Oni no Hanayome wa Taberaretai (鬼の花嫁は喰べられたい, lit. "The Demon's Bride Wants to Be Eaten") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Keiko Sakano. It began publication as a one-shot in Hakusensha's The Hana to Yume magazine in January 2020. It later began serialization in the Hana to Yume magazine in May the same year. A 2-episode original net animation adaptation aired in December 2021.
Written and illustrated by Keiko Sakano, Oni no Hanayome wa Taberaretai was initially published as a one-shot in the March 1st 2020 issue of Hakusensha's The Hana to Yume magazine on January 27, 2020. The one-shot was later published in the 9th 2020 issue of Hana to Yume released on April 3 that same year. It later began short-term serialization in Hana to Yume on May 20 that same year.[1] It later resumed serialization on September 19 that same year.[4] Its chapters have been compiled into ten tankōbon volumes as of November 2024.[5]
A 2-episode original net animation adaptation produced by Magia aired on Hakusensha's "Hakusen Anime Channel" YouTube channel from December 20 to 27, 2021.[2]