南茜·弗雷澤 (英語:Nancy Fraser ;1947年5月20日— ), 是美国哲学家 、批评理论家 [ 2] 。弗雷澤批评身份認同政治 。哲學關懷關注正義 議題。弗雷澤也批評当代自由女性主义 放棄了正义 。[ 3] [ 4] 弗雷澤获得了3国4所大学的荣誉博士学位 ,并获得2010年美国哲学协会 阿爾弗雷德·舒茨獎 。[ 5] 2017至2018年,弗雷澤出任美国哲学协会的东部分会主席。
1969年,弗雷澤在布林莫尔 取得哲学学士 。1980年,在紐約市立大學研究所取得哲学博士 。她先在西北大学 任教。1995年,转任新学校大學。 弗雷澤曾在德国 、法国 、西班牙 和荷兰 的大学担任客座教授。弗雷澤还是国际批评民主理论期刊Constellations 的前合作编辑,仍是编辑委员会的积极成员。[ 6] [ 2] 弗雷澤曾獲邀前往斯坦福大学 發表講座,及在阿姆斯特丹大学 的史賓諾沙講座。[ 7]
弗雷澤主要以正义 議題的的著作而闻名。弗雷澤认为,正义可以通过两种独立但相互关联的方式来理解:在资源的更公平分配方面,為分配正义 (英語:distributive justice );在承认社会身份和群体之间的差异方面,為承认正义(英語:recognition justice )。 [ 8] 不公正,則有两种相应的形式:分配不公和错误识别。 [ 7]
從弗雷澤觀點來看,1960年代和1970年代的社会正義运动,都尋求种族 、性别 、性取向 或民族 的承认,而对纠正错误識別的关注,掩盖了挑战分配不公 的重要性。[ 9] 换句话说,弗雷澤断言,过多关注身份政治 会转移人们注意力,進而忽視新自由资本主义有害影响 ,與社会日益严重的财富不平等 。 [ 10]
在最近的著作中,弗雷澤更进一步連結了身份政治 的狭隘与贫富差距的扩大 。特别是,弗雷澤称自由女性主义 为资本主义的“女傭”。[ 3] 弗雷澤在回顾桑德伯格 2013年的《挺身而進》(Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead ),批評道婦女解放必須挑戰資本主義社會中性別結構,而不能僅是讓少部分女性取得特權地位。[ 4]
2022年3月,弗雷澤与151名国际女性主义者共同签署了《女權反战宣言》(Feminist Resistance Against War: A Manifesto, ),声援俄乌戰爭 中俄罗斯女性主义者发起的女权反战运动 。 [ 11]
Fraser, Nancy. Justice interruptus: critical reflections on the "postsocialist" condition . New York: Routledge. 1997. ISBN 9780415917940 .
Fraser, Nancy; Honneth, Axel . Redistribution or recognition?: A political-philosophical exchange . London New York: Verso. 2003. ISBN 9781859844922 .
Fraser, Nancy. Scales of justice: reimagining political space in a globalizing world. New York: Columbia University Press. 2009. ISBN 9780231519625 .
Fraser, Nancy. Fortunes of feminism: from state-managed capitalism to neoliberal crisis. Brooklyn, New York: Verso Books. 2013. ISBN 9781844679850 .
Fraser, Nancy; et al. Nash, Kate , 编. Transnationalizing the Public Sphere. Cambridge, UK. July 8, 2014. ISBN 978-0-7456-5058-6 . LCCN 2020275243 . OCLC 815364610 . OL 26861781M .
Fraser, Nancy; Boltanski, Luc ; Corcuff, Philippe . Domination et émancipation, pour un renouveau de la critique sociale. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon. 2014. ISBN 9782729708863 (法语) .
Arruzza, Cinzia; Bhattacharya, Tithi; Fraser, Nancy. Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto. Verso. 2019. ISBN 9781788734424 .
Fraser, Nancy. The Old is Dying and the New Cannot be Born . Verso Books. 2019. ISBN 9781788732727 .
Fraser, Nancy. Cannibal Capitalism. Verso Books. 2022. ISBN 9781839761232 .
^ Fraser, Nancy (1989), "Foucault on Modern Power: Empirical Insights and Normative Confusions" in N. Fraser, Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
^ 2.0 2.1 Jadžić, Miloš & Miljković, Dušan & Veselinović, Ana (eds.). (2012). Kriza, odgovori, levica: Prilozi za jedan kritički diskurs , Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeastern Europe: Belgrade , p. 239 (in Serbian )
^ 3.0 3.1 Fraser, Nancy. How feminism became capitalism's handmaiden - and how to reclaim it . The Guardian. 2013-10-14 [2020-03-07 ] . ISSN 0261-3077 . (原始内容存档 于2020-02-12) (英国英语) .
^ 4.0 4.1 Gutting, Gary; Fraser, Nancy. A Feminism Where 'Lean In' Means Leaning On Others . Opinionator. 2015-10-15 [2020-03-07 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-10-15) (美国英语) .
^ Nancy Fraser | profile . www.newschool.edu. [2020-03-07 ] . (原始内容存档 于2017-05-26).
^ Constellations - Editorial Board . Wiley Online Library. [2020-03-07 ] . doi:10.1111/(ISSN)1467-8675 . (原始内容存档 于2019-09-26) (英语) .
^ 7.0 7.1 Fraser, Nancy; Dahl, Hanne Marlene; Stoltz, Pauline; Willig, Rasmus. Recognition, Redistribution and Representation in Capitalist Global Society: An Interview with Nancy Fraser (PDF) . Acta Sociologica. 2004, 47 (4): 374–382. JSTOR 4195051 . S2CID 62881260 . doi:10.1177/0001699304048671 . (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2020-03-07).
^ Fraser, Nancy. Nancy Fraser, Rethinking Recognition, NLR 3, May–June 2000 . New Left Review. June 2000, (3): 107–120 [2020-03-07 ] . (原始内容存档 于2019-05-25) (英语) .
^ Eds. Interview with Nancy Fraser: Justice as Redistribution, Recognition and Representation . MR Online. 2009-05-16 [2020-03-07 ] . (原始内容存档 于2017-08-21) (美国英语) .
^ The battle for neoliberal hegemony: an interview with Nancy Fraser . openDemocracy. 19 January 2016 [2020-03-07 ] . (原始内容存档 于2019-04-21).
^ Feminist Resistance Against War: A Manifesto . Specter Journal. 17 March 2022 [31 March 2022] . (原始内容存档 于2022-03-17).
Chhachhi, Amrita. Nancy Fraser. Development and Change (Wiley ). January 2011, 42 (1): 297–314. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7660.2011.01691.x .
Littler, Jo. The fortunes of socialist feminism: Jo Littler interviews Nancy Fraser . Soundings (Lawrence and Wishart ). Winter 2015, 58 : 54–64 [March 3, 2015] . doi:10.3898/136266215814379664 . (原始内容 存档于October 20, 2020). Pdf. 互联网档案馆 的存檔 ,存档日期October 20, 2020,.
Schwartz, Madeline. Kicking Back, Not Leaning In . Dissent Magazine . Summer 2013 [2024-03-31 ] . (原始内容存档 于2023-05-11). (Review of Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis .)
Berger, Silvia, América Latina, la crisis y el feminismo. Pensando junto con Nancy Fraser, Girón, Alicia (编), Crisis económica: una perspectiva feminista desde América Latina [Economic crisis: a feminist perspective from Latin America], Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO: 113–136, 2010, ISBN 9789801241546 (西班牙语) . Pdf (in Spanish). (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )
Essay "Rethinking Recognition" (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ), New Left Review 3, May–June 2000.
Essay "On Justice: Lessons from Plato, Rawls and Ishiguro" (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ), New Left Review 74, March–April 2012.
Essay "Transnationalizing the Public Sphere" (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ), March 2005.
"The New School For Social Research"
Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ), lecture by Nancy Fraser (video, 55:33 min.), French Sociology Association Congress, Paris, April 17, 2009.
Interview with Nancy Fraser: Justice as Redistribution, Recognition and Representation , in Barcelona Metropolis, March 2009.
Interview with Nancy Fraser: Global Justice and the Renewal of Critical Theory
Critical Governance Conference - Prof Nancy Fraser Interview (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ), University of Warwick, 2011
A 2019 Theorypleeb interview series focusing on Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )