Azfareo no Sobayōnin (蒼竜の側用人, Azufareo no Sobayōnin) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shiki Chitose. It was initially published as a one-shot in Hakusensha's shōjo manga magazine Hana to Yume in October 2015. It was later serialized in the same magazine as a short serial from January 2016. It later was fully serialized in The Hana to Yume magazine from July 2016 to March 2018, before being transferred back to Hana to Yume in April 2018 and running up until August 2019.
Written and illustrated by Shiki Chitose, Azfareo no Sobayōnin was initially published as a one-shot in Hakusensha's shōjo manga magazine Hana to Yume on October 5, 2015.[2] It was later serialized in the same magazine as a short serialization from January 20, 2016.[2] It later resumed serialization in The Hana to Yume magazine on July 25, 2016.[3] It was later transferred back to Hana to Yume on April 20, 2018 and ran up until August 20, 2019.[4][1] Its chapters were collected into nine tankōbon volumes from May 20, 2016 to September 20, 2019.[5][6]
A spin-off manga, titled Azfareo no Sobayōnin: Shirogane no Ryū-hen was serialized in The Hana to Yume magazine from October 25, 2019 to July 28, 2020.[7][8] Its chapters were collected into a single tankōbon volume on January 20, 2021.[9]
A drama CD adaptation was released in the 22nd issue of Hana to Yume on October 20, 2018. It featured the vocal performances of Nana Mizuki, Yuichi Nakamura, and Ryōta Ōsaka.[17]
The series, alongside This Man is the Biggest Mistake of My Life, won the Women's Comic Prize at NTT Solmare's "Minna ga Erabu!! Denshi Comic Taishō 2019" competition in 2019.[18]