Sistem perpipaan adalah suatu sistem yang komplek, pada saat perancangannya banyak aspek-aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dan dipertimbangkan sehingga diperoleh suatu rancangan sistem perpipaan yang baik dan efisien. Dalam Skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai analisis tegangan sistem perpipaan di proyek x  pada line no 0C27LBA01-14?-AD20 BR001, 0C27LBA01-14?-AA20 BR005 dan 0CSGLBA01-18?-AA20 BR001 yang mana fluida yang mengalir pada pipa mengalami fluktuasi pada pressure dan temperatur setiap harinya dan diperlukan analisis perhitungan tegangannya untuk memastikan jalur pipa yang telah terpasang da…

HVAC system ( Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning ) is a system that serves to organize temperatures and humidity the air on a room , that feels comfortable condition. In redesigned system HVAC to 8 floors office buildings , by using CLTD method ( cooling load temperature difference ), where the state of temperature design at 73,4 and 50% moisture. Existing cooling load 8.880.000 BTU/hr and air supply existing of 264.180 CFM. Redesigned calculation of cooling load is 11.626.701 BTU/hr ,where there is increased by 30.9 %, and obtained needs air supply of 343.456,73 CFM and increased by 30 …

One application is the refrigeration system to cool freshness of the fish so that the fish can survive longer. An engine coolant is used to store and cool fish called cold storage. While the special machine used to freeze fish quickly (1-2 hours) is called Air Blast Freezer (ABF). The purpose of freezing the fish in the ABF is to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that exist in fish that could not breed, then the fish is stored and further chill in cold storage. Cold storage and ABF is in Cirebon spend huge electricity costs when the number of fish average - average stored in cold storage is…

This study aims to determine the quality of products in CV. Cavra Perkasa and to reduce product defects in CV. Garva Perkasa at the time of production. CV. Gavra Perkasa is a company engaged in the industry of building goods made of wood. The products produced are wood flooring, woodwork for building materials (E4E / E2E), handrails, staircases (turning), door frames, and floors with decking. There are seven main quality control tools that can be used as a tool to control quality, among others: check sheet, histogram, control chart, pareto diagram, causal diagram, scatter diagram and various p…

Metode pengukuran beban kerja mental meliputi metode objektif dan subyektif. Metode pengukuran beban kerja mental secara subyektif yang banyak diaplikasikan di Indonesia adalah NASA TLX (Task Load Index). NASA TLX adalah pengukuran subyektif yang bersifat multidimensional (multidimensional scalling) yang relative membutuhkan waktu dalam aplikasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur beban kerja mental tenaga medis, dalam hal ini mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta  pada proses injeksi dengan menggunakan metode pengukuran NASA TLX. Dengan diketahui beban kerja mental …

Radiator is one of heat exchanger applications that has a function to remove out of heat must be able to operate properly forallowed engine temperature limit. Vehicles that operate on the street usually driving with varying rpm so that the heat produced by the combustion process is not constant and then this study analyze the performance of radiators as a function of time (transient condition). Tests is done on the condition of operating the engine with five rpm variations, each for one hour with air conditioning load and without air-conditioning load. Thedata to be collected includ the inlet …

Garbage is a part that can not be separated from human life, garbage is an item that is wasted or discarded, and is often regarded as something that is not useful. Garbage is also a major problem, especially in big cities. Trash negative impact on the environment, because the waste can lead to environmental pollution, disruption of cleanliness, safety and health. The objectives of this study were (1) identify the state of the art paradigm of organic waste by burning, (2) designing the incinerator simple as one alternative to appropriate technology and is equipped with a system of utilization o…

Needs installation of cathodic protection to prevent corrosion of the ship in the sea water medium is a must so that the ships can be used as long as possible, but the effectiveness is very limited lifespan sacrificial anode that time should be right on time. For the replacement timing becomes important to do, hull plate is first exposed areas of sea water. In this area of the hull bottom water or top area of water exposed to corrosion range. Corrosion of hull plates can lead to decline in strength and service life of ships, reducing the ship's speed and reduce safety and security of cargo and…

The ships construction system must be hold against the inside force of ship although the outside force of ship. The inside force of ship come from the the force of ships lightweight components, and the force ships deadweight components. While the outside force of ship come from the sea water wave and the air flow against the ships hull when the ship is sailing. The influence factors of design load of ships construction calculation such as: the kind of ship, the load force against the ships hull, the length area of ship likes after peak, middle, and fore peak, the area of sea water, the compari…

Country of Kopah represent one of the country exist in region district of Kuantan Tengah of Sub-Province Kuantan Singingi which consist of 5 countryside that is countryside of Kototuo, countryside of Kopah, countryside of Jaya and countryside of Munsaloh. Role of my me custom, peripheral of countryside, and prominent other society like BPD representing country elitee of Kopah very is influencing decision of resident in taking choice. This matter can be seen from result of legislative general election and election of regional leader and proxy regional leader in country of Kopah district of Telu…

Success or failure of an organization partly determined by the quality of its leaders who have senteral function in their duties especially in the area of leadership that has customs that are still thick. Leadership in the philosophy of traditional customs have tigo sajarangan Furnace (Tali Tigo Sapilin) that must be adhered to by every leader in kenagarian, not all leaders can menjalannkannya. Muslim father Datuk Payung Diaceh received recognition from the community and demonstrated with the award for best national villages in 2011. This study used a qualitative method that seeks to provide a…

This research was made to explain about effort of Indonesian Diplomacy to improve the foreign investments in Batam City, the program is Diplomatic Tour at September, 7-9 September, 2012. Diplomatic Tour is a program of the Indonesia Foreign Ministry who promoted potential in some region in Indonesia to introduce up the world.The word of Diplomacy is from Ancient Greek Language, “Diploma”. The writer used Neoliberalism Theory. Theory of Location, and FDI consepth. Riau Island Province is a second foreign tourist gateway in Indonesia. The Province had two cities, they are Batam and T…

Mutation is generally a transfer of employees from one activity to another agency institutions with the aim to improve the efficient and effective operation of the organization concerned . The basic foundation of the process of mutation has been stated in Government Regulation No. 63 Year 2009 on the Authority Appointment , Removal , and Termination of Civil Servants . And the decision of the Civil Service Agency No. 70 / KEP / 2003 on the Delegation of Authority Head of Regional Office for State Personnel Board and the Agreement Establishing the Decree on Civil Service Civil Movements .Activi…

NENDRA ILYADI, 1001120291. Execution of Tasks in a Village Head Village Development Districts Sebadai Upstream Bunguran Northeast District Natuna. guided by Dra. Ernawati. M. Si.Village head as formal leaders in village governance plays an important role in determining the successful implementation of development, especially at the village level. Execution of tasks in rural development can not be separated from the village chief leader figure. Strategic position as an element owned by the village chief in village administration leader who is the central point and the dynamic factor or that emb…

Bono attractions located in the district of Teluk Meranti Located in kampar peninsula Pelalawan. For businesses that need to be planned and serious develoment of government and agencies Pelalawan BUDPAPORA Pelalawan. Sucessful development of tourism potetial is determined by the maturity and seriousness of the government in carrying out duties and fuctions.Reseacrh by the author will eventually reveal the constraints of attraction development process Bono performed by BUPAPORA service that has been running but not much progress in providing attractions Bono who was appointed as an icon Pelalaw…

The communication system of leadership is the issues that occur in The Society’s Empowerment and Governance Countryside Pelalawan District office in order to increasing performance of employees. The purpose of this research is to find out how do the communication system of leadership in increasing performace of employees of the Society’s Empowerment and Governance Countryside Pelalawan District, then to find out media that are used in increasing performance of employees.This research used qualitative descriptive method by using purposive sampling. The informant is selected based …

LSMI Al Madani is an institution that stood at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riau engaged in the field Islamic spirituality, activities organized by Al Madani LSMI aimed at achieving campus society in accordance with the Civil FISIP the mission they uphold. Al Madani established in 1999. It’s always have a resons for something, including for join to a particular group, each person have their own reason, and that reason is called with motivation, someone would be interested in Al Madani if motivated or be motivated by something or someone. To analyze the dat…

Family is supposed to be a refuge for the whole family. However, in many households in the range of activity it became a place of suffering and torture as an act of violence. Integrated Service Center for Women and Children (P2TP2A) Riau Province as agencies that deal with cases of domestic violence (domestic violence) in general, the effectiveness of its performance is not maximized. The presence of constraints such as human resources are not adequate, facilities and infrastructure that have not been supportive, cooperation with relevant agencies that still needs to be improved. The problem i…

The research present describe the golput in Governor and Vice of Governor election in Baturijal Hulu Village Riau Province in 2013. Phenomenon of golput nowdays have influence in election of chief District Riau Province. Like phenomenon of golput in Baturijal Hulu Village with 1.266 electors, but only 331 electors that use election right with percentace golput arround 72%. It is influence with participation of society to vote of Governor and vice of Governor.The research use the methode are qualitative methodes that analyze problem research by describe the subject and object conditions based o…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Kredit Bermasalah, Porsi Kredit, Tingkat Efisien dan Kemampuan Modal terhadap Profitabilitas. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh BPR di Sumatera Barat yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan tahun 2013-2016. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan metode analisis regresi data panel dengan estimasi Fixed Effect (FEM) dan Random Effect (REM).Pemilihan model menggunakan Uji Hausman. Hasil Uji Hausman merekomendasikanpenelitian ini menggunakan output estimasi Fixed Effect untuk pengujian hip…