Kegelisahan sebagai ide penciptaan karya seni lukis ini di latar belakangi karena perasaan cinta kepada seseorangperempuan yang tak berujung dengan hubungan percintaan. Penulis telah berlebihan dalam mempertahankan cintatersebut, sehingga terbebani dengan berbagai macam penderitaan, rasa sakit dan kegelisahan. Oleh karena itu penulisingin mengolah ide kegelisahan tersebut dalam penciptaaan karya. Dalam penciptaan karya ini, bentuk kegelisahan dibuat dengan percampuran teknik, dalam bentuk sebuah lukisan,dengan melalui beberapa tahapan seperti, membuat desain karya, persiapan alat dan bahan, pr…

Terciptanya karya lukis bergaya surealisme ini berawal dari prilaku lifestyle atau gaya hidup anak muda, dimana dimasaitu kebebasan berekspresi soal gaya hidup menjadikan frame of referance untuk membentuk sikap serta pola prilakunya.Masa dimana dunia berasa dalam genggaman tangan, penuh cinta, cita-cita dan pencarian jati diri. Sebelumnya penulismenciptakan bentuk-bentuk karakter visual dari kegemaran menonton filem kartun dan mengkoleksi toy,s untukmengekspresikan kesenaganya. Untuk penciptaan karya seni lukis ini penulis memfokuskan pada penggambarankarakter visual fiktif bertubuh manusia d…

Terciptanya karya lukis berawal dari ide pencipta yang terinspirasi oleh gestur tubuh wanita, berangkat daripengalaman pencipta hingga observasi langsung, dengan melihat, mengamati, dan memaknai setiap pesan darigestur tubuh tersebut. Dalam penciptaan karya ini, pencipta memiliki konsep tentang sebuah pesan-pesan yangdisampaikan bukan hanya melalui pembicaraan atau bahasa verbal saja, melainkan dengan gestur tubuh sebuahpesan-pesan tertentu bisa tercipta. Dalam penciptaan karya seni dua dimensi, pencipta menggunakan berbagaiteknik, terutama teknik (stensil) dan teknik (kuas), dengan menggunaka…

Rahadil Hermana atau kerap disapa Bodilpunk adalah salah satu ilustrator Indonesia yang berasal dari kotaMalang, Jawa timur. Selain sebagai ilustrator Bodilpunk adalah artis grafis untuk sebuah pakaian, barangdagangan band, poster dan lain-lain. Dalam proses pembuatan karya ilustrasi tidak hanya sekedar untukmembuat karya saja, namun dalam penciptaan sebuah karya oleh erat kaitannya dengan penyajian unsur senisehingga dapat dinikmati oleh konsumen dan semua kalangan, mengingat konsumen dan penikmat seni sebagaisarana objek penyampaian pesan visual. Hal tersebut diwujudkan melalui penelitian ya…

Penciptaan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengalaman penulis dibidang fesyen, proses detail teknik jahit, sulam danrajut untuk membuat sebuah busana dengan estetika tertentu menjadi sumber ide karya seni rupa penulis. Fokuspenciptaan pada karya ini adalah mengeksplorasi media benang dengan salah satu tema fesyen ?Greyzone? yangmenginterpretasikan bentuk dan visual limbah dalam bentuk karya seni rupa. Beberapa metode penciptaan karya senirupa antara lain, pengamatan visual, ide, konsep, proses, eksplorasi, eksperimen, hasil karya, evaluasi, validasi, revisi,dan penyajian. Perwujudan karya terdiri da…

Refleksi dampak sampah visual di perkotaan dalam penciptaan seni lukis ini, dilatarbelakangi olehkegelisahan pribadi terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Ketika melihat banyaknya sampah visual, sepertiperiklanan yang tertempel disetiap dinding, pepohonan, tiang listrik sehingga mengganggu pandanganmata. oleh karena itu penulis ingin merefleksikan dan mengolah ide sampah visual tersebut dalampenciptaaan karya. Dalam penciptaan karya ini, bentuk sampah visual dibuat dengan percampuran teknik.dalam bentuk lukisan, dengan melalui beberapa tahapan seperti, membuat desain karya, persiapan alat danbahan, pro…

mengajarkan tanggung jawab, dan mengembangkan rasa empati pada anak. Selain manfaat sosial dan emosional, kucing juga baik untuk kesehatan anak. Kondisi mental kucing yang sehat akan mempengaruhi kesehatan pemiliknya. Oleh karena itu, memelihara kucing sangat membutuhkan kesadaran dan tanggung jawab pemiliknya. Namun ketidaktahuan anak dapat menimbulkan pengaruh buruk, baik pada kucing maupun pada anak itu sendiri. Dalam upaya menghindari hal yang menyebabkan baik anak maupun kucing terluka, perlu adanya media edukasi panduan memelihara kucing bagi anak. Perancangan buku ilustrasi edukasi diaw…

The purpose of research to known charateristics voters and response of regional head election 2015 at desa pulau padang kecamatan singingi kabupaten kuantan singingi. This research is located at desa pulau padang. The study using the research methods quantitative descriftive with how to use a list of data the selection remains in desa pulau padang. To know how the charateristics of the people to selection bupati and deputy bupati and how the response of againts the results of regional head election at desa pulau padang kecamatan singingi kabupaten kuatan singingi. For the data collection of re…

PDIP’s decision to carry Ahok showed the long journey of Ahok in Jakarta Governor Election 2017. In reporting of Ahok’s news is the result of framed construction by media’s reporters in accordance with the ideology and policy of and This research was conducted to see how and construct Ahok’s news when carried by PDIP and how ideology in the news media. This research aims to determine the construction and the news media in reporting Ahok ideology when carried PDIP in online media and Detik.comThis research is using the q…

This research was conducted at Capture Studio Pekanbaru which is located on Marsan Sejahtera Street, Sidomulyo Barat, Tampan, Pekanbaru. The problem in this study is that in the last five years the company has only reached one target and even a decline in income in the last two years. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality and digital marketing on consumer buying interest in capture studio Pekanbaru. In this study the method used was quantitative descriptive with the SPSS program. The population in this study were consumers who used services from capture studi…

The rising tide of money politics is very dangerous implications for the strengthening of democracy and the nation state. Through money politics, sovereignty is not there at the hands of the people but the sovereignty is in the hands of "money". Therefore, the sovereign is "the owner of money", no longer a majority of the people. If there is any doubt about the political correctness of money in Meranti Islands District in the elections in 2015, should be respected because: first, post-election was not a dispute of money politics of electoral participants from both institutional and individual …

Terrorism was a serious crime that need to be discussed in Riau Province. In this case, all institution must contributed to control and prevent the causes of terrorism growing widely. Because the terrorism couldnot be managed personally, coordination between institution were important to prevent the sprouting of this serious crime. The purpose of this research was to know how well coordination between FKPT, MUI and Polda Riau in preventing the terrorism and some causes that made them incoordinate. The teory which applied this research was coordinate by Koonz, O’Donnel and Fayol. It desc…

The village is a tool to achieve national development goals; the village is the leading government agency that can be reached the real target group which wantedto be empowered. In order to support the implementation of Law No. 32 of 2004 on Village Government and Law Number 25 Year 2004 concerning national development planning system, the development of which were conducted by using the paradigm of empowerment was necessary to realize community participation either in the planning, implementation or control of village construction. The objective of theresearch was to determine the community's …

This study aims to determine the effect of Firm Size, Debt Policy, and Dividend Policy on Corporate Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The ratio used to measure firm size as independent variable is Natural Logarithm of Total Asset and Natural Logarithm and Total Sales. The ratio used to measure debt policy is Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Debt to Total Asset Ratio (DAR), while the ratio used to measure dividend policy is Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Meanwhile, the ratio used to measure Company Value is Price Book Value (PBV) and Price Earning Ratio (PER…

The aim of this study to determine the influences of Capital Structure, Ownership struvture and Profitability toward Companies Value of Chemistry which is listed on Indonesia Stock Excange. Ratio of capital structure is used as the independent variable is the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). Ownership structure is used as the independent variabel is the institutional (INST). Profitability ratio which is used as independent variabel are return on investment (ROI). While the value companies as dependent variabel measured by ratio price book value (PBV). In this study, the data where financial report …

Effective interpersonal communication is exchanging information, ideas, beliefs, feelings and attitudes between two people whose results are in line with expectations. Achievement motivation is an encouragement and strength in a person to do certain goals that he wants to achieve. In one application, interpersonal communication is used in the field of dance. The main reason for conducting interpersonal communication research on achievement motivation among members of the Pekanbaru Glossy Dancer Dance Studio is because the nature and character between people is different so the way to motivate …

This study was did in Faculity of Engineering University of Riau. This aims to knowing social perception (family, friends) of gender role as female students in mechanical engineering major and to knowing female students rationality of faculity of engineering doing their every single role as students in mechanical engineering major. This study entitled Rasionality of Female Students in Choosing Mechanical Engineering Major in University of Riau. This study was started from September 2016 until April 2017. The date collection technique is using sampling technique amount to 7 persons. The result …

In line with design research, the use of Bermain Satu Rumah (BSR) as traditional  game to support children’s counting classroom wherein students are encouraged to construct mathematical understanding. Number in traditional games is an interesting aspect that is helpful for children to encounter numerous situations that bring them into contact with sounds, symbols and meanings that relate to numbers. Bermain satu rumah as starting activity would be media to enhance student’s sense of number as well as to be used as learning material. By developing  model-…

The innovation of education is an important point of Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI), one of them through traditional dance as a context of national cultural. Dance that collaborated with concept of mathematics, it is called Math Traditional Dance. This research aims to produce learning line (specific) the material of reflection and symmetry. The research method used is design research that consisted of preparing for the experiments, teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. Data collected through observation, interviews, documentation and field…

A decade of PMRI saw the changes in the classroom in some of the primaryschools in Indonesia. Based on observation, we can say that though themathematics syllabus in Indonesia did not change, its curriculum has changedunder the movement of PMRI.  In this article, we put in writing some of theexperience gained through the involvement in designing curricula since 1971.Hopefully, some of the observations made may be of use to the colleagues inIndonesia. The discussion below will cover some deciding factors in designing acurriculum, some practices, and the latest trends. For convenience, we kee…