研究人員形容這種動物的外觀:「頭骨有大型頭冠,長著喙,無齒,及一個非常像鳥的骨骼。」[9]由於在地獄溪發現而被戲稱為「來自地獄的雞」。命名者之一的拉曼納本來想用拉丁語或古希臘語來把「地獄雞」翻譯成學名,但他發現這些語言都沒能翻得夠貼切,於是最後改將古代蘇美神話中有著鳥類外形的惡魔安祖(英语:Anzû)直接當作屬名,[10]祂名字本身大概的意思是「神聖的/天上的老鷹」。[11]種名wyliei致敬博物館捐贈者之一的李·弗斯特(Lee B. Foster)的孫子威利·塔托(Wylie J. Tuttle)。[1]
安祖龍的外型近似纖手龍,甚至一度被認為是纖手龍;兩者的特徵都是喙沒有牙齒,頭冠極為突出,手臂末端細長、指爪及腳爪都很直、腿長而有力、配有細瘦的腳趾、尾部也都相對較短。估計安祖龍身長約3至3.5公尺,臀高可達1.8公尺,體重介於200至300公斤;依此來看,安祖龍將成為北美最大型的偷蛋龍類恐龍,體型在偷蛋龍類中僅次於蒙古的巨盜龍。[1]2016年奎格利·保羅(英语:Gregory S. Paul)估計3.75公尺長及230至250公斤重。[12]。2021年阿金徽曼等人透過兩種方法來計算安祖龍的質量:容積法得到216至280公斤的值;異速生長法則得到159至199公斤的值;然而據他們表示前者較後者要來得準確。[13]
^原文:"for almost a hundred years, the presence of oviraptorosaurs in North America was only known from a few bits of skeleton, and the details of their appearance and biology remained a mystery. With the discovery of A. wyliei, we finally have the fossil evidence to show what this species looked like and how it is related to other dinosaurs."
^原文:"it would have had a lot of birdy behaviors. When people think of a dinosaur, they think of something like a T. rex or a brontosaurus, and when they think of a bird, they think of something like a sparrow or a chicken. This animal, Anzu, has a mosaic of features of both of those groups, and so it basically provides a really nice link in the evolutionary chain."
^原文:"it is very large and made of paper-thin bone, so it was not able to take much stress. All oviraptosaurs have this crest but it is certainly the largest in A. wyliei. The most likely function is for display, showing off to members of your own species. The Australian cassowary has a similar crest which is thought to be used to attract mates, so it is possible that A. wyliei could have used its crest in a similar fashion."
^The ESF Top 10 New Species for 2015. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. [13 November 2015]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-18).
^Varricchio, D. J. (2001). Late Cretaceous Oviraptorosaur (Theropoda) dinosaurs from Montana. Mesozoic Vertebrate Life. D. H. Tanke and K. Carpenter. Bloomington, Indiana University Press: 42–57.
^Triebold and Nuss. Initial report of a new North American oviraptor.. Graves Museum of Archaeology and Natural History, Publications in Paleontology. 2000, 2.