By you this universe is borne,
By you this world is created,
Oh Devi, by you it is protected.[11]
Сездән Галәм туган,
Сез бу дөньяны барлыкка китерүче,
Я Дэви, Сез аны саклап торасыз.
From Shaktisangama Tantra:
Woman is the creator of the universe,
the universe is her form;
woman is the foundation of the world,
she is the true form of the body.
In woman is the form of all things,
of all that lives and moves in the world.
There is no jewel rarer than woman,
no condition superior to that of a woman.[чыганагы?]
↑Yogi Bhajan as quoted in the Conscious Pregnancy Yoga Teacher's Manual by Tarn Tarn Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico p. 79
↑Yogi Bhajan as quoted in the Conscious Pregnancy Yoga Teacher's Manual by Tarn Tarn Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico
Өстәмә укырга мөмкин
Shakti and Shakta, by John Woodroffe, Published by Forgotten Books, 1910. [[Махсус:Китап чыганаклары/[[[{{{lc}}}|просмотр]]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=edit}} править]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=history}} история]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=watch}} следить]] [обновить]|ISBN 1-60620-145-X]].
Hymns to the Goddess, Translated by John George Woodroffe, Ellen Elizabeth (Grimson) Woodroffe, Published by Forgotten Books, 1952 (org 1913). [[Махсус:Китап чыганаклары/[[[{{{lc}}}|просмотр]]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=edit}} править]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=history}} история]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=watch}} следить]] [обновить]|ISBN 1-60620-146-8]].
Hymn to Kali: Karpuradi Stotra, by Sir John Woodroffe. Published by Forgotten Books. 1922. [[Махсус:Китап чыганаклары/[[[{{{lc}}}|просмотр]]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=edit}} править]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=history}} история]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=watch}} следить]] [обновить]|ISBN 1-60620-147-6]].
McDaniel, June (2004). Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls: Popular Goddess Worship in West Bengal. New York: Oxford University Press.
Feuerstein, Georg. The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga, Shambhala Publications, Boston, 2000
Shaw, Miranda. Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1994
Tiwari, Bri. Maya. The Path of Practice: A Woman's Book of Ayurvedic Healing, Motilal Banarsidass Press, 2002
Shakti: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Women’s Empowerment in India/edited by Ranjana Harish and V. Bharathi Harishankar. New Delhi, Rawat, 2003, [[Махсус:Китап чыганаклары/[[[{{{lc}}}|просмотр]]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=edit}} править]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=history}} история]] [[{{fullurl:{{{lc}}}|action=watch}} следить]] [обновить]|ISBN 81-7033-793-3]].