Minuman beralkohol muncul dalam Alkitab Ibrani, setelah Nuh menanam ladang anggur dan menjadi mabuk. Dalam Perjanjian Baru, Yesus secara ajaib membuat sejumlah anggur[1] di perkawinan di Kana. Anggur adalah minuman beralkohol paling umum dalam kesusastraan biblikal, dimana anggur menjadi sumber simbolisme,[2] dan merupakan sebuah bagian penting dari kehidupan sehari-hari pada zaman biblikal.[2][3][4] Selain itu, para penduduk Israel kuno meminum bir, dan wine yang terbuat dari buah-buahan selain anggur.[5]
Catatan kaki
^Six pots of thirty-nine litres each = 234 liters = 61.8 gallons, according to Seesemann, p. 163.
^Broshi (1986), p. 46: "In the biblical description of the agricultural products of the Land, the triad 'cereal, wine, and oil' recurs repeatedly (Deut. 28:51 and elsewhere). These were the main products of ancient Palestine, in order of importance. The fruit of the vine was consumed both fresh and dried (raisins), but it was primarily consumed as wine. Wine was, in antiquity, an important food and not just an embellishment to a feast.... Wine was essentially a man's drink in antiquity, when it became a significant dietary component. Even slaves were given a generous wine ration. Scholars estimate that in ancient Rome an adult consumed a liter of wine daily. Even a minimal estimate of 700g. per day means that wine constituted about one quarter of the caloric intake (600 out of 2,500 cal.) and about one third of the minimum required intake of iron."
M. D. Coogan (1993). "Wine". Dalam Bruce Metzger and M. D. Coogan. The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN978-0-19-504645-8.
W. Dommershausen (1990). "Yayin". Dalam G. Johannes Botterweck; Helmer Ringgren. Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. VI. trans. David E. Green. Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN0-8028-2330-0.
Ralph Earle (1986). "1 Timothy 5:13". Word Meanings in the New Testament. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press. ISBN0-8341-1176-4.
F. S. Fitzsimmonds (1982). "Wine and Strong Drink". Dalam J. D. Douglas. New Bible Dictionary (edisi ke-2nd). Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press. ISBN0-8308-1441-8.
Hans Wolfgang Heidland (1967). "όξος". Dalam Gerhard Kittel and Ronald E. Pitkin. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. V. trans. Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN0-8028-2247-9.
D. Kellermann (1986). "Chomets [et al.]". Dalam G. Johannes Botterweck; Helmer Ringgren. Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. IV. trans. David E. Green. Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN0-8028-2328-9.
Bruce Lincoln (2005). "Beverages". Dalam Lindsay Jones. Encyclopedia of Religion. 2 (edisi ke-2nd). MacMillan Reference Books. ISBN978-0-02-865733-2.
Jill Maynard, ed. (1997a). "Drunkenness". Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Life & Times. Pleasantville, New York: The Reader's Digest Association.
Jill Maynard, ed. (1997b). "Wine". Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Life & Times. Pleasantville, New York: The Reader's Digest Association.
Jill Maynard, ed. (1997c). "Wine Making". Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Life & Times. Pleasantville, New York: The Reader's Digest Association.
John McClintock; James Strong (1891). "Wine". Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. X. New York: Harper and Brothers. hlm. 1010–1017.
M. S. and J. L. Miller revising B. M. Bennett, Jr. and D. H. Scott (1996). "The Life of the Farmer: Land Use and Crops". Harper's Encyclopedia of Bible Life (edisi ke-3rd). Castle Books. ISBN0-7858-0726-8.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link)
I. W. Raymond (1970) [1927]. The Teaching of the Early Church on the Use of Wine and Strong Drink. AMS Press. ISBN978-0-404-51286-6.
Heinrich Seesemann (1967). "οινος". Dalam Gerhard Kittel and Ronald E. Pitkin. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. V. trans. Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN0-8028-2247-9.