Arteriogenesis and angiogenesis contribute both to  the damage and repair in hemorrhagic stroke. Understanding and unraveling the fundamental and mechanisms of these processes should facilitate the development of treatment strategies to improve outcome after stroke. This article describes briefly the basic principles of arteriogenesis and angiogenesis completed with some key molecular players, followed by aperspective of the author on how to use those neovascularization to benefit repair and recovery processes in post-hemorrhagic stroke. Key Words : arteriogenesis, angiogenesis, hemorrha…

Daun Moringa oleifera mengandung zat-zat bioaktif yang memperbaiki dan merangsang sel ? pankreas untuk mensekresi insulin yang mengatur kadar gula darah. Kelangsungan hidup dan fungsi sel ? pankreas memerlukan matriks ekstraseluler (ECM) yaitu fibronektin, laminin dan kolagen. Apakah kadar gula dan kolagen ECM yang mungkin terpengaruh streptozotocin yang merusak sel ? pankreas diteliti pada diabetes eksperimental yang diberi perlakukan  M.oleifera. Studi ini menggunakan 24 tikus. Kadar gula darah diukur sebelum dan sesudah induksi streptozotocin 2 hari yang berdampak hiperglikemi, sesudah itu…

Penerapan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit (SIM RS) berbasis komputer semakin menjadi tuntutan, namun implementasinya memerlukan upaya lebih dari sekedar pengembangan SIM RS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat pelaksanaan SIM RS di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Blambangan Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang telah mengembangkan SIM RS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan wawancara dan observasi sebagai petode pengambilan data pada periode September hingga Oktober 2014. Analisis akar masalah menggunakan fishbone melalui brainstorming, kemudian disepakati akar ma…

Berbeda dengan tumor dari unsur epitelial duktuli dan kelenjar payudara, penelitian tentang peranan hormonal pada tumor filodes masih menunjukkan hasil yang inkonsisten, sehingga patogenesis dan penatalaksanaan tumor ini dalam jalur hormonal masih kontroversi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara imunoekspresi faktor hormonal yaitu Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ER-?), Estrogen Receptor Beta (ER-?) dan Progesteron Receptor (PR) dengan gradasi tumor filodes payudara. Dilakukan penilaian histologi dan imunoekspresi pada parafin blok jaringan tumor filodes payudara di Laboratorium …

Sistem imun mempunyai peranan penting dalam membatasi pengaruh dari infeksi-infeksi primer oleh kelompok virus herpes dan dalam memaksa infeksi tersebut ke dalam laten. Walaupun imunitas pejamu tidak dapat mencegah reaktivasi, namun berperan penting dalam pengendalian peristriwa infeksi tersebut secara cepat. Karena itu pada penderita-penderita imunokompromis sering terjadi infeksi oleh kelompok virus herpes dengan derajat klinis yang parah. Hilangnya fungsi imunitas sekuler menyebabkan reaktivasi dari virus laten dan menyebabkan terjadinya penyakit. Tujuan utama dari respon pejamu ialah untuk…

ABSTRAKSusu mempunyai kandungan yang berperan sebagai imunomodulator respon imun seluler dan humoral yang melindungi tubuh dari infeksi bakteri pathogen intrasel Salmonella Thyphimurium melalui peningkatan aktifitas fagositosi dan mekanisme mikrobiosida makrofag. Studi dilakukan untuk membuktikan efek susu kuda Sumbawa terhadap peningkatan respon imun seluler yang di amati dari indeks aktifitas fagositosi, sekresi Reactive Oxygen Intermediates (ROI) dan aktivitas mikrobiosida dari sel makrofag tikus yang diinduksi dengan S. Thyphimurium dengan desain posttest-only control group.…

Preeclampsia is a specific disturbance of human pregnancy, that diagnosed by the onset of hypertension and proteinuria in the third trimester. It occurs more in developing countries, due to the fact that developed countries have better prenatal care. The objective of this study was to assess the difference effectiveness of preventing preeclampsiaand giving vitamin E 100 iu and aspirin 81 mg. This study used prospective with single randomaised clinical trial. The place of this study is on Maternity care unit of RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang from October 2000 to October 2001. Fourty s…

Pemberian  transfusi  darah  kronik  pada  penderita  thalassemia  dapat   menyebabkan  kelebihan  kadar  besi.  Kelebihan  kadar besi  bebas  dalam  tubuh  akan  memacu  timbulnya  oksidan  berupa  reactive  oxygen  species   (ROS)  yang  diukur  dalam  bentuk malondialdehide  (MDA).  Peningkatan  produksi  ROS  dapat  menyebabkan  kerusakan  membran  sel  yang  mengandung senyawa lipid    termasuk eritrosit. T ujuan penelitian ini  adalah untuk menilai hub…

Menurunkan kadar LDL merupakan salah satu fokus utama dalam terapi Diabetes Melitus untuk menurunkan risiko kematian. Brokoli (Brassica oleracea Var. Italica) kaya akan vitamin dan mineral telah digunakan sebagai terapi diet bagi penderita Diabetes Melitus, terutama untuk menurunkan kadar LDL. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus brokoli terhadap penurunan kadar LDL pada tikus putih model Diabetes Melitus (DM) dengan induksi STZ. Metode yang digunakan adalah experiment laboratory dengan rancangan post test only. Sampel dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dengan 4 ekor tiap kel…

Pasir Putih Beach located in Lamreh Village is a unique and distinctive tourist attraction which differs from the beaches in other regions. The existence of this beach has not been balanced with the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, to provide comfort and activity for tourists. The physical potential found on Pasir Putih Beach is the unique white sand with treesgrowing in the water, calm waves, existing local traditional fishing boat bases, photogenic spots, places which often used as camping sites and barbecues, it is far from the city noise, and close to other tourist o…

Asphalt and Aggregate is the main ingredient of the asphalt concrete layer which determines the quality of asphalt pavement. One of the main cause of the damage and decrease of asphalt pavement strength on the road is the low strength and durability of the asphalt mixture. . But in the other side the utilization of local materials is expected to be used maximally to improve efficiency in terms of financing, especially for island area such as Sabang city of Aceh Province. Importing material from Ace Besar district is need a big cost. In solving this problem therefore it is necessary to maximize…

The pedestrian path is one of the important elements in urban areas. This path is for pedestrian mobility. Accessibility of this path is largely determined by track conditions. This pedestrian path must meet the physical criteria in terms of facilities and infrastructures. The existence of pedestrian path in Peunayong area, which is one of the central business, trade and service center and heritage area, is still not equipped with facilities and infrastructures in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Ministry of Public Works. In addition, the crowded activities in this region…

The construction project has a target of either completion time or cost, as well as road construction projects. Projects that are delayed due to rework are at risk both to the owner and beneficiary if the project is a means and infrastructure used by the community. Rework greatly affects the performance and productivity of workers in the field. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine what dominant factors that cause the occurrence of rework and know the work that often the occurrence of rework. The research method is descriptive with quantitative technique. Samples were taken from…

The Pandrah Irrigation Area is a technical irrigation network whose water source comes from the Krueng Pandrah river. Pandrah Weir was built in 1987 located in Samagadeng Village, Pandrah District, Bireuen Regency. It has an area of 1,203 hectares of irrigated rice fields. In its development, the damage that occurs in the Pandrah irrigation area also cannot be ignored. It is necessary to review it by assessing the performance of the irrigation system. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance index of the Pandrah irrigation system using the MASSCOTE (Mapping System and Service…

Kecamatan Kuta Alam mempunyai luas wilayah  10,05 Km2  dengan tinggi rata-rata 0,80 meter diatas permukaan laut. Lokasi bukit yang cukup jauh dari pinggir pantai (±10 Km), dengan jumlah penduduk 42.217 jiwa dan kepadatan penduduk 4200.70 jiwa/km², hal ini menimbulkan masalah yang serius bila mana bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami melanda, yaitu pada saat warga berusaha menyelamatkan diri ke bukit atau dataran tinggi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi jalan Gampong Lampulo, Gampong Mulia dan Lamdingin, yang digunakan sebagai jalur evakuasi, mengetahui persepsi m…

In general, within a household, almost every day do several Activities or movements. Going to work is an activity that most frequently performed within households. The activity can support or meet the needs of the household life. In this study, worker trip generation is modeled based on the aggregation of household's income level. Firstly, household income is divided into two categories namely low income (≤ IDR 5 million) and high income (greater than IDR 5 million). This study aims to formulate the differences in utility faction, the trip probability, and factors that influencing work t…

The housing complex in Banda Aceh City has been built up and spread to the suburbs. The condition of one housing with other housing is different. This study aims to identify consumer decision factors in choosing housing location, and identify dominant consumer decision factors in choosing housing locations in Banda Aceh City. Respondents in this study were residents entering the city of Banda Aceh. The number of samples in this study was set at 150 people. The sampling technique used was proportionate stratified random sampling. The factors evaluated are accessibility factors, completeness of …

The Government of Aceh through the Department of Transportation develop the transportation system, especially in the means of transportation one of them improve the urban transport system with the mass transit system that is Trans Koetaradja of 6 (six) corridors. Trans Koetaradja transportation is carefully planned so that it has the same direction and destination point and is bound to a predetermined schedule by using transportation cost concept which regulates fare setting so as to provide services for mutual interest, safe, fast, convenient and cheap. This research is conducted to determine…

Nagan Raya District Government undertook the construction of roads, including the Poros Utama Road of Kuala Subdistrict. At the time of rain, in certain locations are still formed puddles above the surface of the asphalt. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the efficiency and duration of draining flow through the inlet on the road. The data required are the type, distance and dimensions of the existing inlet and the location map, the maximum daily annual rainfall data, cross and longitudinal sectional drawing. Calculations start by calculating the design flow of rainfall data processing. Fu…

Abstract This application of history lecturing model  based on performance concept was meant to raise  the quality of the learning process and the students’ achievement. To achieve that objective the lecturing model use the students oriented approach and multi-methods, consisting of: forum-lecturing, group task and work, discussion and seminar. The result of the research  showed that the students’ achievement were high in formative as well as summative evaluation. There was no student got grade of E (0%). Grade D were only 7.2%, grade of C was only 38.2 %, grade B was 38…