The regional regulation is a product of regional legislation in accordance with the scope of regional autonomy in terms of self-regulation on the domestic affairs in the frame of unitary state of Indonesia in accordance with the mandate of regional autonomy as stipulated in the Acts RI No. 32, 2004 on the Regional Government. However, in reality, the establishment practice of regional regulation still shows the existence of regional regulation products which categorized as problematic regional regulation that contradictory to the goals to be achieved by the regional autonomy policy. Therefore,…
One of the Muslim caliphs was Umar bin Khattab. In his time, judicial power began to be separated from the executive power. Even the governance of the judiciary has been set up, among others by imprisoning and appointing a number of judges to resolve disputes between members of the community. One form of coaching by the Caliph Umar bin Khaṭṭab to the judges in performing judicial duties is to send letters containing instructions and guidelines to the judges. One of the judges who had been sent a letter related to the administration of justice was Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari who served as a judge i…
This study explained that Qanun No. 9/2008 of 18 cases were resolved through “village justice” or in accordance with adat (one of which was the case of khalwat) indicated that there wasn’t an explicit command of Aceh government to people in handing over the offence Qanun No. 14/2003 of khalwat to court (Mahkamah Syariah). In addition, Qanun No. 9/2008 indicated that Aceh government could do nothing to resolve the offences like khalwat through court (Mahkamah Syariah). The fact that there was no single (plural) jurisdictional authority encouraged people in looking for favorable rules. The…
Monopoly and oligopoly, monopsy, dominant position, and various other forms of unfair competition in the world of commerce. Indeed the market is an economic element that can realize the benefit and welfare of human life. Islam forbids unfair competition and closes all roads leading to it. Goods and services that are community needs are never justified to be monopolized. In the view of Islam monopoly is something that is legal. What is not permitted in Islam is monopolistic behavior that can harm society.
This study confirmed that in relation to inheritance, khunsa (hermaphrodites) got the part and the different divisions and they tend to get a smaller share of the inheritance. This paper discussed the legacy of khunsa in the discourse of Shafi’ites and its relevance in solving the inheritance issues in the contemporary era. The main sources of this paper are Shafi’ite’s books such as Al-Hawi al-Kabir written by Abu Hasan al-Mawardi Al-Basri, Mughni al-Muhtaj written al-Syarbaini, Majmu’ Syarh al-Muhaźźab by Imam an-Nawawi and so on. This is a library research. It used a philosophical…
The meaning of a word in al-Qur'an is very important in the development of meaning theorization and its developer structure. It can review various styles and art for telling al-Qur'an from the words and sentence structure perspective as well as other peculiarities. Therefore, the existence of this article is a few review not only focuses on the sentence structure, but also the possibility of “transition” the meaning a vocabulary that in turn can influence the actions of meaning. In this discussion is possible the transition of meaning a word into another meaning influenced by the words and…
This paper describes the concept of humans in the Qur'an that were examined by the method of thematic(maudhui). Subject matter includes concepts and functions of human beings, both as individuals and communities. Searching the nature of man is not only based on subjective view, which resulted in the issue of human nature becomes blurred. As a result of the creation work, the issue should not be studied apart from the human point of view of its creators to acquire comprehensive knowledge. If this is accepted- examine the human perspective on its creator -the only way to get to know who the man …
Abstract. Air Sugihan Site was one of early history residential centers in the east coast of South Sumatera. In general, the environment of Air Sugihan Site is dominated by the peat bogs which consist of marsh and paddy vegetations. With such environment, how people could adapt and run their daily activities? To dig more about that, survey and environment observation was conducted in area of Air Sugihan Site to get information about the local community adaptation process with their environment. The survey revealed that people changed the peat bogs environment as settlement and to fulfill the…
AbstractSewu Temple, located in Prambanan, is one of the Buddhist temple complex that have lots of uniqueness. One of the uniqueness can be seen on Perwara Temple that have two ornamentations. But, many scholars never make the research about it. Therefore, in this article, I want to describe the background of the two ornamentations on perwara temple. The research is carried out by observation and literature study. From the research, I find out that the two ornamentations on perwara temple in Sewu Temple complex have relation with the religion conception.Keywords: Buddha, Sewu Temple, perwara t…
Abstrak. Tulisan ini memberi perhatian pada sebuah kawasan yang disebut “tanah di bawah angin”. Seperti sudah dipahami sejarawan, kawasan yang dimaksud merupakan jalinan niaga antar penduduk Asia Tenggara yang berhasil menandai pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peradaban di kawasan ini pada abad ke-15--17. Luasnya cakupan dan kejelasan wilayah ini menimbulkan soal untuk mencapainya. Ranah studi arkeologi sejarah dari masa ini, yang diharapkan dapat memaknai zaman ini, belum cukup diarahkan untuk mengungkapkannya, meskipun sudah cukup banyak penelitian situs dilakukan. Penelitian sintesis yang bertol…
Abstrak. Teras 20 meter Bengawan Solo yang diklaim berumur Pleistosen Atas seringkali dibahas sejak penemuan 14 spesimen Homo erectus beserta sejumlah artefak di Ngandong pada tahun 1931-1933. Namun demikian, artefak batu yang dianggap sebagai peralatan Homo erectus progresif tersebut jarang sekali dibahas secara khusus, sehingga karakter teknologi mereka masih belum jelas statusnya. Situs Matar di tepi timur Bengawan Solo dengan litologi dan posisi yang mirip dengan Ngandong memberikan data baru terkait artefak litik dengan taksiran umur yang sama. Analisis terhadap himpunan artefak litik Sit…
Gua Kidang merupakan hunian manusia prasejarah yang diteliti Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta sejak tahun 2005 dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Berdasarkan survey permukaan di seluruh kawasan karst Blora, Gua Kidang adalah satu-satunya gua yang layak huni. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada morfologi lahan, sirkulasi sinar matahari, kemiringan, kelembaban, serta temuan permukaan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk menelusuri dan mengungkap jejak lokasi situs yang menjembatani kesinambungan antara kebudayaan Pleistosen dan Holosen yang masih gelap. Selain itu, menarik untuk dikaji lebih jauh adalah loka…
Salah satu program penelitian Balai Arkeologi Bandung pada periode 2009 – 2014 adalah mengenai puncak-puncak peradaban di pantai utara Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini secara diakronis ditekankan pada masyarakat Protosejarah, masyarakat masa Klasik, dan masyarakat masa Islam. Khusus pada permasalahan masyarakat masa Klasik, penelitian didasarkan pada data awal bahwa di Karawang terdapat pusat peradaban yang mula-mula berlatarkan pada agama Hindu kemudian berkembang pula agama Buddha. Sementara itu pada penelitian sebelumnya telah didapatkan data mengenai keberadaan masyarakat Hindu di pedalaman Ja…
Watak tokoh Minke dan Nyai Ontosoroh yang diangkat dalam sebuah novel berjudul ?Bumi Manusia? karyaPramoedya Ananta Toer memiliki konsep diri yang menarik, sehingga menginspirasi penulis untukmerepresentasikannya kedalam bentuk karya seni lukis. Konsep diri tersebut dapat terbentuk akibat adanyahubungan interpersonal sesama manusia. Penciptaan karya ini melalui beberapa tahapan seperti, membuat sketsakasar, persiapan alat dan bahan, proses pewarnaan background, proses pewarnaan objek, dan finishing. Dalamproses penciptaan ini, teknik yang digunakan yaitu teknik impasto dan teknik aquarel, deng…
Batik tulis Sekardangan merupakan salah satu pusat perbatikan yang sudah lama ada di Sidoarjoselain di Jetis dan Kenogo. Batik Sekardangan terletak di Jalan Wahidin III kecamatan SekardanganKabupaten Sidoarjo. Batik Sekardangan dikenal masyarakat sebagai batik halus dan mahal. MotifMahkota adalah salah satu motif khas batik Sekardangan yang sudah dipatenkan oleh pemerintah daerah.Rumusan masalah penelitian ini meliputi : 1) Bagaimana perwujudan motif Mahkota pada batiktulis Sekardangan Sidoarjo?. 2) Bagaimana makna filosofi pada motif Mahkota di batik tulisSekardangan Sidoarjo?. Adapun tujuany…
Rumah batik Wardani merupakan nama sebuah tempat home industry batik yang terletak di Jetis Jl.Pasar No.7B Jetis Sidoarjo. Kekhsan dari batik Jetis Wardani ini dari segi warna yang di pakai pada bagianbackground dan pada motif-motifnya. Warna yang digunakan yaitu warna-warna cerah dan mencolokseperti, merah, biru, hitam, hijau, kuning, coklat. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana sejarah berdirinya rumah batik tulisWardani di ?Kampoeng Batik Jetis Sidoarjo??; 2) Bagaimana pola mamanajemen di rumah batik tulisWardani di ?Kampoeng Batik Jetis Sidoarjo??; 3) Bagaimana karakte…