ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study: 1). To find out the consideration of farmers to adopting irradiated rice seeds. 2). To find out the production and benefits of rice farmers who use irradiated seeds. 3). To analyze differences in the level of production and profits of farmers who use irradiated seeds. 4). To analyze what factors influence the decision of farmers to use irradiated seeds. This study uses primary and secondary data types. Primary data collection techniques were obtained through interviews with respondents. The analysis used is descriptive analysis, different test and logit regression. The results of this study are: 1). The consideration in adopting irradiated rice seeds from the knowledge side of the respondents stated that 86,7% of respondents knew very well about the seeds produced by iriadiasi, on the respondents attitude towards the seeds produced by iriadiasi showed that 60% of respondents responded very well, then from the availability of 60% seeds stated that the rice seeds produced by iriadiasi were very available, while for purchasing power 93% stated that the purchasing power was quite high in using seeds produced by BATAN iriadiation. 2) Production and profits of farmers who use seeds are higher than non-average, with an average production of 3.184 kg and a profit of Rp. 13.040.006 per hectare, while the average production of non-best varieties is 2,752 kg with a profit of Rp. 9.550.654 per hectare. 3). Significantly the average production of farmers who use the best seeds is significantly different than the average non-best varieties. The average profit of farmers who use bestari varieties is significantly different compared to non bestari. 4). The attitudes and availability of seeds significantly influence the decision of farmers in adopting irradiated varieties (Bestari).ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini : 1). Untuk mengetahui pertimbangan petani mengadopsi benih padi hasil iradiasi. 2). Untuk mengetahui produksi dan keuntungan petani padi yang menggunakan benih hasil iradiasi. 3). Untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat produksi dan keuntungan petani yang menggunakan benih hasil iradiasi. 4). Untuk menganalisis Faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi keputusan petani menggunakan benih hasil iradiasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data primer diperoleh melalui Wawancara dengan responden. Analisis yang digunakan yakni analisis deskriptif, uji beda dan regresi logit. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni: 1). Pertimbangan dalam mengadopsi benih padi hasil iradiasi dari sisi pengetahuan responden menyatakan bahwa 86,7% responden sangat tahu akan benih hasil iriadiasi, pada sisi sikap responden terhadap benih hasil iriadiasi menunjukkan bahwa 60% responden merespon dengan sangat baik, selanjutnya dari sisi ketersedian benih 60% menyatakan bahwa benih padi hasil iriadiasi sangat tersedia, sementar itu untuk daya beli 93% menyatakan daya beli cukup tinggi dalam menggunakan benih hasil iriadiasi BATAN. 2). Produksi dan keuntungan petani yang menggunakan benih bestari lebih tinggi dibandingkan non bestari rata-rata produksi bestari 3.184 kg dan keuntungan Rp. 13.040.006 per hektar, sedangakan rata-rata produksi varietas non bestari 2.752 kg dengan keuntungan Rp. 9.550.654 per hektar. 3). Secara signifikan rata-rata produksi petani yang menggunakan benih bestari berbeda nyata dibandingkan rata-rata varietas non bestari. Rata-rata keuntungan petani yang menggunakan varietas bestari berbeda nyata dibandingkan non bestari. 4). Sikap dan ketersedian benih berpengaruh nyata terhadap keputusan petani dalam mengadopsi varietas hasil iradiasi (Bestari).Â
Published by | Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang |
Journal Name | Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis |
Contact Phone | - |
Contact Name | Innike Abdillah Fahmi |
Contact Email | fahmi.innike@gmail.com |
Location | Kota palembang, Sumatera selatan INDONESIA |
Website | societa| http://jurnal.um-palembang.ac.id/index.php/societa| |
ISSN | ISSN : 23014180, EISSN : 25498509, DOI : -, |
Core Subject | Economy, Agriculture, Social, |
Meta Subject | Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry, Economics, Econometrics & Finance, Social Sciences, |
Meta Desc | Societa is the journal that published by Agricultural Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Palembang, since 2016. This journal reguraly publish every June and December with registrated number ISSN 2301-4180 (print) and ISSN 2549-8509 (online). |
Penulis | Andry, Andry |
Publisher Article | Muhammadiyah University of Palembang |
Subtitle Article | Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Societa: Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis |
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