WARUNG GO-SIP. Although visitors quite crowded, especially on weekends and holidays, but visitors who come do not g…
AbstractWith the increasing demand of Batik Plentong increasingly sharp so that the company is overwhelmed to serve the demand from domestic consumers and foreign consumers. On the other hand, batik plentong companies have an increase in workers therefore there is a need for comfort and safety factors for workers as applied to the law on the standardization of proper facilities. The process of batik using canting requires precision and high precision, thus requiring facilities or facilities that support the activity. Artificial lighting conditions in the batik "Batik Plentong" is less than ide…
AbstractCommunity service is an activity that must be carried out by a professor in the activities of tri dharma college, which aims to implement the knowledge they have for enhancing the welfare of society both directly and indirectly. One reason community service is done in Yayasan Pendidikan Birrul Walidain Semplak Bogor is because the foundation is guided village Esa Unggul University. Besides this foundation has three laboratories with each lab contains 20 computers. Computers in the lab is still not connected to one another. In this case the method of training activities for teachers in …
AbstractRisk Perception is one of important factor to develop safety behaviour. The aim of this activity was to improve the perception of safety risk remains low drive that was originally to be better. Risk perception is assessed by psychometric paradigm. The study was conducted on 150 respondents on July 2016 using cross-sectional design, the primary data in the form of questionnaires, and supporting data in the form of interviews. The parameters used are Likert scale numbers 1 - 4. The results showed that prior to the activity, the perception of the respondents have been quite good (intermed…
AbstractThe problems of national education which are the focus of the Community Service Program (AbdiMas) to schools are based on: (1) the tendency of learning on teacher activities, (2) identical use of lecture and demonstration methods in teacher activities, and (3) learning materials that emphasize more on concepts rather than competencies. So it is needed the skills of management of innovative and interactive learning process as teacher pedagogic competence.. Implementation of training is given to educators at SMP St. Andreas, Jakarta. using presentation methods, lectures, and active parti…
AbstrakUlar merupakan reptil yang dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya, oleh sebab itu jenis dan penyebarannya sangat banyak dibandingkan dengan jenis reptile maupun binatang lainnya. Beberapa jenis ular hidup diberbagai habitat seperti di hutan, gunung, sungai, semak belukar, gorong-gorong, serta di laut. Oleh sebab itu tidak mengherankan bila banyak dijumpai ular yang masuk kedalam pemukiman warga. Namun sayangnya keberadaan ular di masyarakat belum dapat diterima keberadaannya karena adanya pengetahuan yang kurang tepat, sehingga tidak mengherankan jika ada warga yang bertemu ular mereka …
AbstractImplementation of Community Service aimed at Vocational High School in Tangerang Banten region, precisely SMK Citra Nusantara Panongan aims to share knowledge or transfer knowledge about mastery strategy programming through programming language. Programming Language (programming language) is a computer instruction to perform certain functions. The programming language is a set of terms of syntax, logic and semantics used to define computer programs. The methods used in the implementation of community service are counseling, discussion and implemantation, to enable Students to understan…
Study biomagnifition of lead (Pb) of sea water, Seagrass, “baronang†species of fish and sediment, on Bontang coastal waters. The objective of this research was to know the compound Pb in sea water, sediment, seagress and “baronangâ€. And to know the adsorption and bioconcentration of them. This research conducted through field survey and laboratorium analysis, where the result elaborated as quantitative descriptive since Mei to October 2009, covering had taken the samples, sample preparation, laboratorium analysis, tabulation and data analysis. The samples analyzed by p…
Masalah yang dihadapi alat tangkap pancing adalah ketersediaan umpan yang tidak kontinyu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memanfaatkan limbah ikan agar mempunyai nilai tambah, mengetahui kemampuan dan kemanfaatan teknologi umpan buatan. Metode yang digunakan eksperimen, dengan uji anova dan analisa usaha. Daerah uji di perairan desa Pangeranan Kabupaten Bangkalan perairan Laut Jawa. dengan koordinat  060.59’.734†LS dan 1120.42’.827†BT. Hasil dari uji coba lapangan mendapatkan ikan Karapu Lumpur, Kerapu Toke, Pari, Keting. Rata-rata penangkapan 38 ekor dengan bera…