Bandeng (Chanos chanos) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang strategis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein yang relatif murah dan digemari oleh konsumen di Indonesia.Bau lumpur pada ikan umumnya pada ikan tawar disebabkan senyawa kimia yaitu 2-Methylisoborneol dan Geosmin.Tujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan kandungan gizi dan geosmin ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) dari dua lokasi yang berbeda yaitu perairan tambak Lamongan dan Pamekasan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Uji Test-T dengan menggunakan dua faktor untuk analisa uji proksimat. Kandungan gizi ikan bandeng bervariasi, yaitu kadar air ikan ba…

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan yang berbeda terhadap Survival Rate (SR) spat kerang mutiara (Pinctada maxima) serta kepadatan yang tepat pada wadah pemeliharaannya di laut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, yakni perlakuan 1 (kontrol) 60 ind/poket; perlakuan 2 (93 ind/poket); perlakuan 3 (126 ind/poket); perlakuan 4 (159 ind/poket); perlakuan 5 (192 ind/poket); dan perlakuan 6 (225 ind/poket). Ukuran spat yang digunakan 0,8-1,7 cm (45 hari) pada pocket net (47 x 60 cm). Hasil penelitian selam…

Ekosistem mangrove memiliki keanekaragaman hayati baik dari manfaat  ekologi maupun sosial. Ekosistem ini berperan dalam siklus ekologi di wilayah pesisir dengan ketergantungan biota perairan dan manusia terhadap keberadaannya. Kawasan ekosistem mangrove Taman Wisata Teluk Youtefa yang berada dekat dengan perkotaan, menjadikan kawasan tersebut berkaitan langsung dengan keberagaman aktivitas tersebut, seperti pemanfaatan kayu mangrove sebagai kayu bakar, bahan bangunan dan sebagainya yang mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas ekosistem mangrove. Selain itu terdapat aktivitas, seperti konversi lah…

Karakteristik zona intertidal Pantai Pancur Taman Nasional Alas Purwo berupa paparan karang mati, bebatuan, area lamun, dan area makroalga. Kondisi habitat yang heterogen ini menarik untuk diteliti, terutama dalam rangka memahami preferensi habitat populasi spesies Ophiuroidea yang ada, dengan posisi pantai yang menghadap laut lepas Samudera Hindia yang dikenal bergelombang tinggi dan berarus deras. Untuk menentukan relung yang dipilih tiap populasi Ophiuroidea, dilakukan metode road sampling dengan cara ‘tracking’ tipe-tipe habitat dengan GPS sehingga bisa dipetakan dalam peta te…

The period of sea-weed growing under low condition is a problem that is generally faced by the farmers. The spreading of ice ice disease is affected by the environment changes that suppress the sea-weed growing and become the cause of organic substances releasing, MUCUS on thallus and also stimulate the presence of bacteria around the plantation area. The aim of this research is to know the population of bacteria on E. cottonii infected by ice-ice disease at different location. The method used in the measurement of the population bacteria is total fiat analysis (TFA). Data collection was d…

Tulisan ini menggambarkan tentang frase verba bahasa Mandar Majene. Unsur-unsur pemadu frase verba bahasa Mandar Majene adalah verba , ajektiva, modalitas, aspek, dan ingkar. Di antara unsur-unsur pemadu frase verba ini ada yang bersifat wajib (Obligatory) dan adapula yang bersifat manasuka (Optional). Unsur yang bersifat wajib adalah verba, sedangkan yang bersifat manasuka adalah ajektiva, modalitas, aspek dan ingkar. Adapun bentuk-bentuk Frase verba yang terdiri atas verba saja, Frase verba yang terdiri atas modalitas dan verba, Frase verba yang terdiri atas aspek dan verba, Frase verba yang…

This research explored the use of indirect corrective feedback could improve the students writing ability to the fourth semester students of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keperawatan (STIK) Stella Maris Makassar. The researcher chose two classes of the fourth semester students of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keperawatan (STIK) Stella Maris Makassar randomly, as the experimental class and the control class. The two classes were given treatment. This paper describes the control class, which was taught with indirect corrective feedback. The data were collected through writing test. The result of the data analysis s…

This article describes the concept of learning style and the learners’ characteristic of each learning style of students in language learning.  In the first part of this article the writer describes the learning style. Then the writer will related the learning style to language acquisition.  There are 3 types of language learning style described by Tekavcic and Dimovski namely visual, auditory and tactile funtions of someone in processing information. The three main types of learning style are not absolute, of course.  Many learners learn through a variety of senses.  Certain …

This article is aimed at describing the use of pairs teaching in developing students vocabulary. Vocabulary plays an important role in learning English. It is a core component of language proficiency. In mastering English well, students should have sufficient vocabulary because vocabulary is needed in four language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Those skills support each other. One of the methods that can be used to teach vocabulary is pairs teaching. Pairs teaching are a classroom activity in which the whole class is divided into groups. Pairs teaching as method wh…

The objective of this research as to find out the students perception toward the teachers teaching method at the tenth and eleventh grades of Pesantren Modern Datok Sulaiman Palopo.

Reading is certainly one area that receives considerable attention in academic life. Teacher/lecturer have come to realize that students attitude toward reading is every bit as important as improving students reading comprehension. The creation and maintenance of positive attitude toward reading comprehension is expected to be steppingstone of the students success of being good reader. This paper is discussed about the importance of attitudes in relation with reading comprehension. It is expected will give contribution for educator in teaching reading comprehension in all level of education.

The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of using medical terminology in teaching vocabulary as an authentic material at Pharmacy Department at the second year students of SMK Keperawatan Gafur Yahya Palopo. This research was pre experimental research with pre test and post test design. The population was the pharmacy department students which consists of two classes with total number was 60. This research used purposive sampling from population. There were 30 students from class A were chosen as sample since the class have low interest in learning in compare to class B…

This research focuses on three aspects of connected speech. They are assimilation, linking and elision. The objective of the research are to find out the students realization of connected speech aspects which covers assimilation, linking and elision, and to know the students knowledge about those three connected speech aspects. The instruments of the research are reading text and questionnaire. The result of the research shows that in assimilation there are 23 tokens pronouncing correctly and there are 334 tokens which are mispronounced. In linking, 103 tokens are pronounced correctly and 254 …

Terdapat hubungan yang erat antara politik dan bahasa.Wacana politik tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan bahasa.Dalam kehidupan politik terutama dalam era demokrasi dibutuhkan komunikasi yang intens baik secara vertikal maupun horizontal.Bahasa dipergunakan sebagai media dalam komunikasi politik.Bahasa standar harus diperhatikan dalam menyusun Undang Undang. Dengan demikian bahasa yang digunakan tidak menyimpan berbagai tanda tanya atau interpretasi yang membingungkan. Sebelum Undang Undang disahkan, mestinya dilakukan kajian bahasa yang menjunjung tinggi politik bahasa yang mengedepankan kepentingan…

Penelitian ini menerapkan metode SQ5R yang sangat sesuai untuk diterapkan pada kelas Bahasa Inggris di Politeknik yang menitikberatkan pada kemampuan praktek. SQ5R adalah metode membaca yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan metakognitif peserta didik dalam memahami sebuah bacaan. Metode ini terdiri atas tujuh langkah, yaitu Survey (penelaahan/pendahuluan), Question (bertanya), Read (membaca), Recite (mengutarakan kembali), Record (menulis), Review (mengulang kembali), dan Reflect (memberi contoh). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan membaca Bahasa Inggris m…

AbstractThis research addresses two main points. First, the pattern of formulating criminal liability in corporate criminal acts in various laws and regulations in Indonesia. Second, the corporate criminal liability mechanism includes legal entities and non-legal entities. This is a normative research with the aim of discovering the truth of coherence. The research uses statutory and conceptual approach. The results shows that in various laws and regulations governing corporate criminal law, there are 3 groups of legal subjects that can be held liable for criminal responsibility, namely manage…

AbstractThe requirements of intention to create legal relation in an agreement have been a long debate between states both in common law and civil law countries. The absence of legal rules regarding guaranteed stock makes the guaranteed stock agreement a source of legal implementation in the UK. This article purposes to know the importance of the ?intention? in guaranteed stock agreement to be applied in Indonesia. This is a normative legal research using comparative approach which compares the concept of intention in a guaranteed stock agreement in the UK with the concept of intention based o…

AbstractThe fact that the diversity of laws that develop in Indonesia is strongly infl uenced by the socio-philosophical, socio-political and socio-cultural aspects of the Indonesian people. Legal development, as a function of law, is as a social controller and as a means of social engineering demands that national law be predictive, which is able to predict the workings of the law in the future. Then a multidisciplinary comprehensive study becomes a necessity for the formation of National Law. Legal theories that are developing at the present time are very supportive towards pluralist law. ?U…