Beton memiliki beberapa kekurangan, berbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk mendapatan beton dengan mutu tinggi dan memiliki sifat-sifat yang lebih baik. Penelitian - penelitian telah dilakukan dan dengan beberapa inovasi-inovasi baru, salah satunya adalah dengan penggantian sebagian semen dengan abu sekam padi dan menambahkan serat kawat ikat (bendrat) dan accelerator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian sebagian semen dengan abu sekam padi dan penambahan serat kawat ikat (bendrat) dan accelerator pada beton terhadap kuat tekan dan kuat lentur balok beton bertulang…

Penelitian kuat lekat tulangan bambu Ori bertakikan tipe U dengan jarak takikan 10 cm terhadap tulangan baja bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai kuat lekat tulangan bambu sebagai bahan alternatif pengganti tulangan baja pada beton normal. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental laboratorium. Benda uji berupa silinder diameter 15 cm dan tinggi 30 cm. Di bagian tengah benda uji ditanam tulangan dengan panjang penanaman 25 cm. Tulangan berupa baja dan bambu Ori. Tulangan bambu yang digunakan ada 4 variasi, yaitu bambu Ori bertakikan sejajar tipeU 1 cm dan 2 cm dengan jarak takikan 1…

Dewasa ini, pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan di Indonesia semakin meningkat termasuk di kota Surakarta. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kemacetan. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi masalah kemacetan adalah dengan pemasangan lampu lalu lintas (Traffic signal) pada daerah simpang terutama di perkotaan. Jalan Veteran merupakan jalan mayor yang terdapat tiga simpang yang saling berdekatan, dan terdapat sekelompok pergerakan kendaraan yang berjalan bersamaan (platoon) yang mengalami tundaan pada tiap simpang, sehingga jika dikoordinasikan dapat mengantarkan pengendara melalui ketiga simpang tersebut tanp…

Kabupaten Wonogiri terletak pada 7 32 - 8 15 Lintang Selatan dan 110 41 - 111 18 Bujur Timur, posisi Kabupaten Wonogiri sangat strategis karena terletak di ujung selatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan diapit oleh Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kondisi alamnya sebagian besar berupa pegunungan berbatu gamping, terutama di bagian selatan yang termasuk jajaran Pegunungan Seribu, kondisi ini sangat rawan terjadi bencana tanah longsor terutama pada daerah di lereng pegunungan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis perkuatan lereng menggunakan sheet pile untuk menanggulangi longsor. Metod…

Produksi semen yang semakin meningkat turut berkontribusi dalam pencemaran CO2. Oleh karena itu perlu ada kajian untuk meneliti bahan lain pengganti semen yang lebih ramah lingkungan, salah satu bahan yang berpotensi adalah fly ash. Fly ash adalah limbah pembakaran batu bara yang mengandung silica dan alumina mencapai  80% dan bersifat pozzolan. Sebagai subituen semen, penggunaan fly ash dengan kadar tinggi (>50%) disebut dengan High Volume Fly Ash Concrete (HVFAC). Pada penelitian ini akan dikaji tentang pengaruh kadar fly ash 60% pada beton HVFA-SCC terhadap karakteristik beton yang dihasil…

Pemasangan alat pengendali kecepatan vertikal di area permukiman menimbulkan dampak kebisingan dan ketidaknyamanan bagi penduduk yang tinggal disekitarnya. Alat pengendali kecepatan vertikal dapat membatasi kecepatan kendaraan yang melewatinya. Peningkatan kebisingan dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan kendaraan yang melewati speed bump dan dimensi tinggi speed bumps beragam. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier dibantu analisis program SPSS 17 dan metode analisis data 85 persentil. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan 5 lokasi jalan di Surakarta meliputi peningkatan keb…

Salah satu aplikasi penggunaan beton pracetak adalah Paving Block. Paving Block didesain mampu menahan beban orang berjalan. Oleh sebab itu faktor yang paling diperhatikan dalam pembuatan Paving Block adalah adalah mutu beton itu sendiri. Penggunaan beton secara besar-besaran menimbulkan permintaan akan batuan yang meningkat dan menimbulkan berkurangnya sumber daya alam. Sehingga penggunaan material daur ulang menjadi salah satu alternatif yang pantas diaplikasikan. Bahan tambah serat daur ulang saat ini banyak digunakan ke dalam campuran beton dengan berbagai tujuan salah satunya bisa menamba…

This research proposes a development of Early Warning System (EWS) model towards the financial performance of Islamic bank using financial ratios and macroeconomic indicators. The result of this paper is ready-to-use algorithm for the issue that needs to be solved shortly using machine learning technique which is not widely applied in Islamic banking. The research was conducted in three stages using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) technique: the selection of variables that significantly affect financial performance, developing an algorithm as a predictor and testing the predictor algorithm u…

This study aims to develop an Early Warning Indicator (EWI) that can provideearly signals in the presence of pressure on the financial condition of the corporatesector. Thus, efforts to prevent deeper deterioration can be anticipated earlier inorder to maintain the stability of the financial system. In the first stage, based on thecompany’s financial reports, the probable indicators are grouped into four categoriesi.e. liquidity indicator, solvency indicator, profitability indicator and activity indicator.The indicators, selected as EWI, are the indicators that can predict the occurrence ofc…

It is imperative for the Central Bank to know the current state of the economy as the basis underlying projections of future economic conditions. To that end, current economic conditions, in this case household consumption and investment, could be predicted using nowcasting. In this research, a nowcasting model was developed for the two aforementioned macroeconomic variables using a Dynamic Factor Model (DFM). Theindicators used when nowcasting household consumption included: motor vehicle sales, total deposits, the lending rate on consumer loans, M1 and the rupiah exchange rate (NEER), while …

Financial inclusion is one of strategies to increase inclusive growth in a lot of countries. However it may cause either stability or instability in the financial system and the impact can be different among income group countries. Potential instability in the financial system occurs when financial inclusion causes reduction in credit standard, inceasing risk of bank reputation, and uncoresponding regulation in microfinance. Therefore, this research aimed to measure financial inclusion and financial stability indexes between countries and analyze the impact of financial inclusion on financial …

Cryptocurrencies’ popularity has surged during the last few years. This isespecially the case of bitcoin, one among cryptocurrencies which price has soaredfrom USD1,000 in the first quarter of 2017 to USD20,000 by the end of 2017. Ithas now being used by merchants as a medium of exchange. Upon realizing itspopularity, the CME Group that owns the Chicago Mercantile Exchange launcheda futures contract on bitcoin. Yet, there are cases where bitcoin is banned bythe country. This article examines the implication of bitcoin on Islamic financeand questions its acceptance as a medium of exchange (mo…

This paper discusses the denomination effect on shopping decisions in a more realisticspending scenario with various types of goods and relatively adequate denominations,including the specimen of IDR 200,000 banknote which was being investigated, in2015, to be printed by Bank Indonesia, and some other factors affecting spending. Thisresearch used an experimental design in a laboratory study and quasi-experimentaldesign in a field study. In the field study, the denomination of IDR 200,000 wasrepresented by using two pieces of the existing IDR 100,000 banknote, consideredas a single IDR 200,000 …

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is considered as the best measure of economicperformance. However, in Indonesia, the GDP is presented in quarterly aggregate value.As a result, the monthly economic outlook is unknown, and analysis with other monthlyeconomic variables becomes limited. Therefore, this study will disaggregate quarterlyGDP into monthly GDP and its forecasting by using one of the coincident indicatorswhich are monthly Production Index of Large and Medium Manufacturing (industrialproduction index). Disaggregation is done on National GDP data of Indonesia period2000/I to 2016 / IV, where…

This paper identifies the vulnerability of household in Indonesia using both Balance Sheet and Financial Margin Approaches with coping strategy analysis in response to financial pressure. The result concluded that the household sector is solvent and sound with high interconnectivity with the non-financial corporation, particularly with banks. The heatmap coping strategies are in the moderate zone. However, it cumulatively tends to change to a high and extreme zone which potentially creates imbalances in the financial system in Indonesia.

The satisfaction of farmers with the supply of rural public goods is an importantindicator of the effectiveness of rural public goods investment. Using cross-sectionaldata on 400 farmers in five counties of China’s Shaanxi province, this study adoptsordinal logit and probit models to investigate rural residents’ satisfaction and theinfluencing factors in the supply of public goods. The empirical results indicate thatthe income of farmers has a significantly negative impact on their satisfaction, farmerswho were consulted in the process of public goods supply have higher satisfactionlevels …

This paper examines the productivity convergence of the five original Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,Singapore, and Thailand (ASEAN-5), using annual data spanning the period 1968to 2014. Results from two-break Lagrange multiplier and residual augmented leastsquares Lagrange multiplier unit root tests reveal strong evidence of productivityconvergence in case of ASEAN-5. Further, the results based on Phillips–Sul panelclub convergence also reveal productivity convergence. To check the robustness ofour finding, we use an alternat…

The amount of medicinal plants needs and limitations of agricultural land to its development can be overcome through the use of land under forest stands by applying patterns of agroforestry. This study aimed to assess the effect of different varieties and shade stands of pine (P. merkusii) on the productivity and quality of ginger. The design used was a split plot design consisting of 3 replicates and using an area of 100 m2 for each plot at a spacing of 50 x 50 cm. The main plot in the form of light intensity that is 50-58% (age class I), 68-77% (age class II) and 87-92% (poor increment), whe…

Development of high quality palm tree is needed for fulfilling the raw material of palm sugar and other products based on palm tree. This study aims to analyze the sap water yield and palm sugar quality in Tasikmalaya District. The method used in this study was survey and direct measurement of water content, pH, colour, texture, smell, taste, and performance. The geographical indication approach was used to determine the location of the study. The result showed that the average of sap water for palm sugar was 14.13% or 1 kg palm sugar equivalent to 7 litre of sap water, meanwhile 1 kg palm sug…

Generative propagation was needed as one of efforts in developing jamblang as a medicinal plant. This study aims to improve the percentage and germination rate of jamblang seeds through pre-germination and sowing media treatments. The combination of treatments were (1) soil (T) x water (AB), (2) soil (T) x coconut water (AK), (3) soil (T) x control (without soaking treatment) (K), (4) sand (P) x water (AB), (5) sand (P) x coconut water (AK), (6) sand (P) x control (K), (7) mixed soil-sand (TP) x water (AB), (8) mixed soil-sand (TP) x water (AB), and (9) mixed soil-sand (TP) x control (K). The …