1952年英國經濟學人發表了有關“不稳定的三角關係”的一系列文章,描述了“穩定價格、全民就業和..不受限制的工資協商間的三角不相容關係”。這系列文章的背景,是在於表達當權者面對兩項神聖不可侵犯的政治立場,即保障就業與勞工權利時,平衡外在因素(成本與需求引起的價格波動)的困難。在幾乎全民就業的當時,工人集體行動引發的通漲令英鎊的價值受壓向下,而疲軟的貨幣則促使政府發起一系列擾亂經濟及政治的鐘擺政策(引起通縮然後再通漲)[12]。凱因斯在其經濟論述中亦預期在不犧牲人民自由與其所包含的勞工權利的情況下,強行穩定價格及就業會引起嚴重問題。[13]林布隆(英语:Charles E. Lindblom)在1949年的著作《工會及資本主義》亦詳盡地描述了這項不相容性。[14]
^Mark Joseph Larrimore, The Problem of Evil: a reader, Blackwell (2001), page xx.
^Davis, Steven T. Was Jesus Mad, Bad or God?. Michael C. Rea (编). Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology. Volume 1: Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement. Oxford University Press. 2009: 166.
^Lewis, C.S. Chapter 3: The Shocking Alternative. Mere Christianity. London: Collins. 1952: 54–56.
^Davis, Stephen T.; Kendall, Daniel; O'Collins, Gerald. Was Jesus Mad, Bad, or God?. The Incarnation: an interdisciplinary symposium on the Incarnation of the Son of God. Oxford University Press. 2004: 222–3.
^Hick, John. The Metaphor of God Incarnate. : 27. A further point of broad agreement among New Testament scholars ... is that the historical Jesus did not make the claim to deity that later Christian thought was to make for him: he did not understand himself to be God, or God the Son, incarnate. ... such evidence as there is has led the historians of the period to conclude, with an impressive degree of unanimity, that Jesus did not claim to be God incarnate.
^Mill, John Stuart. Chapter II: Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion. On Liberty 4th. London: Longman, Roberts & Green. 1869 [1859] [10 September 2014]. ISBN 1-58734-034-8. (原始内容存档于2014-10-05). (§1).. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. ..(§34).. But there is a commoner case than either of these; when the conflicting doctrines, instead of being one true and the other false, share the truth between them; and the nonconforming opinion is needed to supply the remainder of the truth, of which the received doctrine embodies only a part.
^Editorial, "The Uneasy Triangle," The Economist, August 9, 16, and 23, 1952.
^John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money(London: Macmillan, 1936), 267; "The Objective of International Price Stability," Economic Journal(June–September, 1943).
^Charles E. Lindblom, Unions and Capitalism(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949).